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Online Exhibition

Cat Mazza

born 1977, Washington, DC; lives and works in Massachusetts Electroknit Dymaxion, 2019 machine-knitted cotton on wood panels, and documentary material
Courtesy of the artist

Cat Mazza combines digital media with needlecraft to explore relationships between textiles, technology, and labor. Textile motifs created with a grid are a global phenomenon. For this project, Mazza worked with the Lattice20 Collective (Nia Duong, Maria Gonzalez, Anthony Pierre Jr., Erica Imoisi, and Remy Hunter) to research grid-based designs found in various archives accessible to the Boston-based group. They converted the designs into knitting patterns using an open-source computer application and formatted the interior of a 20-sided structure based on Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Map, both to conjure the patterns’ circulation and geographic origins and to probe the relation of craft and technology in contemporary textile production.

Learn more about this work…

Cat Mazza and the Lattice20 Collective artist Remy Hunter created a that provides an extraordinary way to experience the interior of this sculpture and its connections to the Dymaxion Map and source textile patterns. To view, click the ‘play’ arrow on the top right to watch the sculpture in motion or pause to see different views of the sculpture manually by moving the cursor around to different interior views. Click the ‘ i ’ markers throughout to see the grid textile patterns as well as how a particular section corresponds to an area of the Dymaxion Map.


A behind-the-scenes look into how Cat Mazza and the Lattice20 Collective created Electroknit Dymaxion in this video shows the research and design processes, machine knitting and construction of the sculpture, and installation of the work at Boston’s Harbor Walk in 2019.


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Exhbition co-curators Bibiana Obler and Phyllis Rosenzweig speak about Cat Mazza’s Electroknit Dymaxion in this video.


Visit the artists’ websites for more information about ’s wider artistic work on textiles and digital media and members of the work on Electroknit Dymaxion.