
Swapping Registrations

Class/lab swapping happens during Add/Drop I, Incoming Student Add/Drop, and Add/Drop II
  • Open and find the 5-digit CRN (course registration number) for the new lab/course
    • All courses require instructor permission in add/drop rounds of registration and BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, EOS, HISP, PHYS, and PSYC also require students to obtain instructor permission for the lab
    • Students should email the course and lab instructors directly to request the permission
    • Permissions and overrides are available under "Prepare for Registration" in Polaris 
  • Log into and select "Register" in the left-hand menu
    • Select "Prepare for Registration" to check permissions and overrides
  • Select "Register for Classes" when ready to make the swap
  • Choose the registration term from the drop-down list on the next page

prepare or registerselect term

  • Go to the "Enter CRNs" tab
  • Type the 5-digit CRN of the new lab/course and click "Add to Summary"
    • In the "Summary" section at the bottom right of the screen, the new lab/course will have a status of "Pending;" do not hit submit until you complete the next step
  • In the "Summary" section, select "Drop Class" for the lab/course you want to drop
  • Click "Submit" to process the requests simultaneously
  • After hitting submit, go to your student page and review "My Courses--Next Term" to confirm your schedule appears as desired prior to logging out

enter crns tab

summary section