
Researching the Sustainable Synthesis of Chemicals

By Patrick Clark ‘26​
Learning new lab techniques through the pursuit of research
Patrick poses in the laboratory.

The Hermans Group aims to engineer more sustainable methods of chemical reactions. My research focused on the developing a membrane reactor for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene

My research project had three goals:

  • Development of prototype membrane-reactor
  • Assess variation in membrane parameters
  • Development of catalytic material

I love working with a bunch of graduate students and the UW Madison Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Chemistry and Chemical and Biological Engineering. I gained a lot of experiencing learning new lab techniques from experienced graduate students. During my time with REU I learned a lot from a variety of lectures and fairs from staff and other faculty about their research and how to thrive in graduate school. My research experience solidified my passion of pursuing research.

Internship funded by the Peter Buck Internship Fund​.