919 Fellowship Fund |
A Scholarship Fund In Memory of Ruth Taylor Cristy, And of Her Beloved Husband, George Linsley Cristy, Class of 1915 |
A. LeRoy Greason Chair in the Creative Arts |
A. Myrick Freeman Chair in Social Sciences |
A. Raymond Rutan IV Fund for the Performing Arts |
A. William Markell and Carol Smith Markell Fund |
Abbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Scholarship Fund |
Abelardo Morell '71, Honorary '97 and Lisa McElaney '77 Photography Fund for the ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Museum of Art |
Abraham Goldberg Prize Fund |
Academic Equipment Matching Fund |
Achorn Flag Fund |
ACS Maine Award |
Adam J. Walsh Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Adams Memorial Book Fund |
Adams-Catlin Professor of Economics |
Adela Wood Smith Trust |
Adrian L. Asherman Museum of Art Fund |
Adriel U. Bird Scholarship Fund |
Adrien and Lucille Carbonneau Scholarship Fund |
Ainslie Family Fund for Digital and Computational Studies |
Ainslie H. Drummond, Jr. & Anne Codling Drummond Scholarship |
Alan F. Small Scholarship Fund |
Alan Irving Memorial Fund |
Alan L. Gammon Scholarship |
Alan M. Christenfeld Fellowship Fund |
Alan P. Jones Jr. Scholarship Fund for the Arts |
Albert Abrahamson Book Fund |
Albert Abrahamson Scholarship |
Albert and Rena Mills Scholarship Fund |
Albert C. Boothby Memorial Fund for Afro-American Studies |
Albert D. and Madelyn Dyer Conley Scholarship Fund |
Albert Francis Richmond Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Albert H. Abrahamson Library Fund for Financial Studies |
Albert L. and M. Florence Ingalls Scholarship |
Albert P. Putnam Scholarship |
Albert T. Gould Fund |
Albin R. Caspar Scholarship Fund |
Alden H. Sawyer, Sr. Scholarship Fund |
Alexander Brodie Bleau Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Alexander F. Boardman Fund |
Alexander McWhorter Wolfe, Jr. Library Fund |
Alexandra P. Hyde '10 Global Enrichment Fund |
Alfred E. Cohan Scholarship Fund |
Alfred E. Golz Lecture and Fellowship Fund |
Alfred G. Dixon Memorial Book Fund |
Alfred H. Fenton Book Fund |
Alfred H. Fuchs Scholarship Fund |
Alfred Johnson Scholarships |
Alfred O. Gross Fund |
Alfred Rehder Library Fund |
Alfred W. Newcombe Trust |
Alice Cooper Morse Fund for the Performing Arts |
Alice G. and Frederick W. Titus Scholarship Fund |
Alice Manson and James Evans Barlow Scholarship Fund |
Alice Merrill Mitchell Prize |
Allan W. and Constance L. Mitchell Scholarship Fund |
Allen E. Morrell/Downeast Energy & Building Supply Scholarship |
Allen Family Fund for Romance Languages |
Allen Wells Latin American Studies Fund |
Almon Goodwin Prize |
Alpha Delta Phi Society Literary Fund |
Alpheus S. Packard 1816 |
Alton S. Pope Scholarship Fund |
Alumni Endowment Fund |
Alvin H. Miller '51 Scholarship Fund |
Amanda Rowe Lamb '04 Scholarship Fund |
Amy H. Woodhouse '80 Scholarship Fund |
And Emerson Scholarship |
Anderson Scholarship Fund for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion |
André E. Benoit Family Scholarship |
Andre P. Marcotte, M.D., Scholarship Fund |
Andrew A. Haldane '41 Scholarship Fund |
Andrew M. and Ann G. Rollins Fund |
Andrew Towle & Patricia O. Towle '76 Fund for Kent Island |
Andrew W. Mellon Curricular Development Fund |
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sabbatical Leave Fund |
Angelo J. Eraklis M.D. '54, P'84, H'94 Scholarship Fund |
Ann Malloy Clifford Scholarship Fund |
Anne Bartlett Lewis Memorial Prize: Art History and Visual Arts |
Anne Davis Ginn Memorial Fund |
Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Chair of Natural Sciences |
Annie E. Purinton Scholarship |
Annie L. E. Dane Trophy |
Annie Talbot Cole Lectureship |
Anthony G. Montag and Katherine L. Griem Family Fund |
Anton M. and Helga C. Lund Scholarship Fund |
Appleton Fund |
Applied Environmental Science Fund |
Archer E. Wheeler Fund |
Archie & Tina Smith Family Fund for Leadership Training at the Outing Club |
Archie O. Dostie Scholarship Fund |
Arctic Museum Labrador Expedition Fund |
Arctic Studies Center Fund |
Arnold D. Kates Lecture Fund |
Aroostook County Scholarship |
Art Collections Purchase Fund |
Art History Fund |
Art History Professorship |
Art Hussey Memorial Fund |
Art Museum Operation and Maintenance Fund |
Arthur and Barbara Banner Scholarship Fund |
Arthur and Phyllis Anicetti Scholarship |
Arthur Chew Gilligan Memorial |
Arthur D. and Francis J. Welch Scholarship |
Arthur H. Huse Fund |
Arthur L. Crimmins Book Fund |
Arthur Lincoln Perry Scholarship |
Arthur M. Hussey Department of Geology Support Fund |
Arthur Sheedy and Alexander Currie Scholarship Fund |
Arthur W. Keylor Memorial Scholarship |
Arthur Wagithuku Mungai Scholarship |
Artine Artinian Scholarship Fund for Needy Students |
Arts and Nonprofit Opportunities Fund |
Ashforth Harvey Scholarship |
Ashmead White and Doris Pike White Fund |
Ashmead White Chair for Director of Athletics at ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College |
Asian Studies Program |
Athenaean Society |
Athern P. Daggett Memorial Scholarship |
Augustus F. Moulton Fund |
Ava Desouza '26 Scholarship Fund |
Ayres Mason Edwards Scholarships |
Bakers of Orrington Fund |
Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching Endowment Fund |
Barbara B. and Donald R. Kurtz Residential Life Fund |
Barbara Cooney Porter Fund |
Barbara Weiden Boyd Endowment Fund |
Barker Family Scholarship Fund |
Barry and Karen Gordon Mills Scholarship Fund |
Barry N. Wish Professorship of Social Studies |
Barry N. Wish Scholarship Fund |
Bath Iron Works Corporate Scholarship |
Baxter Family Memorial Fund |
Becker Fund for the ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Museum of Art |
Beecher-Stowe Family Memorial Fund |
Bela W. Norton Book Fund |
Benjamin A. Karsokas, Sr. Scholarship Fund |
Benjamin A. Soule Scholarship |
Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller Memorial Fund |
Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller of the Class of 1839 Scholarship |
Benjamin Delano Scholarship |
Benjamin H. Riggs Concerts Fund |
Benjamin Hill-Lam '13 Observatory Endowment Fund |
Benjamin R. Shute Memorial Scholarship |
Benjamin S. Butcher '76 Fund for Digital and Computational Studies |
Benner Browne Family Scholarship Fund |
Benner Browne Scholarship Fund |
Benoit Library Book Fund |
Benson Family Foundation 'Beyond the Pines' |
Benson Family Foundation 'Beyond the Pines' Fund |
Bernadette T. Nicolaus '69 Scholarship Fund |
Bernard A. LeBeau Scholarship Fund |
Bernard Family Fund for Coastal Studies |
Bernard Family Fund for Digital and Computational Studies |
Bernard Family Fund for Faculty Development and Professional Engagement |
Bernard Family Scholarship Fund |
Bernard J. Beaudoin '62 Family Scholarship Fund |
Bernard J. Ward Scholarship |
Bernard Osher Foundation Scholarship |
Bernice E. Randall Fund |
Bertha Spindel Library Book Fund |
Bertie K. and David D. North Scholarship Fund |
Bertram Louis Smith, Jr. Prize |
Beta Theta Pi Fund |
Betty Edwards Dober Library Fund |
Beverly Scholarship |
Bidú Sayão Scholarship Fund |
Bion R. Cram Professorship in Economics |
Bion R. Cram Scholarship Fund |
Bittel Family Scholarship Fund |
Black Family Fund |
Blake Scholarship |
Blanche A. Fletcher Fund |
Blue Lagoon Fund |
Blythe Bickel Edwards Fund |
Bockmann Family International Scholarship Fund |
Bonanno Family Scholarship Fund |
Boston Globe Foundation Fund |
Boulter Family Scholarship Fund |
Bowditch Family Scholarship Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Chair in Asian Studies |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Chair in Digital and Computational Studies |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Alumni Association Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Associate Professorship |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Faculty Support Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Museum of Art Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Museum of Art Internship Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Opportunity Fund for Music & Community Engagement |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Scholarship Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Third World Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Faculty Scholarship in Honor of Barry and Karen Mills |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Marine Corps Society Scholarship Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Mathematics Award and Support Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Memorial Endowment Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Men's Rugby Club Endowment Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Network of Women (BNOW) Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Prize |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Rowing Equity Fund |
Boxer Family Scholarship Fund |
Boyd Bartlett and Boyd Wheeler Bartlett Fund |
Boyd Fund |
Bracebridge H. Young Memorial Scholarship |
Bradbury Taylor Card Scholarship |
Bradlee Ford Mitchell Fund |
Brakewood Family Scholarship Fund |
Brawn Family Scholarship Fund |
BRCO Scholarship Fund |
Breckinridge Fund |
Brian '05 and Sanida Dunn '04 Comprehensive Aid Fund |
Brian Dunn '05 and Sanida Dunn '04 Comprehensive Aid Fund |
Brian Dunn '05 and Sanida Dunn '04 Scholarship Fund |
Brickates Family Scholarship |
Bridget Kennedy Fund |
Brodie Family Lecture Fund |
Brodie Family Scholarship Fund |
Brooks-Nixon Prize Fund |
Brown Composition |
Brown Composition Prize |
Brown Family Scholarship Fund |
Browning Family Scholarship Fund |
Bruce McDonald '57 Scholarship |
Bruce S. Tornquist Scholarship Fund |
Buck Center Endowment Fund |
Buckley Family Fund |
Burke Albers Family Internship Fund |
Burke Albers Family Scholarship Fund |
Burpee Family Scholarship Fund |
Burton Book Fund |
Burton Family Scholarship Fund |
Burton W. Taylor and Claire M. Taylor Fund |
Busch Family Scholarship |
Buxton Fund |
Buxton Scholarship Fund |
Byron Barker Fund |
Byron E. Keene Scholarship |
Byron F. Barker Scholarship |
Byron L. Mitchell Scholarship Fund |
C. Clark Truesdell 'Quiet Leader' Memorial Scholarship |
C. Converse Scholarship Fund |
C. Earle Richardson and Ethel M. Richardson Fund |
C. Hamilton Preston, Class of 1902 Scholarship Fund |
C. Nicholas Revelos Scholarship Fund |
Camille F. Sarrouf Family Scholarship Fund |
Campaign for ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Scholarship Fund |
Campbell B. Niven Scholarship Fund |
Carl A. Olsson MD '60 Scholarship Fund |
Carl F. Barron '38 Fund for Business and Finance |
Carl G. Olson Book Fund |
Carl S. Kuebler Memorial Fund |
Carl W. Rundlett Class of 1905 Scholarship Fund |
Carleton S. Connor Memorial Scholarship |
Carol Harris Scholarship Fund |
Carol J. Ramsey Equality and Justice Fund for Comprehensive Aid |
Caroline and Edward Hyman Museum of Art Fund |
Caroline Gibson Newman Scholarship Fund |
Caroline Huntress Scholarship Fund |
Cartland Scholarship Fund |
Casco Northern Bank Scholarship Fund |
Cavanagh Family Scholarship Fund |
Cecil E. Estabrook Fund |
Cecil T. and Marion C. Holmes Mathematics Lecture Fund |
Center for the Common Good Fund |
Chamberlain Scholarship Program |
Chapman Family Fund for the Chapel |
Charles A. Chapman Scholarship Fund |
Charles A. Dana Foundation - Faculty Retirement Planning Fund |
Charles A. Dana Foundation, Inc. Library Maintenance Fund |
Charles and Gladys Cohen Book Fund |
Charles and Gladys Edgecomb Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Charles Baird Price III Memorial Scholarship |
Charles Burnham Shackford Scholarship Fund |
Charles Carroll Everett Scholarship |
Charles Dummer Scholarships |
Charles E. Prinn III Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund |
Charles E. Rolfe Memorial Book Fund |
Charles F. Adams Lectureship Fund |
Charles F. Libby Scholarship |
Charles G. Berwind Scholarship Fund |
Charles H. Cunningham, M.D., Scholarship Fund |
Charles H. Gilman Scholarship |
Charles H. Livingston Honors Prize in French |
Charles H. Livingston Memorial Book Fund |
Charles Henry Payson Scholarship Fund (1935) |
Charles J. Butt Scholarship Fund |
Charles Joseph Donnell Book Fund |
Charles L. Hildreth Fund |
Charles Lloyd Fletcher Scholarship Fund |
Charles M. Barbour, Jr. Book Fund |
Charles M. Cumston Scholarship |
Charles P. Mattocks Scholarship |
Charles Potter Kling Fund |
Charles R. and Mary D. Bennett Scholarship Fund |
Charles T. Ireland, Jr. Scholarship |
Charles Wells Shaw Scholarship |
Charles Weston Pickard Lecture Fund |
Charles Weston Pickard Professorship |
Charlotte C. Billingsley '24 Memorial Fellowship Fund |
Chemical Bank Scholarship Fund |
Chemistry Department Development Fund |
Cheng Family Scholarship Fund |
Chester E. Homer Scholarship Fund |
Chester H. Yeaton Scholarship |
Chester W. Cooke III Student Research Fund |
Chester W. Cooke III Music Department Fund |
Chi Delta Phi/Zeta Psi Fund |
Chi Psi Fund |
Chittim, Hammond, Holmes Scholarship Fund |
Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Fund |
Christian P. Potholm II Soccer Award |
Christmas Wreath Fund |
Christopher C. Watras Memorial Fund |
Christopher Chess Scholarship Fund |
Christopher T. Emmet Scholarship Fund |
Christopher Wolf '76 Fund for Public Service |
Claff Scholarship Fund |
Clara Hawkins Mellen Memorial Book Fund |
Clara Hawkins Mellen Memorial Fund |
Clara Rundlett Achorn Scholarships |
Clare McWilliams Lyne Scholarship Fund |
Clarence Dana Rouillard 1924 Fund |
Clarence H. Pierce Scholarship Fund |
Clarence L. Cole and David L. Cole Scholarship Fund |
Clark Family Endowment for Digital and Computational Studies |
Clark Family Scholarship |
Class of 1825 Book Fund |
Class of 1868 Prize |
Class of 1872 Scholarship |
Class of 1875 Book Fund |
Class of 1875 Fund |
Class of 1875 Prize in American History |
Class of 1877 Library Fund |
Class of 1881 Scholarship |
Class of 1882 Library Fund |
Class of 1888 Library Fund |
Class of 1889 Fund |
Class of 1890 Book Fund |
Class of 1895 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1896 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1897 Fund |
Class of 1899 Fund |
Class of 1901 Library Fund |
Class of 1903 Scholarship |
Class of 1906 Fund |
Class of 1907 80th Anniversary Fund |
Class of 1911 Fund |
Class of 1912 Library Fund |
Class of 1913 Fund |
Class of 1914 Book Fund |
Class of 1915 Fund |
Class of 1916 Dwight Sayward Memorial Book Fund |
Class of 1916 Fund |
Class of 1917 Fund |
Class of 1918 Fund |
Class of 1918 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1919 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1920 50th Reunion Endowment Fund |
Class of 1920 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1921 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1922 Fountain Fund |
Class of 1922 Fund |
Class of 1923 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1924 Fund |
Class of 1924 Library Fund |
Class of 1925 Fund |
Class of 1926 Fund |
Class of 1929 Book Fund |
Class of 1929 Chapel Chimes Maintenance Fund |
Class of 1929 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1930 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1931 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1932 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1933 Memorial Fund |
Class of 1935 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1936 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1937 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1937 Scholarship |
Class of 1939 Scholarship |
Class of 1940 Memorial Book Fund |
Class of 1940 Memorial Fund |
Class of 1941 Fund |
Class of 1942 Memorial Scholarship |
Class of 1943 Fund |
Class of 1944 Fund |
Class of 1945 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1946 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1947 Endowment Fund |
Class of 1947 Scholarship |
Class of 1948 Memorial Scholarship |
Class of 1949 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1950 Memorial Book Fund |
Class of 1950 Scholarship |
Class of 1951 Scholarship |
Class of 1952 Scholarship |
Class of 1953 Scholarship |
Class of 1954 Scholarship |
Class of 1955 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1956 Scholarship |
Class of 1957 Scholarship |
Class of 1958 Scholarship |
Class of 1959 Scholarship |
Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1963 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1965 Senior Center Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1966 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1967 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1968 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund in Memory of Deceased Classmates |
Class of 1970 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1971 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1972 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1974 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1975 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1976 Art Conservation Fund |
Class of 1976 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1980 Scholarship Fund |
Class of '92 Scholarship Fund (1892) |
Clayton and Julianne Rose Scholarship Fund |
Clayton S. Rose Internship Fund |
Clifford C. Cavanaugh Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Clifford Family Scholarship |
Clifford L. Russell Scholarship Fund |
Cline Family Scholarship Fund |
Clinton George and Rebecca Eberlein Weymouth Scholarship |
Clyde L. Rogers Fund |
Clyde R. Chapman and May Humphrey Chapman Scholarship Fund |
Coach Vandersea Scholarship Fund for Veterans |
Coastal Studies Center Endowment Fund |
Coe Quad Improvements |
Coffin Family Scholarship Fund |
Col. William Henry Owen Premium |
Collins Professorship of Natural and Revealed Religion |
Common Good Scholarship Fund Established by the Davich Family |
Conant Memorial Fund |
Connecticut Alumni Scholarship (ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Club of Connecticut) |
Conservation of Permanent Collections |
Consolidated Library Funds |
Cook Family Leadership Training Fund |
Cooke - Psi Upsilon Scholarship Fund |
Copeland-Gross Biology Prize |
Corey-Davies Scholarship Fund |
Cornelius and Vickie Lynn Love Student Research Fund |
Cornelius R. Love III and Carole M. Love Musical Trust |
Cornick Scholarship |
Corydon Dunham Open Forum Fund |
Costin Family Scholarship Fund |
Cotton Family Scholarship Fund |
Cowen Family Scholarship Fund |
Cowles Scholarship Fund |
Coyle Family Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Craig A. McEwen Student Research Fellowship in the Social Sciences |
Crosby Stuart Noyes Scholarships |
Cross Family Scholarship Fund |
Crowell Theater Book Fund |
Crowley Family Scholarship Fund |
Currier C. Holman and Joseph F. Holman Scholarship |
Curtin-Nowers Family Endowment for Island Schools |
Curtis E. Chase Memorial Fund |
Curtis Fund for Faculty Retirement |
Curtis Fund for Faculty Salaries |
Curtis Scholarship Fund |
Curtis Swimming Pool Maintenance Fund |
Cyrus Woodman Scholarships |
Cyrus Woodman Trust Fund |
Dabora Helble Family Scholarship Fund |
Daggett Book Fund |
Dan E. Christie Mathematics Lecture Fund |
Dana Estes Scholarship |
Dana Walker Mayo Fund |
Daniel and Jane Pettengill Library Fund |
Daniel B. Fayerweather Professorship of Political Economy & Sociology |
Daniel C. Fessenden Book Fund |
Daniel F. Hanley Fund |
Daniel K. MacFayden Scholarship Fund |
Daniel L. Dayton, Jr. Fund for the Arena |
Daniel Tucker Coffin Drummond Library Book Fund |
Daniel W. and Martha A. Pettengill Fund |
Darlington Book Fund |
David A. and Dorothy G. Ramler Book Fund |
David A. Field '65 and Maureen Bell Field Fund for Mathematics |
David and Kristen Scott Fund |
David and Lauren Herter Scholarship Fund |
David and Roberta Olsen Common Good Scholarship Fund |
David and Robin Small Family Scholarship Fund |
David and Shirley Towle Scholarship |
David Berdan Wenigmann Wrestling Trophy |
David Bowden Humphrey Scholarship |
David C. Driskell H'89 Fund |
David Evans Scholarship Fund |
David G. Brown Sabbatical Leave Fund |
David G. Dankens Scholarship Fund |
David G. Lavender Scholarship Fund |
David M. Carlisle Fund |
David M. Cohen '64 and Janis B. Cohen Scholarship Fund |
David N. Baxter '59 Family Endowment Fund |
David Nectow '83 Fund |
David Pingree Gift Fund |
David R. and Elisabeth S. Treadwell, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
David Rowse Scholarship Fund |
David Saul & Frieda Mikels Smith Memorial Scholarship |
David Sewall Premium |
David W. Donahue Family Fund |
Davis Fund |
DeAlva Stanwood Alexander Prize Fund |
DeAlva Stanwood Alexander Professorship of Government |
Dean Nathaniel C. Kendrick Scholarship Fund |
Dean Paul Nixon Discretionary Fund |
Deane Scholarship in English Literature |
Debi and Joe Marrow Visitation Support Fund |
Deborah W. Wight Scholarship Fund |
Deetz'75-Reyes Scholarship Fund |
Delaney Family Scholarship Fund |
Delta Psi of Sigma Nu Book Fund |
Delta Psi of Sigma Nu Scholarship |
Delta Sigma/Delta Upsilon Activities Fund |
Delta Sigma/Delta Upsilon Scholarship Fund |
Dennis Milliken Bangs Scholarship |
Derek and Ingrid Spence Scholarship Fund |
Desiree L. Franklin Scholarship Fund |
Diane Theis Lund Scholarship Fund |
Dick Pike Scholarship Fund |
Dodge Fund |
Doherty Biology Scholarship Fund |
Dominic N. Antonucci Scholarship Fund |
Donald and Harriet S. Macomber Prize in Biology |
Donald C. Ferro Scholarship Fund |
Donald C. Norton Scholarship Fund |
Donald Cole Larrabee Library Fund |
Donald Cole Larrabee Scholarship Fund |
Donald E. and Ann F. Hare Art Fund |
Donald F. and Margaret Gallagher Barnes Scholarship Fund |
Donald M. Bloch '60 Student Research Fellowship Fund |
Donald M. Zuckert Visiting Professorship |
Donald Nash Koughan Memorial Scholarship |
Donald R. Kurtz and Barbara B. Kurtz Residential Life Fund |
Donald R. Kurtz Scholarship Fund |
Donald W. Philbrick Fund |
Donovan D. Lancaster Athletics Fund |
Doris Pike White Library Book Endowment Fund |
Dorothy Haythorn Collins Award |
Dorothy Henderson Shields Fund |
Dorothy Moore Tower Scholarship Fund |
Dorothy W. & Peter M. Rinaldo Scholarship |
Dory Vladimiroff Upward Bound Endowment Fund |
Douglas L. Brown Sabbatical Leave Fund |
Douglas M. and Anne L. Sands Scholarship Fund |
Dr. and Mrs. James-Chan and Mr. and Mrs. The Tran Internship Fund |
Dr. Barbara J. Hill Library Fund |
Dr. Benjamin & Edith J. Zolov Scholarship |
Dr. Cheryl M. Coffin '75 Internship Fund |
Dr. Clement P. Wescott Fund |
Dr. Clement S. and Elizabeth D. Wilson Memorial Scholarship |
Dr. Edwin W. Gould Scholarship |
Dr. Ernest B. Folsom Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Frank A. Smith Memorial Fund |
Dr. John A. Wentworth Book Fund |
Dr. John W. Baker and Estelle L. Baker Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Joseph I. Smith Memorial Scholarship |
Dr. Maurice Ross Scholarship |
Dr. Murray Snell Danforth Scholarship |
Dr. Paul C. Marston and Dr. Clarence H. Marston Memorial Scholarship |
Dr. Philip H. and Doris Dyer McCrum Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Pliny F. Stevens and Louise Siebert Stevens Scholarship |
Dr. R. Fulton and Margaret Hartley Johnston Scholarship Fund |
Dr. Ralph Fessenden Goodhue Fund |
Dr. Samuel and Rose A. Bernstein Fund |
Dr. William Alfred Maillet '49 Scholarship Fund |
Drake Family Scholarship Fund |
Drs Ernest and Ellen Kornmehl Family Scholarship Fund |
Drs. Thomas '80 and Cheryl Mitchell '82 Scholarship Fund |
Dubin Family Scholarship |
Dudley Coe Memorial Infirmary Fund |
Dutch and Betty Morse Scholarship |
E. C. Converse Scholarship Fund |
E. Farrington Abbott Memorial Scholarship |
E. Farrington Abbott, Jr. Memorial Scholarship (Class of 1931) |
E. O. LaCasce, Jr. Physics Fund |
E. William Ricker Scholarship Fund |
Earl Kendall Van Swearingen Graduate Scholarship Fund |
Earl Scott Miller Book Fund |
Earle Howard Lyford Scholarship |
Earle S. Thompson Scholarship Fund |
Earle S. Thompson Student Fund |
Earle V. and Anne E. Litchfield Scholarship Fund |
Eastman Fund |
Eaton Leith French Prize |
Ebeling Family Scholarship Fund |
Edgar Oakes Achorn Prize Fund |
Edith C. Barry Art History Fund |
Edith Cleaves Barry Chair of the History & Criticism of Art |
Edith Lansing Koon Sills Lecture and Prize Fund |
Edmund L. and Shirley Dickson Coombs Memorial Scholarship |
Edmund W. & Rita A. Beaumont Fund |
Edna G. Gross Library Fund |
Edna L. Higgins Fund |
Educational Technology Center Fund |
Educational Technology Fund |
Edward A. and Theresa S.D. McFarland Scholarship |
Edward A. Drummond Scholarships |
Edward A. Dunlap III Book Fund |
Edward and Eileen Pols Scholarship |
Edward and Roselyn Grossman Scholarship Fund |
Edward C. and Harriet Hawes Scholarship Fund |
Edward C. Uehlein Scholarship Fund |
Edward Chase Kirkland Memorial Book Fund |
Edward E. Smiley Scholarship Fund |
Edward F. Moody Scholarship |
Edward Files Scholarship Fund |
Edward H. Blake Endowment |
Edward H. Bond and Eva D. Bond Scholarship Fund |
Edward I. Garick Memorial Book Fund |
Edward J. and Eleanor W. Geary Humanities Fund |
Edward J. and Eleanor W. Geary Scholarship Fund |
Edward Little Fund |
Edward Lynch O'Neill Scholarship Fund |
Edward P. Morgan Fund |
Edward Perry Warren Fund |
Edward S. C. Smith Scholarship Fund |
Edward Sanford Hammond Mathematics Prize Fund |
Edward Stanwood Fund |
Edward T. Koch Scholarship Fund |
Edward V. Bush Scholarship Fund |
Edward W. Cooper Memorial Fund |
Edward W. Rogers Scholarship Fund |
Edwin H. Blanchard Fund |
Edwin Herbert Hall Prize in Physics |
Edwin R. French Fund |
Edyth Calhoun Harkness Fund |
Elbridge Sibley Sociology Prize Fund |
Eleanor and David Zolov Scholarship |
Eleanor and William J. White Sr. Scholarship Fund |
Eleanor Barnes Tousignant and Elizabeth Macfarlane Marsh Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Elias Bond Fund |
Elihu Hasty Fund |
Elijah Kellogg Memorial Fund |
Elizabeth Ann Baird Scholarship Fund |
Elizabeth B. G. Hamlin Fund |
Elizabeth C. Brown '15 Scholarship Fund |
Elizabeth D. & L. Robert Porteous, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Elizabeth F. Otis Memorial Fund |
Elizabeth Hamilton St. Clair Memorial Fund |
Elizabeth Snowman Davis Scholarships |
Elizabeth Watkins Porter and Robert Chamberlain Porter Fund |
Ellen C. H. Lucas Fund |
Ellen J. Whitmore Scholarship |
Ellen M. Chandler Fund |
Ellen M. P'78 and Herbert M. Patterson '42 Research Fellowship |
Elliott Oceanographic Fund |
Ellis Spear Scholarship |
Ellsworth A. Stone Scholarship Fund |
Elmer C. Cooley Scholarship Fund |
Elmer E. Tufts, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Elmo Giordanetti Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Else H. Copeland Book Fund |
Else H. Copeland Scholarship Fund |
Emery Scholarship |
Emlyn S. Vose Library Fund |
Emma Jane and Bal Golden Scholarship Fund |
Emma Jane Eaton Scholarship |
Emma McLellan Duncan Scholarship |
Emmy Scholarship Fund |
Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings Scholarships |
Eric J. Lunger Faculty Development Fund |
Erik and Diane Lund Children's Center Support Fund |
Ernest B. Folsom Fund |
Ernest Laurence Hill Scholarship Fund |
Ernst C. & Louise R. Helmreich Book Fund |
Esta and Hilton Kramer Fund |
Estate of Lowell Innes Fund |
Estate of May P. Fogg Fund |
Estate of Patricia B. Wilson Fund |
Estate of William F. Twombly Fund |
Etta and Jack Tarmy Scholarship |
Euan G. Davis Scholarship Fund |
Eugene Bradley and Julia Gardner Gordon Memorial Scholarship |
Eva D. H. Baker Scholarship |
Evans Family Scholarship Fund |
Everett P. Pope Lecture Fund |
F. Morgan Lamarche Scholarship Fund |
F. Thomas O'Halloran '77, P'13 Family Fund |
Faculty Development Fund |
Faculty Research Fund |
Faculty Salary Fund |
Fagone Scholarship Fund |
Fannie C. and Willard N. Burger Fund for the Common Good |
Farley Family Fund |
Farquharson Family Scholarship |
Felix Smith Verity Fund |
Fertig Family Scholarship Fund |
Fifield Family Memorial Book Fund |
Finnegan Family Scholarship Fund |
Finnegan Sabbatical Leave Fund |
Fish Family Football Head Coach Fund |
Fishman Scholarship Fund |
Flagpole Fund |
Fletcher Family Fund |
Flinn Family Sabbatic Leave Endowment Fund |
Florence Dolby and Hester Thatcher Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Florence Mitchell Call Scholarship |
Flossie M. Baldwin Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Fogseeker Fund |
Foot Soldier of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Award and Scholarship Fund |
Forbes Rickard, Jr., Memorial Poetry Prize Fund |
Ford Family Scholarship Fund |
Fori and Robert Kay Scholarship Fund |
Forrest S. Davis Library Fund |
Forsberg Family Scholarship Fund |
Foster Fund |
Foundation for Maryland's Future Scholarship Fund |
Foundation for the Greatest Good Scholarship Fund |
Fountain Livingston & Martha Higgins Young Scholarship Fund |
Frances M. and Donald J. Krogstad '65 Scholarship |
Francis B. Hill Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Francis L. and Aurelia C. Valente Scholarship Fund |
Francis LeBaron Mayhew Scholarship Fund |
Frank A. and Judith M. Metz Scholarship Fund |
Frank C. Whittelsey III Flexible Aid Fund |
Frank D. Rowe Scholarship Fund |
Frank E. and Nellie V. Leslie Scholarship Fund |
Frank F. Sabasteanski Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Frank H. and Vivi Johnson Ormerod Scholarship Fund |
Frank H. Kidder Scholarship |
Frank H. Todd Scholarship Fund |
Frank J. Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Frank J. Scalera Scholarship Fund |
Frank Munsey Professorship |
Frank Newman Drew Scholarship |
Frank R. Allen Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Frank W. Alexander Scholarship Fund |
Franklin C. Robinson Memorial Book Fund |
Fred and Ruth Beatty Scholarship Fund |
Fred R. Lord Scholarship |
Frederic Erle Thornlay Tillotson Scholarship |
Frederic Evans Lally Scholarship |
Frederic Peter Amstutz Memorial Prize Fund |
Frederic S. Newman Family Scholarship Fund |
Frederick Ellis Drake 1898 Fund |
Frederick F. French Memorial Fund |
Frederick G. P. Thorne Fund |
Frederick J. and Hope M. Lynch Fund |
Frederick L. Kateon Scholarship Fund |
Frederick L. Packard Fund |
Frederick W. and Elizabeth M. Willey Scholarship Fund |
Frederick W. Mosher Fund |
Frederick W. Pickard Fund |
Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Coastal/Environmental Studies |
Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Computer Science |
Freedom Moulton Scholarship Fund |
Freeman Alonzo Ricker Fund |
Freeman D. Dearth Fund |
Freeman E. Bennett and Ella M. Bennett Fund |
Freeman H. and Anne E. Smith Scholarships |
French Family Scholarship Fund |
Friedlander Family Scholarship Fund |
Friedman Family Scholarship Fund |
Fritz C.A. Koelln Research Fellowship |
Fudge Family Scholarship Fund |
Fund for Public Service |
Fund for the Common Good |
G. W. Field Fund |
Gabriel J. Brogyanyi Book Fund |
Gabry Family Fund |
Galen C. Moses Post-Graduate Scholarship |
Gans Family Scholarship |
Gary M. Pendy Chair in Social Sciences |
Gauron Family Scholarship Fund |
Gay and Lesbian Citizen Leader Fund |
Gehringer and Pennoyer Families Scholarship Fund |
Gehringer Scholarship Fund |
Gene Lil Scholarship Fund |
General Education Board Endowment Fund |
General Electric College Bowl Scholarship |
General R. H. Dunlap Prize |
Genevieve Warren Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Geoffrey Canada Chair in Africana Studies |
Geoffrey R. Stanwood Scholarship Fund |
Geology Endowment Fund |
George Alexander Fund |
George Allen Howe II Fund |
George Alston Tripp Student Loan Fund |
George and Mary Knox Scholarship |
George Arthur Holbrook Fund |
George B. Farnsworth - Thomas P. & Agnes J. Hanley Scholarship |
George B. Knox Fund |
George C. Lovell Scholarship |
George C. Webber Fund |
George Clifton Mahoney Fund |
George Downes of the Class of 1892 Fund |
George E. and Olive F. Stetson Book Fund |
George E. Pettengill Book Fund |
George E. Thompson Fund |
George F. Manson Fund |
George Franklin Bourne Scholarship |
George Franklin Libby Scholarship Fund |
George Gannett Fund |
George H. Butcher, III Fund |
George H. Quinby Award |
George H. Weeks Memorial Scholarship Fund |
George I. Alden Trust Scholarship Fund |
George J. Marcopoulos '53 Library Fund |
George K. Blair Scholarship Fund |
George L. and Geneva G. Hill Fund |
George Lincoln Skolfield, Jr. Professorship of German |
George M. Woodman, Jr. Memorial Book Fund |
George Osgood Cutter Fund |
George R. Walker Memorial Fund |
George Rudolf Thompson Fund |
George S. and Elaine P. Keyes Museum of Art Fund |
George S. ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Fund |
George S. Lynde Fund |
George T. Davidson, Jr. '38 Fellowship for the Common Good |
George Tappan Little Book Fund |
George Taylor Files Professorship of Modern Languages |
George Thomas and Lilly Little Fund |
George W. and Lolita D. Kern Scholarship Fund |
George W. Pullen Scholarship Fund |
George W. R. Bowie Fund |
George W. Treat Fund |
George Webster Scholarship |
George Winfield Parsons Scholarship |
George Wood McArthur Prize |
Georgia B. Coombs Fund |
Georgiana F. and Karl L. Aschenbach '66 Scholarship Fund |
Georgiana Thompson Lacy Memorial Fund |
Gerald '37 and Mary York Scholarship Fund |
Gerald and Kate Chertavian Scholarship Fund |
Gerald F. Rath '65 Scholarship Fund |
Gerald Norby McCarty, Class of 1950 - Priscilla Hubon McCarty ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Library Book Fund |
Gerald W. Blakeley, Jr. Fund |
Geraldine Brewster Scholarship Endowment Fund |
German Consular Prize in Literary Interpretation |
GF Scholarship Fund |
Gibbons Family Scholarship Fund |
Gibbons Summer Research Internship Fund |
Gibson Fund |
Gilpatric(k) Family Scholarship Fund |
Gina Briasco Special Collections Fund |
Ginn Book Fund |
Girard Family Fund |
Given Foundation Scholarship Fund |
Glenn R. and Marguerite G. McIntire Fund |
Global Studies Scholarship Fund |
Goldman Family Scholarship Fund |
Goldsmith Adams Fund |
Goodwin Commencement Prize |
Goodwin French Prize |
Gordon E. Gillett Scholarship |
Gordon F. Linke Family Scholarship Fund |
Gordon Family Scholarship Fund |
Gormley Career Service Endowment |
Gov. James B. Longley Scholarship Fund |
Grace L. Maxwell Fund |
Grace M. J. Brescia Endowment for the Common Good Grant |
Granville D. and Suzanne K. Magee Family Scholarship |
Granville S. Gilpatrick Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Graustein Family Fund |
Greenacres Acquisition Fund |
Greenacres Scholarship Fund |
Greenspun Family Scholarship |
Greenwood H. McKay Fund |
Gregor M. and Blanche I. Steele Scholarship Fund |
Gregory '83 and Jennifer Baldwin Comprehensive Aid Fund |
Greig Family Scholarship Fund |
Gridley W. Tarbell II Fund |
Growney Family Fund for Women’s Lacrosse and Field Hockey |
Guiffre Family Fund |
Guilford S. Newcomb Scholarship |
Guy Charles Howard Scholarship |
Guy H. Hutchins Scholarship Fund |
Guy Parkhurst Estes Fund |
Guy W. Leadbetter Scholarship |
Gwen Moore Scholarship Fund |
H. Philip Chapman, Jr. Class of 1930 Scholarship |
H. T. Bradner Fund for ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College |
Haas-Fisher Summer Fellowship Fund |
Hackwell Memorial Fund |
Hague Family Scholarship Fund |
Hakluyt Fund |
Halford and Hamlin Museum Maintenance Fund |
Halligan Family Scholarship |
Hall-Mercer Scholarship Fund |
Hancock County Scholarship Fund |
Hancock Family Scholarship Fund |
Hanley G. Denning '92 Fellowship for the Common Good |
Hanley G. Denning Memorial Fund |
Hannibal Hamlin Emery Latin Prize |
Hap Hazzard Family Fund |
Harold and Abby Wright Vose Library Book Fund |
Harold and Inez Charles Scholarship Fund |
Harold and Iris Chandler Lectureship Fund |
Harold Ashey Fund |
Harold D. Ashe Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Harold D. Talbot, Jr. '40 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Harold H. and Florence L. Everett Scholarship |
Harold Hitz Burton Student Book Fund |
Harold L. & Marian H. Dinsmore Scholarship Fund |
Harold Lee Berry Book Fund |
Harold Lee Berry Scholarship Fund |
Harold M. Sewall Fund |
Harold O. Curtis Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Harold P. & Mildred A. Nelson Scholarship Fund |
Harold P. and Mildred A. Nelson Fund |
Harold R. and Virginia Gilpatrick Fearon Scholarship Fund |
Harriet Holmes Richards '92 Fund |
Harriet Sarah Walker and Mary Sophia Walker Associate Professorship of Humanities |
Harrison C. Chapman Scholarship Fund |
Harrison King McCann Professorship of the English Language |
Harry deForest Smith and Adela Wood Smith Scholarship Fund |
Harry H. Hayes Fund |
Harry Oshry Scholarship |
Harry S. and Jane B. Coombs Fund |
Harry Spindel Memorial Lecture Fund |
Harvey A. McGuire, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Harvey Dow Gibson Scholarship Fund |
Haskell Bernstein Scholarship Fund |
Hasty Scholarship Fund |
Hawes-George Scholarship Fund |
Hawkes Career Center Endowment Fund |
Hawthorne Prize |
Hawthorne-Longfellow Librarian Endowment Fund |
Hayes Foundation Fund for the Environment |
Hayes Foundation Fund for the Visual Arts |
HCZ Promise Scholarship Fund |
Healey Family Fund for Skills Development |
Heffernan Family Scholarship |
Heizaburo Saito Fund |
Helen and Fred Waldorf Library Book Fund |
Helen Johnson Chase Fund |
Henni and Harry Friedlander Award for the Common Good |
Henry B. Phillips Scholarship |
Henry Brewer Quinby Scholarship Fund |
Henry C. Haskell Fund |
Henry Campbell Dixon, M.D. Scholarship Fund |
Henry Cole Quinby Scholarship |
Henry deVos Lawrie, Jr. Book Fund |
Henry Family Library Fund |
Henry Fiske Harding Fund |
Henry Johnson Professorship |
Henry Kirke White and Jane Donnell White Fund |
Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Coastal Studies Research Fund |
Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Kent Island Postdoctoral Scholar Fund |
Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Marine Biology Scholar Fund |
Henry L. Conway, Jr. '51 Scholarship Fund |
Henry Leland Chapman Memorial Fund |
Henry Lincoln Johnson Scholarship Fund |
Henry Oliver Smith Memorial Scholarship |
Henry P. Dowst Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Henry P. Godfrey Fund |
Henry Philip Chapman Library Book Fund |
Henry T. Cheever Scholarship |
Henry T.A. Moniz '86, P'22, P'28, Francesca de Soto Moniz '22, and Grayson Moniz '28 Scholarship Fund |
Henry W. and Anna E. Hale Scholarship Fund |
Henry W. Longfellow Graduate Scholarship Fund |
Henry Whiting Jarvis Scholarship Fund |
Henry Zietlow '22 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Herbert A. Black MD Scholarship |
Herbert G. Gordon Fund |
Herbert Hamlin Fund - Invested Income |
Herbert Liversidge Scholarship |
Herbert Ross Brown Book Fund |
Herbert S. and Eugenie R. Sawyer Scholarship Fund |
Herbert S. French, Jr. Scholarship |
Herbert W. Chalmers Scholarship Fund |
Herbst Family Fund |
Heritage Fund - Campus Preservation |
Herman Dreer Class of 1910 Visiting Fellows Fund |
Herman Fuchs Library Book Fund |
Herter Family Scholarship Fund for Enhanced Diversity |
Hewlett -And- Mellon Presidential Discretionary Fund |
Hewlett Presidential Discretionary Fund |
Hiland Lockwood Fairbanks Prize |
Hilda Brown Ziegler and Benjamin Munn Ziegler Scholarship |
Hiram Hamilton '97 and Medora Mrachek Digital and Computational Studies Scholarship Fund |
Hirsch Family Fund for ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Sailing |
Hodding Carter Class of 1927 Memorial Scholarship |
Homer R., Philip R. and George Allen Blodgett Book Fund |
Honorarium Praesidis |
Horace Lord Piper Prize |
Howard C. Griffin Fund, of the Class of 1904 |
Howard F. Ryan Field Fund |
Howard Pease '66, P'96 and Amy Hathaway Russell '96 Scholarship Fund |
Howard Rollin Ives Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Howe Scholarship |
Hoyt A. Moore Scholarship Fund |
Hroswaith Fund |
Hubbard Library Fund |
Hubert S. (Bill) '36 and Eleanor F. Shaw Scholarship Fund |
Huck Family Scholarship Fund |
Hugh F. Farrington Scholarship Fund |
Hugh J. Chisholm Scholarship Fund |
Hughes Family Art History Acquisition Fund |
Hughes Family Summer Research Fellowship in Environmental Studies |
Huldah Whitmore Scholarships |
Hunter S. Frost Endowment Fund |
Huntington-Wheelwright Field Station Endowment |
Hupper Family Scholarship Fund |
Hyman Family Scholarship Fund |
I. Joel & Linda E. Abromson Fund |
Ikeda Blakely Family Scholarship Fund |
Ira B. and Patricia F. Pitcher Scholarship Fund |
Ireson-Pickard Scholarship |
Iris W. Davis Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund |
Iris W. Davis Professorship |
Irma Cheatham Research Fellowship in Africana Studies Fund |
Irving I. Zamcheck Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Isaac Henry Wing Professorship of Mathematics |
J. B. Sewall Greek and Latin Prize Fund |
J. B. Sewall Library Fund |
J. Boyd Davis Scholarship Fund |
J. Cole Harris '78 Scholarship Fund |
J. Kemler Appell Endowment Fund |
J. Scott Kelnberger Memorial Scholarship Fund |
J. Seward Johnson Fund for Marine Sciences |
J. W. A. Kohler Scholarship Fund |
Jack W. Swenson Scholarship Fund |
Jacques Miller Scholarship Fund |
James A. Ellis '82 Fund |
James A. Willey Scholarship Fund |
James Alan Auld Memorial Book Fund |
James and Olga Belforti Scholarship Fund |
James ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ III Museum of Art Directorship Fund |
James ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Scholarship Fund |
James C. Flint Memorial Scholarship |
James D. and Marianne E. Cook Scholarship Fund |
James D. Hardee, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
James Drummond Fund |
James E. Bland History Prize |
James E. Bland Memorial Book Fund |
James F. Claverie Memorial Scholarship Fund |
James F. Herlihy Fund |
James H. Baird Jr. Scholarship Fund |
James Hopkinson Hamlen Fund |
James L. and Harriet I. Doherty Scholarship |
James M. Moulton and John L. Howland Fund |
James Malcolm Moulton Prize in Biology |
James Means Scholarship Fund |
James P. Pettegrove Memorial Book Fund |
James Phinney Baxter Fund in Memory of Henry Johnson |
James R. and Helen Lee Billingsley Professorship of Marine Biology |
James R. and Virginia E. Stuart Scholarship Fund |
James R. Flaker Memorial Scholarship |
James R. Pierce Athletic Leadership Award |
James Stacy Coles Chair of Natural Sciences |
James Stacy Coles Undergraduate Research Fellowship Fund |
James W. Bradbury Fund |
James W. MacAllen and Patricia A. MacAllen Scholarship Fund |
Jane A. and John H. Nichols, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Jane Coleman Pickard Fund |
Jane Dean Lanphear Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Jane H. and Charles E. Parker Jr. Art Acquisition Fund |
Jane H. and Delbert R. Nash '50 and John R. and Judith N. Smith '78 Scholarship Fund |
Jane Tappan Scholarship Fund |
Janes Family Scholarship Fund |
Janice Filipowicz Strauss and William Theodore Strauss III Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Janice M. Swales Scholarship Fund |
Jasper Jacob Stahl Lectureship in the Humanities |
Jay C. Dings '57 Scholarship Fund |
Jean Byers Sampson Memorial Fund |
Jean Kaempfer Artists Fund |
Jean L. and Raymond Troubh Scholarship Fund |
Jefferson L. Miller, Jr. Family Scholarship |
Jeffrey G. Baker Scholarship Fund |
Jennie L. Moody Fund |
Jennifer S. Harvey '04 Fund |
Jeno Magyar Library Fund |
Jeremiah L. and Clare R. Thomas Fund |
Jerry Isenberg Scholarship Fund |
Jessie Ball du Pont Fund |
Jessie Ball du Pont Scholarship Fund |
JH Book Fund |
Jim and Helen Coffin Scholarship Fund |
Joan Benoit Samuelson '79, P'12 Scholarship Fund |
Joan Benoit Samuelson '79, P'12, Scholarship Fund |
Joan Cassidy Stetson Scholarship |
Joanna Leigh Cohen '03 Learning and Teaching Fund in the Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching |
Jocelyn R. Shaw '80 Fund for Progress in Mathematics |
Joel M. Reck Scholarship Fund |
Johanna Hill Memorial Scholarship Fund |
John Cooper-Mullin '75 History Scholarship Fund |
John and Lile Gibbons Arctic Studies Fund |
John Appleton Fund |
John B. Chandler Book Fund |
John B. Chandler Scholarship |
John C. and Irene S. Pickard Fund |
John C. Dodge Scholarship |
John C. Donovan Lecture Fund |
John C. Donovan Memorial Book Fund |
John C. Walter Scholarship Fund |
John Coleman Pickard Fund |
John D. Herrick '57, Kent Jeffrey and Andrew Harriman Herrick Scholarship |
John D. and Mary Thomas Frates Scholarship |
John D. Dupuis Memorial Scholarship |
John E. and Jayne J. Woodward Library Book Fund |
John F. Madden, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
John F. and Dorothy H. Magee Faculty Chair |
John F. and Dorothy H. Magee Fund |
John F. Eliot Scholarship |
John F. Hartley Scholarship |
John F. Jenkisson Memorial Scholarship |
John F. Madden, Jr. '77 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
John F. Magee Book Fund |
John F. Rollins Fund |
John Family Scholarship Fund |
John Fessenden Dana Fund |
John Finzer Presnell, Jr., Scholarship Fund |
John G. and Sylvia M. Lyons Scholarship Fund |
John G. Stetson '54 Fund (1854) |
John Garnett Young and Paul Campbell Young Scholarship Fund |
John H. and Ernestine A. Payne Scholarship Fund |
John H. McCoy Scholarship Fund |
John H. McLoon Scholarship Fund |
John H. Payne Scholarship |
John Hall and George Monroe Brett Fund |
John Halperin Lectureship Fund |
John Halperin Scholarship Fund |
John Henry and Della Fenton Matthews Book Fund |
John Herbert Maxwell Trust Fund |
John Hubbard Rich, Jr., John Hubbard Rich III and Whitney Rich Scholarship |
John Johnston Fund |
John K. Moulton Scholarship |
John L. Cutler Fund |
John L. Roberts Fund |
John M. Campbell '52 Architecture and Urban Planning Fund |
John Marshall Brown 1860 Memorial Fund |
John McKee Fund for Photography |
John O. Fiske Library Fund |
John P. Fitch Scholarship Fund |
John P. Hale Scholarship |
John Patten Fund |
John Prescott Webber Jr. Scholarship |
John S. Osterweis Professorship |
John S. Peckham Memorial Scholarship |
John V. Lane Scholarship |
John W. and Florence S. Higgins Scholarship Fund |
John W. Ellery and Janice R. Ellery Fund |
John W. Frost Fund |
John W. Leydon Memorial Scholarship |
John W. Tarbell Endowment Fund |
John Warren Achorn Lectureship |
Jon and Barbara Brightman Alternative Spring Break Fund |
Jonas M. Braciulis-Bachulus Library Fund |
Jordan Busch ’82 and Nancy Corliss Internship Fund |
Joseph and Elke Gordon Scholarship Fund |
Joseph and Lester Gumbel Scholarship Fund |
Joseph and Sara Volpe Scholarship Fund |
Joseph B. and Katharine Randall Drummond Scholarship |
Joseph E. Merrill Classics Department Fund |
Joseph E. Merrill Scholarship Fund |
Joseph H. Shortell, Jr. Memorial Scholarship |
Joseph L. and Margaret W. Fisher Scholarship |
Joseph Lambert Fund |
Joseph Milton Odiorne Class of 1925 and Joseph Ernest Odiorn |
Joseph Swaye Memorial Scholarship |
Joseph W. Spaulding Fund |
Josiah Little Professorship of Natural Science |
Josselyn-Rose Family Scholarship Fund |
Jotham D. Pierce Library Fund |
Jotham Donnell Pierce Sr. Scholarship |
Juantorena '24 Family Fund |
Judge Thomas E. Delahanty Memorial Book Fund |
June A. Vail Fund for Dance |
June G. and William H. Soule Scholarship |
Justin Foster ’03 and Family Scholarship Fund |
Justus Charles Fund |
Kamerling Family Scholarship Fund |
Kane Lodge Foundation-Marius E. Johnston Photographic Collection Fund |
Kappa Psi Upsilon Environmental Studies Fund |
Kappa Scholarship Fund |
Karl A. Woodman Scholarship |
Karl B. Kilborn Trust |
Karl R. Philbrick Art Museum Fund |
Karofsky Family Fund |
Kate Roche Hope '93 Family Internship Fund |
Kate Roche Hope '93 Family Scholarship Fund |
Kate Roche Hope '93 Family Scholarship Fund |
Katharine J. Watson Fund |
Katherine B. Gillett Scholarship Fund |
Kathy and Jenny Freilich Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Kay Family Women's Basketball Equity Fund |
Kendall Family Scholarship Fund '89, '90 |
Kennedy Crane, Jr. Scholarship |
Kenneth and Helen Lord Memorial Scholarship |
Kenneth M. and Beatrice A. Schubert Scholarship Fund |
Kenneth V. Santagata Memorial Fund |
Kent '57 and Laurena Hobby Scholarship Fund |
Kent Island Fund |
Kent Island Postdoctoral Scholar Fund |
Kent John Chabotar Scholarship Fund |
Kevin H. Woodall Memorial Fund |
Kevin M. Mullins, Jr. '07 and Emily R. Mullins '09 Fund |
Key Bancshares of Maine, Inc. Scholarship |
Kibbe Science Lecture Fund and Fellowship |
Killam Canadian Arctic Fund |
Kim Rubey and Nate Bride '93 Scholarship |
Kim Rubey and Nate Bride '93 Scholarship Fund |
King Family Scholarship Fund |
Kingfield Scholarship Fund |
Knight Family Scholarship Fund |
Knoff Family Graduate Scholarship in Psychology |
Knowlton Family Scholarship Fund |
Kolod Family Scholarship Fund |
Koughan Family Fund |
Kufe Family Student Research Support Fund |
Kyle Matthew Hansen Fund |
LaCasce Family Chair of Natural Sciences |
Lafayette F. Dow Library Fund |
Lakin Family Scholarship |
Laura T. and John H. Halford, Jr., Art Acquisition Fund |
Laurence Putnam Larsen Memorial Scholarship |
Laurent C. and Phyllis T. Pinette Scholarship Fund |
Lauriette G. Lowell Memorial Scholarship |
Lavon W. and Annie G. Thomas Scholarship Fund |
Lawrence and Dorothy Towle Fund |
Lawrence Dana Memorial Scholarship |
Lawrence E. Lifson '63, P'95 Family Summer Research Fellowship |
Lawrence Family Fund for Athletics |
Lawrence Foundations Fund |
Lawrence Rosen Scholarship Fund |
Lawrence Sargeant Hall and Janice Tracy-Nelson Hall Fund |
Lawrence Scholarship |
Lea Ruth Thumim Biblical Prize Fund |
Leah and Samuel Osher Hillel Fund |
Lee G. Paul and Gordon L. Paul Fund for the Writing Project |
Lee G. Paul Scholarship Fund |
Leland B. Howe, Jr. Memorial Scholarship |
Leland Family Comprehensive Aid Fund |
Leland Family Scholarship Fund |
Leland W. Hovey Scholarship Fund |
Lenk Family Fund |
Lennox Foundation Book Prize |
Leo J. Dunn Jr. '47 Scholarship Fund |
Leon and Lisa Gorman Academic Support |
Leon F. and Mildred E. Dow Scholarship Fund |
Leon Leighton and Margaret B. Leighton Scholarship Fund |
Leon T. and Florence Kennedy Conway Scholarship Fund |
Leon V. Walker Scholarship |
Leon W. and Hazel L. Babcock Fund |
Leonard A. Pierce Memorial Prize |
Leonard, Burton and Paul Gottlieb Scholarship Fund |
Lesbian and Gay Lectureship Fund |
Leslie W. Pearson Scholarship |
Levi M. Stewart Fund |
Levi Turner and Donald Payson George Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Lewis Darenydd Evans, II Scholarship Fund |
Lewis Kaskel Fund |
Lewis Pierce Book Fund |
Lewis S. Conant Collection |
Lewis W. and Agnes L. Brown Scholarship |
Lewis Woodbridge Brown Book Fund |
Library Technology Fund |
Lilley Family Fund |
Lindley F. and Mabelle Foss Parsons Scholarship |
Lindsay '95 and Pete Stavros Fund |
Lindsey Fund for Guest Lecturers |
Linhart Family Scholarship |
Linnean Professorship |
Linnie P. Hills Fund |
Little Round Top Scholarship Fund |
LL Bean Scholarship Fund |
Lloyd E. Willey Scholarship Fund |
Lloyd O. and Marjorie Strong Coulter Fund |
Longfellow Birthday Bouquet Fund |
Longfellow Professorship of Modern Languages |
Loren F. Carter and Jean Carter Fund |
Louella B. Albee Scholarship Fund |
Louis and Selma Bernstein Scholarship Fund |
Louis B. Briasco Scholarship Fund |
Louis Berry Dodson '42 & Kimberly Foster Price '81 Scholarship |
Louis Blalock McCarthy Scholarship |
Louis J. and Arlene M. Rankowitz Scholarship Fund |
Louis J. Zamanis Scholarship Fund |
Louis L. Hills, Jr. Memorial Fund |
Louis Langman Scholarship |
Louis Tripaldi Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Louisa Vaughan Conrad Fund |
Louly Baer Scholarship Fund |
Lowell Innes Fund |
Loyola and Tage Sylvan '52 Scholarship Fund |
Lt. Theodore D. Robb III Fund |
Lubec Scholarship Fund |
Lubin Family Foundation Internship Fund |
Lucien Howe Prize |
Lucien P. Libby Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Lucy H. and Frank W. Kibbe Scholarship |
Lucy Sherman Dodge Fund |
Lunder Scholars |
Luther G. Holbrook Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Luther Gordon Whittier Scholarship Fund |
Magee Family Scholarship Fund |
Mai and Ark Family Fund |
Major Robert R. Rudy Book Fund |
Malcolm E. Morrell Scholarship |
Mallory Kountze Scholarship |
Manring Family Endowment Fund |
Manton Copeland Scholarship |
Margaret E. Dunlop Scholarship Fund |
Margaret J. Williams P'71, P'72 and Lindsay T. McQuater '71 Scholarship Fund |
Margaret L. Fuller Memorial Fund |
Margaret M. Pickard Scholarship Fund |
Margaret Payson Scholarship Fund |
Marian O. Naumburg Fund for Coastal Studies |
Marion D. Glode Scholarship |
Marion H. Waldron Fund |
Marion Howe Trust Music Fund |
Marissa C. Rosenthal '14 Fund |
Mark E. Goldberg '63 Scholarship Fund |
Mark E. Patterson '97 Internship Fund |
Mark Preece Memorial Track Fund |
Mark Robert Boucher Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Markell Scholarship Fund |
Marsh Family Fund for the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
Marsh Family Student Experience Fund |
Marshall and Katharine B. Swan Scholarship Fund |
Marshall P. Cram and Philip Meserve Memorial Fund |
Marshall S. Barbour Scholarship |
Martha Reed Coles Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities |
Martha Robinson Higgins Family Scholarship Fund |
Martin Mendelson Memorial Scholarship Fund (Class of 1922) |
Marvin Bileck Printmaking Fund |
Marvin H. Green, Jr. Fund |
Marvin Tracey Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Mary Anne and Sanford R. Sistare Scholarship Fund |
Mary B. Sinkinson Short Story Prize |
Mary C. and Armand L. Bernier Scholarship Fund |
Mary C. and John A. Peters Scholarship Fund |
Mary Cleaves Scholarship Fund |
Mary Curtis Zimbalist Fund |
Mary Dana Kingsbury Scholarship Fund |
Mary deConingh & Oliver F. Emerson Fund |
Mary Decrow Dana Scholarship Fund |
Mary E. Mulholland Fund |
Mary L. Savage Memorial Scholarship |
Mary Lourdes Pinckney and Roger Saillant Scholarship Fund |
Mary M. & Albert A. Clarke, Jr. Environmental Studies Fund |
Mary M. and David A. Dickson Scholarship |
Mary P. Villari Scholarship |
Mary Spencer Book Fund |
MaryBeth and Bob Mathews Fund for Women's Rugby |
MaryLee Rowe Scholarship Fund |
Matilda and John Riley Fund for Sociology and Anthropology |
Matilda White Riley Prize |
Matthew D. Branche Professorship |
Matthew Greitzer '98 & Kimberly Driessen '98 Career Exploration Fund |
Matthew R. Kaufman '72, P'02 and Marcia A. Kaufman P'02 Family Fellowship |
Matthew R. Patterson '93 Internship Fund |
Matthew Weiss '97 and MaryBeth Walsh Scholarship Fund |
Max & Martha G. Rubinstein Scholarship Fund |
Max V. MacKinnon Scholarship Fund |
Maxime F. LeRoyer Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Mayhew Lectureship |
McDevitt Family Scholarship Fund |
McFadden Family Scholarship Fund |
McGoldrick Family Scholarship Fund |
McKee Scholarship |
Meddiebempster Scholarship Fund |
Mellon Foundation Grant for the Museum of Art |
Mellon Foundation Teaching of Foreign Language and Cultures |
Melville Family Scholarship Fund |
Melville Weston Fuller Library Fund |
Melvin and Ellen Gordon Sabbatical Leave Fund |
Men's Golf Support Fund |
Mersereau-Spettel Family Scholarship Fund |
Merton G. Henry '50, H'84 Scholarship Fund |
Meyer J. Bloch Library Book Fund |
Michael Moynihan '89 Scholarship Fund |
Michael and Irene Siket Scholarship |
Michael F. Micciche III Memorial Fund |
Michael J. Batal III '82 Fund |
Michael K. Marler Scholarship Fund |
Michael K. Marler Technology Fund |
Micoleau Family Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts |
Miguel E. de la Fe Memorial Book Fund |
Millar Family Scholarship |
Milton Canter Scholarship Fund |
Minnesota Scholarship |
Minot Fund for Kent Island |
Mohsen Family Scholarship Fund |
Monaghan Family Fund |
Monte Kimball Scholarship |
Moore Hall Maintenance Fund |
Morris A. Densmore Scholarship Fund |
Mortimer F. LaPointe Lacrosse Award |
Mortimer LaPointe Endowment for Men's Lacrosse |
Morton and Merle Price Endowment Fund |
Moses M. Butler Scholarships |
Moses Mason Hastings Fund |
Moses R. Ludwig and Albert F. Thomas Scholarships |
Munno Family Research Fellowship Fund |
Munno Neuroscience Prize Fund |
Music Collections Fund |
Nagel Family Scholarship Fund |
Nancy L. Ransohoff Fund |
Napoleon and Albert Gray Fund |
Natalie and Fritz Kempner Scholarship Fund |
Nathalie Walker Llewellyn Poetry Prize |
Nathan and Rose Chandler ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Fund |
Nathan Cleaves Fund |
Nathan Clifford Scholarship Fund |
Nathan Goold Prize |
Nathan I. Greene Fund |
Nathan Webb Research Scholarship Fund |
Nathan Webb Research Scholarship in English |
Nathaniel McLellan Whitmore and George Sidney Whitmore Scholarship |
Neil B. Martin Scholarship Fund |
Nellie C. Watterson Summer Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts |
Nels Corey Scholarship Fund |
New Century Campaign Scholarship Fund |
New Hampshire Charitable Scholarship |
New Perspectives Scholarship Fund |
Newton Family Scholarship Fund |
Nicholas Bright Memorial Scholarship |
Nicholson Family Scholarship Fund |
Nikuradse-Matthews Public Interest Summer Fellowship Fund |
Noel C. Little Prize in Experimental Physics |
Noel Charlton Little Book Fund |
Noel W. Deering & James L. Deering Scholarship |
Norma L. and Roland G. Ware, Jr. Endowed Professorship |
Norman J. and Marilyn S. Gould Fund |
Norman P. and Linda R. Cohen Scholarship Fund |
Nowak Family Scholarship Fund |
Noyes Political Economy Prize |
O'Brien Scholarship Fund |
Old Broad Bay Prize in Reading German |
Olive Folsom MacMorran Scholarship Fund |
Oliver T. Sanborn Fund |
Olsen Family Fund--Center for the Common Good |
Ora L. Evans Scholarship Fund |
Oren A. Armstrong Memorial Book Fund |
Ormont Scholarship Fund |
Orr Family Foundation Scholarship Fund |
Osborne-Fawcett Scholarship |
Ossoff Family Scholarship Fund |
Ouzounian Family Comprehensive Aid Fund |
Owen Brewster Memorial Fund |
Ozbal-Wright Family Scholarship Fund |
Packard Gateway Fund |
Packard Scholarship |
Paller Family Fund |
Pamela E. Herbert Memorial Scholarship |
Paris Family Scholarship Fund |
Parker and Edwin D. Jaques Fund |
Parker Cleaveland Newbegin Scholarship |
Parker Family Fund at the Coastal Studies Center |
Parker Poe Charitable Trust Museum of Art Fund |
Patricia Forys McNamara and Billy Burchard Scholarship |
Patrick John Marr Memorial Scholarship |
Patsy S. Dickinson Neuroscience Student Research Fund |
Patterson Baird Family Research Fellowship Fund |
Paul '59 and Gisela Estes Scholarship Fund |
Paul A. Batista Scholarship |
Paul and Ethel Van Order Welsh Scholarship Fund |
Paul and Lynn Brountas Scholarship |
Paul Andrew Walker Prize |
Paul E. and Grace H. Sullivan Scholarship |
Paul E. Gardent, Jr. Scholarship |
Paul G. and Claire G. Kirby Scholarship Fund |
Paul H. Douglas Scholarship Fund |
Paul H. Eames Fund |
Paul J. McGoldrick Scholarship Fund |
Paul Kendall Niven, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Paul L. Nyhus Travel Grant |
Paul L. Woodworth Scholarship Fund |
Paul M. Toomey Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Paul Tiemer III Fund |
Paul V. Hazelton Book Fund |
Paul W. '75 and Diana C. Dennett Scholarship Fund |
Paula M. Wardynski Scholarship Fund |
Pauline Curtis Audio-Communication Center Fund |
Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum Fund |
Pendexter Family Scholarship |
Percy Willis Brooks Fund |
Perkins-Sturgis Fund |
Perper Family Scholarship Fund |
Peter '59 and Karen '84 Fuller Family Scholarship Fund |
Peter '64 and Elizabeth Seaver Family Scholarship Fund |
Peter A. Bieger Scholarship Fund |
Peter and Ann Donavan Scholarship Fund |
Peter Buck Scholarship Fund |
Peter Buck Student Internship Fund |
Peter C. and Danuta M. Barnard Fund |
Peter D. and Elizabeth S. Gross Scholarship Fund |
Peter E. Driscoll Fund for Dramatics |
Peter E. Driscoll Sailing Fund |
Peter E. Driscoll Scholarship Fund |
Peter F. Cannell Fund for Kent Island |
Peter H. Grossman and Lawrence W. Timmins Scholarship Fund |
Peter J. DeTroy, Jr. '51 Fund for Mathematics |
Peter J. Grua & Mary G. O'Connell Scholarship Fund |
Peter J. Grua and Mary G. O'Connell Faculty/Student Research Fund |
Peter M. Small Professorship |
Peter Metcalf Small Scholarship Fund |
Peter Sheldon Fund |
Petitjean Family Scholarship Fund |
Phi Delta Psi-Alpha Tau Omega Scholarship Fund |
Philip C. Bradley Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Philip C. Bradley Spanish Prize Fund |
Philip C. Young Scholarship |
Philip Conway Beam Endowment Fund |
Philip D. Crockett Special Collections Fund |
Philip H. Soule Memorial Fund |
Philip Henry Brown Prize in English |
Philip Meader Brown Book Fund |
Philip O. and Alice Meyer Coffin Scholarship Fund |
Philip S. Day Endowed Fund |
Philip S. and Elisabeth C. Wilder Scholarship Fund |
Philip W. Cummings Philosophy Prize Fund |
Philip W. Norton Scholarship |
Philip Weston Meserve Fund |
Philo Sherman Bennett Prize |
Phyllis and Leonard Bell Scholarship Fund |
Phyllis Fisher Zimman and Barry Zimman '42 Fund for Visiting Scholars |
Phyllis Marshall Watson Fund |
Phyllis Weston Mathematics Scholarship Fund |
Physics Department Fund |
Pickard Library and Field Fund |
Pierce Professorship in English |
Pierce Scholarship |
Pierre V. and Rosanne Bourassa Scholarship |
Piper Family Fund |
Poetry Prize Fund |
Pomeroy Scholarship/Common Good Fund |
Poole Family Scholarship Fund |
Pope Scholarship |
Poppy Environmental Studies Fellowship Fund |
Porter and Fanny M. Thompson Fund |
Potter Scholarship |
Pray English Prize |
Pre-Med Equity Fund |
Prescott H. Pardoe Memorial Scholarship |
Preservation of Freedom Fund |
President John F. Kennedy Book Fund |
Preston Brown Scholarship Fund |
Preston Public Interest Career Fund |
Preusse Family Internship Fund |
Prince Family Fund |
Prince Tree Fund |
Professor Alfred O. Gross Fund for Kent Island |
Professor Burton Rubin Russian Studies Fund |
Professor Henry Johnson Memorial Fund |
Professor Walter M. Solmitz Memorial Fund |
Psychology Department Innovation Fund |
Quantitative Scholarship Fund |
Quimby Family Fund |
R. Wells Johnson Professorship |
R.A. Page, M.D. Scholarship Fund |
Rachel S. Lord Religious and Spiritual Life Fund |
Ralph L. Wiggin Scholarship Fund |
Ralph T. Ogden Fund |
Ramler Family Scholarship Fund |
Ramona M. Pugsley Comrie Scholarship Fund |
Randall M. Ebner '77 and Ricki Ebner Scholarship Fund |
Ray L. and Elizabeth S. Fite Memorial Scholarship |
Ray W. and Rachel T. Pettengill Library Book Fund |
Raymond H. Shaw Scholarship Fund |
Raymond Thomas Warren Fund |
Raymond W. and Alice B. Forgit Scholarship Fund |
Rebecca Rowe '97 Fund for Arctic Studies |
Reed Hastings Fund |
Reginald P. and Kathleen F. McManus Scholarship |
Reginald Robinson Scholarship Fund |
Reid Squash Trophy |
Reverend Canon Albert Weatherbee Tarbell Scholarship Fund |
Reverend Edward R. Stearns, Class of 1889, Scholarship Fund |
Richard A. Rhodes Scholarship |
Richard Almy Lee Scholarship |
Richard and Eleanor Morrell Scholarship Fund |
Richard and Phoebe Burston Scholarship |
Richard C. Bechtel Mathematics Fund |
Richard C. Bechtel Scholarship Fund |
Richard Charles Robarts '55 Family Scholarship Fund |
Richard D. Foulkes, Jr. Memorial Scholarship |
Richard E. Steele Scholarship Fund |
Richard E. and Martha F. Burns Endowment Fund |
Richard E. and Nancy H. Bye Scholarship Fund |
Richard E. Robinson Memorial Scholarship |
Richard E. Small Library Fund |
Richard E. Steele Chair in Studio Art |
Richard G. D'Auteuil '82 and Kimberly A. Labbe '82 Internship Fund |
Richard H. Morse Family Scholarship Fund |
Richard H. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Richard H. Morse Family Baseball Head Coach Fund |
Richard J. and Betty Smith Scholarship Fund |
Richard L. and Mary E. Chittim Scholarship |
Richard L. Rablin Scholarship Fund |
Richard P. Martel, Jr. Memorial Fund |
Richard S. and Marion D. Henry Scholarship |
Richard S. and Stephen M. Pulsifer Fund |
Richard S. Mason Fund |
Richard T. Caulfeild Goodman Financial Assistance Fund |
Richard W. Moll Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Richard White Foundation Fund of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College |
Richard Woodhull Scholarship |
Riley P. Brewster '77 Fund for the B.C. Museum of Art |
Rizoulis Family Scholarship Fund |
Rizzieri Family Internship Fund |
Robert A. Hadley Scholarship Fund |
Robert A. Hoehn Museum of Art Fund |
Robert A. Kullen Athletics Fund |
Robert and Blythe Edwards Fund for the Arts |
Robert B. Miller Memorial Scholarship |
Robert B. Patterson, Jr. '68 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Robert C. and Judith Toll Arctic Museum Fund |
Robert C. Hill Library Fund |
Robert C. Merriam Scholarship Fund |
Robert C. Porter ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾-Penn Charter Scholarship Fund |
Robert C. Porter Fund |
Robert D. Demont, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Robert E. and Clara C. Maynard Scholarship Fund |
Robert E. Johnson Memorial Book Fund |
Robert Edward Maynard Scholarship Fund |
Robert F. Kingsbury '34 Scholarship Fund |
Robert F. White Scholarship Fund |
Robert Freedman '87 P'17 and Anne Cirillo P'17 Student Fellowship Fund |
Robert G. MacDermid III Scholarship Fund |
Robert G. True '68 DVM Comprehensive Aid Fund |
Robert H. Dunlap Scholarship Fund |
Robert H. Edwards Scholarship Fund |
Robert H. Glinick '44 Family Fund for Coastal Studies |
Robert H. Glover Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Robert H. Page Library Fund |
Robert H. Pfeiffer ’67 “Pfeif” Fund to Give Students in the Sciences Equal Access to a Full ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Experience |
Robert Hale Book Fund |
Robert Hale Fund |
Robert Henry Lunt Fund |
Robert I. de Sherbinin Scholarship |
Robert J. Kemp Lectureship Fund |
Robert K. Beckwith Chair in Music |
Robert L. and Nancy K. Morrell Family Scholarship Fund |
Robert L. and Nancy K. Morrell Fund |
Robert L. Happ Book Fund |
Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Fund for Special Collections and Archives |
Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Fund for the Visual Arts |
Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Museum of Art Acquisitions Fund |
Robert L. M. and Nell G. Ahern Scholarship Fund |
Robert M. Cross Alumni Activity Fund |
Robert N. Thurston Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Robert R. and Hazel F. Neilson Endowment Fund |
Robert R. Dearing Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Robert R. Wiener Scholarship Fund |
Robert S. Goodfriend '57 Scholarship Fund |
Robert S. Doughty Scholarship Fund |
Robert S. Frank, Jr. Scholarship |
Robert S. Goodfriend Summer Internship |
Robert Seaver Edwards Scholarship Fund |
Robert W. and Madeline Cornelli Endowment Fund |
Robert W. Boyd Scholarship |
Robert W. Pitman Memorial Book Fund |
Robinson-Davis Fund |
Rodney E. Ross 1910 Scholarship Fund |
Rodney I. Thompson Memorial Fund |
Roger Howell, Jr. English History Book Fund |
Roger Howell, Jr. Professorship Fund |
Roger Saillant and Mary Lourdes Pinckney Scholarship Fund |
Roger Tuveson Scholarship Fund |
Roland G. and Iva M. Ware Scholarship Fund |
Roland Marcy Peck Memorial |
Roliston G. Woodbury Memorial Scholarship |
Root Graduate Scholarship |
Rosalyne and Sumner Bernstein Scholarship Fund |
Roscoe C. Ingalls Scholarship |
Roscoe C. Ingalls, Jr. Scholarship |
Roscoe Henderson Hupper Scholarship |
Roscoe J. Ham Book Fund |
Rosenfeld Family Scholarship Fund |
Roth Family Scholarship Fund |
Roy A. Foulke Fund |
Roy A. Robinson Fund |
Roy Family Endowment Fund |
Roy Spear Memorial Fund |
Rusack Professorship in Environmental Studies and Earth and Oceanographic Science |
Russell B. Wight, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Russell S. Douglas and Janet R. Douglas Family Scholarship Fund |
Russian Department Endowment Fund |
Ruth B. and Albert E. Nagel Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Ruth Carter Fobes and Theodore Burgess Fobes Scholarship |
Ruth Sanderson Kingsbury Scholarship Fund |
S. Forbush McGarry, Jr. Scholarship |
Sabra and Richard B. Ladd '62 Government Internship Fund |
Sadye Gordon Weil Scholarship Fund |
Sam Wesley Scholarship Fund |
Samuel A. Ladd III Scholarship |
Samuel Appleton and Estelle Hamilton Ladd Scholarship Fund |
Samuel Clark, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Samuel E. Kamerling Scholarship Fund |
Samuel Fraser Scholarship Fund |
Samuel H. and Sarah Allen Perkins Scholarship Fund |
Samuel H. Ayer Fund |
Samuel J. and Evelyn L. Wood Scholarship Fund |
Samuel S. Butcher Professorship in the Natural Sciences |
Samuel Wesley Hatch Fund |
Sanborn Scholarship Fund |
Sandra Quinlan Potholm Swimming Trophy |
Sandra Stone Fund for the Outing Club |
Sanford B. and Elizabeth N. Cousins Scholarship |
Sanford Burton Comery Scholarship |
Sanford L. Fogg & Dorothy V. Fogg Scholarship Fund |
Sarah A. Gessner '96 Memorial Fellowship Fund |
Sarah and James ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Associate Professorship |
Saralea K. and Bartley H.Emerson and EJ Emerson Scholarship |
Schmidt Family Fund for the Common Good |
Science Center Maintenance Endowment Fund |
Sciolla, Stonestreet and Uhrig Family Scholarship Fund |
Scott and Anne Perper Internship Fund |
Scott and Susan Mazur Scholarship Fund |
Scott C. W. Simpson Fund |
Scott S. McCune Scholarship Fund |
Segerdahl Family Fund for Academic Resources |
Serwer Family Scholarship Fund |
Seward Garcelon and Samuel Merritt Fund |
Sgroi Family Scholarship Fund |
Shapell Family Art Fund |
Shari Michelson Wilson Memorial Scholarship |
Shaw Ruddock Museum of Art Fund |
Shelley A. Hearne '83 Internship Fund |
Shelly Chessie Miller Scholarship Fund |
Shengyi and Xuejuan Yan Scholarship Fund |
Shepley Scholarship |
Sherman David Spector of the Class of 1950 Award in History |
Sherman Family Scholarship Fund |
Sherman Fund |
Sherman N. Shumway Fund for the Infirmary |
Sherman W. Dunn Scholarship Fund |
Shorey Family Scholarship |
Shorey M. Armstrong Instructional Fund |
Shumway Scholarship |
Shurtleff Endowment Fund |
Sibley Fund |
Sidney D. Fay Memorial Scholarship |
Sidney J. Watson Athletics Fund |
Sidney J. Watson Head Coach for Ice Hockey Fund |
Sidney Watson Fitness Center Maintenance Fund |
Sidney Wish and Bertha Wish Sipkin Scholarship Fund |
Sills Book Fund |
Simon Family Scholarship |
Sinnott Family Fund for Academic Resources |
Sir Harry Oakes, Bt. Memorial Fund |
Slava Klima Scholarship Fund |
Smith Family Scholarship |
Smithwick Fund |
Smyth Mathematical Prize Fund |
Snow Family Scholarship Fund |
Society of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Women Athletic Award |
Society of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Women Foundation Scholarship |
Solon and Kate Papacosma Memorial Fund |
Solon and Kate Papacosma Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Solon B. Lufkin Library Fund |
Solon E. and Lida Skolfield Turner Fund |
Souki-Schmidt Family Neurodivergence Fund |
Spencer Family Scholarship Fund |
Sprague Family Scholarship |
St. Mary Family Endowment Fund |
Staley Family Fund for Digital & Computational Studies |
Staley Family Fund for Faculty Development and Professional Engagement |
Stanley F. and Valrosa V. Dole Scholarship Fund |
Stanley F. Druckenmiller Professor of Asian Culture |
Stanley F. Druckenmiller Professor of Environmental Studies |
Stanley F. Druckenmiller Scholarship Fund |
Stanley Plummer Prize |
Stanley Plummer Scholarship |
Stanwood Alexander Scholarship |
Stanwood Book Fund |
Stauber Family Scholarship Fund |
Steele Fund |
Steinberg Family Scholarship Fund |
Stephen A. Fay Memorial Scholarship |
Stephen A. Reed Trust Fund |
Stephen and Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak Scholarship Fund |
Stephen Anthony DeVasto Book Fund |
Stephen D. Trafton Fund |
Stephen Gilman O'Grady Scholarship |
Stephen H. and Joanne R. Burns Student Research Fund |
Stephen Sewall Scholarship |
Stephen Smith Prize in Biochemistry |
Stephens-Bennett Scholarship |
Steve '70 and Paula Mae Schwartz Scholarship Fund |
Steven and Judith Siegel Family Scholarship Fund |
Steven H. Hughes '79, P'15, P'16 and Katherine T. Hughes '84, P'15, P'16 Family Scholarship Fund |
Steven P. Heinrich '67 Internship Fund |
Steven P. Marrow '83 and Dianne Pappas Fund for the ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Museum of Art |
Stevens L. Frost Endowment Fund |
Stevenson Family Scholarship Fund |
Stone Family Fund for the Common Good |
Stone Family Scholarship Fund |
Stones-Pickard Endowment Fund |
Stones-Pickard Special Editions Book Fund |
Strauss Fund for Comprehensive Aid |
Strawbridge Family Scholarship Fund |
Stuart '53 and Doree Cooper Scholarship Fund |
Stuart F. Brown Scholarship |
Student Internship Fund |
Sue Winchell Burnett Prize in Music Fund |
Sullivan Family Internship Fund |
Sumner Edwards Athletic Fund |
Sumner Increase Kimball Prize |
Surdna Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellowship Fund |
Susan and Jeffrey Goldenberg Career Planning Fund |
Susan U. and Jeffrey B. Goldenberg '77 Internship Fund |
Susan U. and Jeffrey B. Goldenberg '77 Programming Fund |
Sustainable Future Fund |
Sweeney Family Scholarship Fund |
Sylvester B. Carter Scholarship |
Sylvia E. Ross Fund |
Sylvio C. (Zeke) and Pauline Hayes Martin Scholarship Fund |
Sze Family Endowment Fund for Faculty Development |
T. Penny Martin Scholarship Fund Established by the Ryan Family |
Talbot Sanborn Scholarship Fund |
Tallman Lecture Fund |
Tappan Fund |
Taryn King Memorial Scholarship |
TD Bank Endowed Scholarship |
Technology Improvement Fund |
Ted Gibbons Family Rowing Fund |
Teichert Sabine Family Fund |
Tewari/Moore Family Scholarship Fund |
The Ciaccio Endowment |
The Finks Foundation |
Theodore E. Adams-Sri Lanka Endowment Fund |
Theodore Gullicksen Memorial Music Instruction Equipment Fund |
Theodore Samuel Danzig '22 Memorial Fellowship Fund |
Theresa Carnegie '95 and Leslie Carnegie Scholarship Fund |
Theta Delta Chi Fund |
Theta Fund |
Thomas Allen Perkins Medical Fund |
Thomas and Roberta Skaling Kent Island Fund |
Thomas Andrew McKinley Family Scholarship and Entrepreneur Grant Fund |
Thomas B. Reed Professorship of History & Political Science |
Thomas Curtis Van Cleve Memorial Book Fund |
Thomas E. Capasse '79 Scholarship |
Thomas F. and Helen G. Shannon Scholarship Fund |
Thomas F. Shannon Professorship in Environmental Studies |
Thomas J. Milligan IV '68 and Marjory H. Milligan Scholarship |
Thomas J. Sheehy, Jr. Scholarship |
Thomas J. Watson Fellowship Grants |
Thomas J.N. Juko Book Fund |
Thomas K. Sterio Scholarship Fund |
Thomas R. and Louise M. Winchell Memorial Scholarship |
Thomas Simpson French MD Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Thomas Smiley Fund |
Thomas Upham Coe Fund |
Thomas W. Ufer Scholarship |
Thorndike Family Fund |
Thorndike Oak Fund |
Timothy C. Gibson Scholarship |
Timothy Gutmann Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Timothy Hayes and Linn Spencer Hayes Scholarship Fund |
Timothy M. Laurion 1981 & Mary Laurion Scholarship Fund |
Toby Parker Memorial Scholarship |
Todd H. Callihan Memorial Scholarship |
Toll Arctic Museum Summer Intern Fund |
Tom Cassidy Lecture Fund |
Tom Cassidy Student Support Fund |
Tommy Long '06 Scholarship Fund |
Tracy R. Wolstencroft Sabbatical Leave Fund |
Transportation Library Fund |
Travis Garthwaite Buchanan Scholarship Fund |
Trueman S. Perry Scholarship |
Twenty-one Appleton Hall Scholarship |
Vallimarescu Family Scholarship Fund |
VanderWolk Research Fund for the Humanities |
Varian Zuklie Family Scholarship Fund |
Verrill Dana LLP Scholarship Fund |
Vincent B. and Barbara G. Welch Scholarship |
Viola Ward Brinning and Elbert Calhoun Brinning Professorship |
Virgil H. Logan, Jr. Scholarship |
Virginia Alden Prior Morrell Fund |
Virginia C. and Hallett P. Foster Scholarship |
Virginia N. and Gilbert M. Elliott, Jr. Scholarship |
Visual Arts Endowment Fund |
Vivian B. Allen Foundation Scholarship Fund |
W. Cranston Brewer Memorial Fund |
W. Thomas Scholarship |
W. W. Thomas Scholarship |
W.R. Hearst Fund |
W.S. Bass (1896) & J. R. Bass (1900) Memorial Scholarship |
Walker Fund |
Walker Scholarships |
Wallace C. Philoon, Jr. Department of Chemistry Support Fund |
Walter Averill Powers 1906 Scholarship |
Walter E. Bartlett Library Fund |
Walter F. Whittier Scholarship Fund |
Walter H. and Mary I. Moulton Scholarship Fund |
Walter H. Moulton Scholarship Fund |
Walter L. Sanborn Oxford County Scholarship Fund |
Walter Meiggs Bush, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Walter Moritz Solmitz Book Fund |
Walter W. Keiler Book Fund |
Warren E. Robinson Gateway Fund |
Watters Family Endowment Fund |
Wayne Sibley Scholarship |
Webster Family Scholarship Fund |
Wentworth Scholarship Fund |
Weston Lewis Memorial Scholarship |
Weston Percival Chamberlain and Eleanore Bush Chamberlain Scholarship |
Wheeler Family Scholarship Fund |
Where There's a Will, There's a Way Scholarship Fund |
White Pine Fund |
Whitfield B. Case Scholarship Fund |
Widgery and Zella Bridge Thomas Fund |
Widgery Thomas Fund |
Wight Fund |
Wil Smith '00 Scholarship Fund |
Wiley Family Scholarship Fund |
Wilfred T. and Muriel G. Small Scholarship |
Wilhelmine and Herman Fuchs Book Fund |
William A. Robinson '07 Fund |
William and Elizabeth Goodman Library Book Fund |
William B. Beedle Life Sciences Fund |
William B. Beedle Scholarship Fund |
William B. Sewall Scholarship |
William B. Sorabella '97 Global Health Fellowship Fund |
William Bingham II Scholarship Fund |
William Buck Scholarship Fund |
William C. Root Memorial Fund |
William C. Watterson Scholarship Fund |
William Campbell Root Chemistry Fund |
William Child Stearns Scholarship Fund |
William Curtis Merryman Fund |
William Curtis Pierce '28 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
William D. Alexander Memorial Scholarship |
William D. and Eleanor S. Rounds Library Book Fund |
William D. Geoghegan Scholarship Fund |
William D. Littlefield Fund for Summer Fellowships |
William D. Shipman Professor of Economics |
William DeWitt Hyde Family Scholarship Fund |
William Dummer Northend Fund |
William Dunning and Mary Elliott Ireland Scholarship Fund |
William E. and Rosette M. Woodard Scholarship |
William E. Foster Scholarship |
William E. Hill, Sr., MD '21 Scholarship Fund |
William E. Spear Scholarship Fund |
William Edward Lunt Fund |
William Engel Fund |
William F. Springer, Jr. Memorial Scholarship |
William H. Alexander Scholarship Fund |
William H. Hazen Scholarship |
William H. Moody '56 Award |
William H. Wineland Memorial Fund |
William J. Reardon Memorial Football Trophy |
William L. Buker Scholarship Fund |
William L. Flye Scholarship Fund |
William L. Hughes, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
William Law Symonds Scholarship |
William Little Gerrish Scholarship |
William M. Lehmberg Scholarship |
William Markell and Carol Smith Markell Fund |
William N. Mann Scholarship |
William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Constitutional and International Law and Government Endowed Professorship |
William P. Drake Scholarship Fund |
William R. Kenan, Jr. Chair Fund |
William Ricker Scholarship Fund |
William Rowe Memorial Scholarship Fund |
William S. Anderson '80 Scholarship Fund |
William S. Janes Fund |
William T. Graham, Jr. Memorial Scholarship |
William T. Hughes Scholarship Fund |
William W. Hale, Jr. Memorial Scholarship |
William W. Lawrence Fund |
William Whitney Rice Memorial Fund |
William Widgery Thomas (Class of 1894) Memorial Fund |
William Widgery Thomas, Class of 1860 Fund |
Williams Book Fund |
Williams Family Internship Fund |
Williams Scholarship Fund |
Willis Hay Fund |
Willkomm Family Scholarship Fund |
Wilmot Brookings Mitchell Graduate Scholarship |
Winfield S. Hutchinson Library Fund |
Winfield S. Hutchinson Scholarships |
Winkley Professorship of Latin and Greek |
Wish Theater Maintenance Endowment Fund |
Wolfe Family Internship Fund |
Wolfe Family Nonprofit and Education Internship Fund |
Wolfgang R. Thomas Family Scholarship Fund |
Wolstencroft China Fund |
Woodcock Family Scholarship |
Woolf Peirez Scholarship |
Writing and Rhetoric Endowment |
Writing Project Endowment Fund |
Wyer Family Scholarship |
Wyman Trull Scholarship Fund |
Yadgar Family Endowment Fund |
Yeu/Nigro Endowed Internship Fund |
Yochum Family Scholarship Fund |
Younger Family Scholarship Fund |
Zaki-Templeton Scholarship Fund |
Endowed Funds
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Scholarship Funds
Generous alumni, families and friends have established these funds that provide scholarship aid to ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ undergraduates.
A Scholarship In Memory Of Ruth Taylor Cristy |
Abbott, E. Farrington, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Abbott, E. Farrington, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Abrahamson, Albert, Scholarship Fund |
Achorn, Clara Rundlett, Scholarships |
Ahern, Robert L. M. and Nell G., Scholarship Fund |
Albee, Louella B., Scholarship |
Alden, George I., Trust Scholarship Fund |
Alexander, Frank W., Scholarship Fund |
Alexander, Stanwood, Scholarship |
Alexander, William D., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Alexander, William H., Scholarship Fund |
Allen, Frank R., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Allen, Vivian B., Foundation Scholarship Fund |
Anicetti, Arthur & Phyllis, Scholarship Fund |
Antonucci, Dominic N., Scholarship Fund |
Aroostook County Scholarship Fund |
Artinian, Artine, Scholarship Fund For Needy Students |
Aschenbach, Georgiana F. and Karl L. '66, Scholarship Fund |
Ashe, Harold D., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Ashforth Harvey Scholarship Fund, The |
Babcock, Leon W. and Hazel L., Fund |
Baer, Louly, Scholarship Fund |
Baker, Dr. John W. Baker and Estelle L., Scholarship Fund |
Baker, Eva D. H., Scholarship |
Baker, Jeffrey G., Scholarship Fund |
Bakers of Orrington Fund |
Baldwin, Flossie M, Memorial Scholarship |
Bangs, Dennis Milliken, Scholarship |
Banner, Arthur and Barbara, Scholarship Fund |
Barbour, Marshall S., Scholarship Fund |
Barker Family Scholarship |
Barker, Byron F., Scholarship |
Barlow, Alice Manson and James Evans, Scholarship Fund |
Barnes, Donald F. and Margaret Gallagher, Scholarship Fund |
Barton, Robert D. and Nancy H., Scholarship Fund |
Bass, W.S., '96 and J.R. Bass '00 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Bath Iron Works Corporation Scholarship Fund |
Bean, L.L., Scholarship Fund |
Beatty Family Scholarship Fund |
Bechtel, The Richard C., Scholarship Fund |
Becker, Logan A. Fund |
Beedle, William B. Scholarship Fund |
Bell, Phyllis & Leonard, Scholarship Fund |
Benner Browne Scholarship Fund |
Bennett, Charles R. and Mary D., Scholarship Fund |
Bennett, Freeman E., and Ella M. Bennett Fund |
Benoit, Andre E., Family Scholarship Fund |
Bernier, Mary C. and Armand L., Scholarship Fund |
Bernstein, Haskell, Scholarship Fund |
Bernstein, Louis and Selma, Scholarship Fund |
Bernstein, Rosalyne and Sumner, Scholarship Fund |
Berry, Harold Lee, Scholarship Fund |
Berwind, Charles G., Scholarship Fund |
Beta Theta Pi Fund, The |
Beverly Scholarship |
Bingham, William, 2nd Scholarship Fund |
Bird, Adriel U., Scholarship Fund |
Bittel Family Scholarship Fund |
Black, Herbert A., MD Scholarship Fund |
Blair, George K., Scholarship Fund |
Blake Scholarship |
Bleau, Alexander Brodie, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Bockmann Family International Scholarship Fund |
Bonanno, Jennifer Quagan '90, Scholarship Fund |
Bond, Edward H., and Eva D. Bond, Scholarship Fund |
Boulter Family Scholarship Fund |
Bourassa, Pierre V. and Rosanne, Scholarship Fund |
Bourne, George Franklin, Scholarship |
Bowditch Family Scholarship Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Scholarship Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Faculty Scholarship in Honor of Barry & Karen Mills |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Marine Corps Society Scholarship Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾, James, Scholarship Fund |
Bowie, George W. R., Fund |
Boxer Family Scholarship Fund |
Boyd, Robert W., Scholarship Fund |
Bradley, The Philip C., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Brawn Family Scholarship Fund |
BRCO Scholarship Fund |
Brett, John Hall And George Monroe, Fund |
Brewster, Geraldine, Scholarship Endowment Fund |
Brickates Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Bright, Nicholas, Scholarship Fund |
Brodie Scholarship Fund |
Brooks, Percy Willis, Fund |
Brountas, Paul and Lynn, Scholarship Fund |
Brown Family Scholarship |
Brown, Lewis W. and Agnes L., Scholarship Fund |
Brown, Preston, Scholarship Fund |
Brown, Stuart F., Scholarship Fund |
Browning Family Scholarship Fund |
Buchanan, The Travis Garthwaite, Scholarship Fund |
Buck, William, Scholarship Fund |
Burpee Family Scholarship Fund |
Burston, Richard and Phoebe, Scholarship Fund |
Busch Family Scholarship Fund |
Bush, Edward V. Scholarship Fund |
Bush, Walter Meiggs, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Butler, Moses M., Scholarships |
Butt, Charles J., Scholarship Fund |
Buxton Scholarship Fund |
Bye, Richard E. and Nancy H., Scholarship Fund |
Call, Florence Mitchell, Scholarship |
Callihan, Todd H., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Campaign for ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Scholarship Fund, The |
Canter, Milton, Scholarship Fund |
Capasse, Thomas E. '79 Scholarship Fund |
Carbonneau, Adrien and Lucille, Scholarship Fund |
Card, Bradbury Taylor, Scholarship Fund |
Carlisle, David M., Fund |
Carter, Hodding, Class of 1927 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Carter, Loren F., and Jean Carter Fund |
Carter, Sylvester B., Scholarship |
Cartland, John E., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Casco Northern Bank Scholarship Fund |
Case, Whitfield B, Scholarship Fund |
Chabotar, Kent John, Scholarship Fund |
Chalmers, Herbert W. Scholarship Fund |
Chamberlain, Weston Percival, & Eleanor Bush Chamberlain Scholarship |
Chandler, John B., Scholarship Fund |
Chandler, Nathan and Rose, ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Fund |
Chapman, Clyde R., and May Humphrey Chapman Scholarship Fund |
Chapman, Harrison C., Scholarship Fund |
Chapman, The Charles A., Scholarship Fund |
Charles, Harold and Inez, Scholarship Fund |
Charles, Justus, Fund |
Chase, Curtis E., Memorial Fund |
Cheever, Henry T., Scholarship |
Chemical Bank Scholarship Fund |
Chertavian, Gerald and Kate, Scholarship Fund |
Chess, The Christopher, Scholarship Fund |
Chi Delta Phi/Zeta Psi Fund |
Chi Psi Fund, The |
Chisholm, Hugh J., Scholarship |
Chittim, Richard L. and Mary E., Scholarship Fund |
Claff Scholarship Fund |
Clark Family Scholarship Fund |
Clark, The Samuel, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1872 Scholarship |
Class of 1881 Scholarship |
Class of 1896 Memorial Scholarship, The |
Class of 1903 Scholarship |
Class of 1916 Fund |
Class of 1918 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1919 Scholarship Fund |
Class Of 1920 Scholarship |
Class of 1926 Fund |
Class of 1929 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1930 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1931 Memorial Fund |
Class of 1932 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1933 Memorial Fund |
Class of 1936 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1937 Scholarship Fund, The |
Class of 1939 Scholarship |
Class of 1940 Memorial Fund |
Class of 1942 Memorial Scholarship Fund, The |
Class of 1944 Fund |
Class of 1947 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1948 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1949 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1950 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1951 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1952 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1955 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1956 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1958 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1963 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1965 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1966 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1967 Scholarship Fund, The |
Class of 1968 Scholarship |
Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 1980 Scholarship Fund |
Class of 2006 Scholarship Fund, The |
Class of '92 Scholarship Fund (1892) |
Claverie, James F., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Cleaves, Mary, Scholarship Fund |
Clifford Family Scholarship Fund |
Clifford, Nathan, Scholarship Fund |
Coffin Family Scholarship Fund |
Coffin, Jim and Helen, Scholarship |
Coffin, Philip O. and Alice Meyer, Scholarship Fund |
Cohan, Alfred E., Scholarship Fund |
Cohen, David M. '64 and Janis B, Scholarship Fund |
Cole, Clarence L., Scholarship Fund |
Comery, Sanford Burton, Fund |
Common Good Scholarship Fund |
Conley, Albert D. and Madelyn Dyer, Scholarship Fund |
Connecticut Alumni Scholarship Fund |
Connor, Carleton S., Memorial Fund |
Converse, E. C., Scholarship Fund |
Conway, Leon T. and Florence Kennedy, Scholarship Fund |
Cook, James D. and Marianne E., Scholarship Fund |
Cooley, Elmer C., Scholarship Fund |
Coombs, Edmund L. and Shirley Dickson, Scholarship Fund |
Coombs, Harry S. and Jane B., Fund |
Cooper, Stuart '53 and Doree, Scholarship Fund |
Cooper-Mullin, John '75, History Scholarship Fund |
Copeland, Else H., Scholarship Fund |
Copeland, Manton, Scholarship Fund |
Corey-Davies Scholarship Fund |
Cornelius R. Love III and Carole M. Love Musical Trust |
Cornick Scholarship Fund |
Cotton Scholarship Fund, The |
Cousins, Sanford B. and Elizabeth N., Scholarship Fund |
Cowen Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Cowles Scholarship Fund |
Cram, Bion R., Scholarship Fund |
Crane, Kennedy, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Cross Family Scholarship Fund |
Crowley Family Scholarship Fund |
Cummings, Ephraim Chamberlain, Scholarships |
Cumston, Charles M., Scholarship |
Cunningham, Charles H., Scholarship Fund |
Currie, Arthur Sheedy and Alexander, Scholarship Fund |
Curtis Scholarship Fund |
Curtis, Harold O., Memorial Scholarship |
Daggett, Athern P., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Dana, Lawrence, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Dana, Mary Decrow, Scholarship |
Danforth, Doctor Murray Snell, Fund |
Dankens, David G. Scholarship Fund |
Davis, Elizabeth Snowman, Scholarships |
Davis, Euan G., Scholarship Fund |
Davis, J. Boyd, Scholarship Fund |
Davis, Richard H., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
de Sherbinin, Robert I., Scholarship Fund |
Deane Scholarship in English Literature, The |
Dearing, Robert R., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Deering, Noel W. Deering and James L., Scholarship Fund |
Delano, Benjamin, Scholarship |
Delta Psi of Sigma Nu Scholarship Fund |
Delta Sigma/Delta Upsilon Scholarship Fund |
Demont, Robert D., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Densmore, Morris A., Scholarship Fund |
Dickson, Mary M. And David A., Scholarship Fund |
Dinsmore, Harold L. and Marian H., Scholarship Fund |
Dixon, Henry Campbell, M.D. Scholarship Fund |
Dodge Fund |
Dodge, John C., Scholarship |
Doherty, James L. and Harriet I., Scholarship |
Dole, Stanley F. and Valrosa Scholarship Fund |
Donavan, Peter and Ann, Scholarship Fund |
Dostie, Archie O., Scholarship Fund |
Doughty, Robert S., Scholarship Fund |
Douglas, Paul H., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Dow, Leon F. and Mildred E., Scholarship Fund |
Doyle, Frank J., Memorial Scholarship |
Drake Family Scholarship Fund |
Drake, William P., Scholarship Fund |
Drew, Frank Newman, Scholarship |
Druckenmiller Scholarship Fund |
Drummond, Ainslie H. Jr. and Anne Coding Drummond Scholarship Fund |
Drummond, Edward A., Scholarships |
Drummond, Joseph Blake and Katharine Randall, Scholarship Fund |
Du Pont, Jessie Ball, Scholarship Fund |
Dummer, Charles, Scholarships |
Duncan,The Emma McLellan, Scholarship Fund |
Dunn, Leo J. Jr. '47 Scholarship Fund |
Dunn, Sherman W., Scholarship Fund |
Dupuis, John D., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Eastman Fund |
Eaton, Emma Jane, Scholarship |
Ebner, Randall M. '77 and Ricki, Scholarship Fund |
Edgecomb, Charles and Gladys, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Edwards, Ayres Mason, Scholarships |
Edwards, Robert H., Scholarship Fund |
Edwards, Robert Seaver, Scholarship Fund |
Eliot, John F., Scholarship |
Elliott, Virginia N. and Gilbert M., Jr. Memorial Scholarship |
Emerson, And, Scholarships |
Emerson, Saralea K. and Bartley H., Scholarship Fund |
Emery Scholarship |
Emmet, Christopher T., Scholarship Fund |
Emmy Scholarship Fund |
Engel, William, Fund |
Eraklis, Angelo J. M.D. '54, P'83, H'94 Scholarship Fund |
Estate of Ramona M. Pugsley Comrie |
Estes, Dana, Scholarship |
Estes, Guy Parkhurst, Fund |
Evans Family Scholarship Fund |
Evans, David, Scholarship Fund |
Evans, Lewis Darenydd, II Scholarship Fund |
Evans, Ora L., Scholarship Fund |
Everett, Harold H. and Florence L. Scholarship Fund |
Fagone Scholarship Fund, The |
Fairbanks, Hiland Lockwood, Prize |
Farnsworth, George B.,-Thomas P. and Agnes J. Hanley Fund |
Farquharson Family Scholarship Fund |
Farrington, Hugh F., Scholarship Fund |
Fay, Sidney D., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Fay, Stephen A., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Fearon, Harold R. and Virginia G. Scholarship Fund |
Ferro, Donald C., Scholarship Fund |
Fertig Family Scholarship Fund |
Field, G. W., Fund |
Files, Edward, Scholarship Fund |
Finnegan Family Scholarship Fund |
Fisher, Joseph L. and Margaret W. Scholarship Fund |
Fishman Scholarship Fund |
Fitch, John P., Scholarship Fund |
Fite, Ray L. and Elizabeth S., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Fletcher, Charles Lloyd, Scholarship Fund |
Flint, James C., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Flye, The William L., Scholarship Fund |
Fobes, Ruth Carter, and Theodore Burgess Fobes Scholarshp Fd |
Fogg, Sanford L, and Dorothy V. Fogg Scholarship Fund |
Folsom, Dr. Ernest B., Scholarship Fund |
Folsom, Ernest B., Fund |
Foot Soldier of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Award and Scholarship Fund |
Forsberg Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Foster, The Wm. E., Scholarship Fund |
Foster, Virginia C. and Hallet P., Scholarship Fund |
Foulkes, Richard D., Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Frank, Robert S., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Franklin, Desiree L., Scholarship Fund |
Fraser, Samuel, Scholarship Fund |
Frates, John D. and Mary Thomas, Scholarship Fund |
Freilich, Kathy and Jenny, Memorial Scholarship |
French Family Scholarship Fund |
French, Thomas Simpson, MD Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Friedman Family Scholarship Fund |
Fuchs, Alfred H., Scholarship Fund |
Fudge Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Fuller, Benjamin Apthorp Gould, of the Class of 1839, Schol |
Fuller, The Peter '59 and Karen Fuller '84, Family Scholarship Fund |
Gannett, George, Fund |
Gans Family Scholarship Fund |
Garcelon, Seward, and Samuel Merritt Fund |
Gardent, Paul E., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Gauron Family Scholarship Fund |
Geary, Edward J. and Eleanor W., Scholarship Fund |
General Electric College Bowl Scholarship Fund |
Geoghegan, William D.,Scholarship Fund |
George, Levi Turner and Donald Payson, Memorial Scholarship |
Gerrish, William Little, Scholarship |
GF Scholarship Fund |
Gibbons Family Scholarship Fund |
Gibson, Harvey Dow, Scholarship Fund |
Gibson, Timothy C., Scholarship Fund |
Gillett, Gordon E.,Scholarship Fund |
Gillett, Katherine B., Scholarship Fund |
Gilman, Charles H., Scholarship |
Gilpatric(K) Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Gilpatrick, Granville S., Scholarship Fund |
Giordanetti, Elmo, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Given Foundation Scholarship Fund, The |
Global Studies Scholarship Fund |
Glode, Marion D., Scholarship Fund |
Glover, Robert H., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Goldberg '63, Mark E., Scholarship Fund |
Golden, Emma Jane and Bal, Scholarship Fund |
Goodfriend, Robert S. '57, Scholarship Fund |
Gordon, Eugene Bradley and Julia Gardner, Memorial Schol Fd |
Gordon, Herbert G., Fund |
Gordon, Mary A. and Herbert G., Scholarship Fund |
Gottlieb, Leonard, Burton and Paul, Scholarship Fund |
Gould, The Dr. Edwin W., Scholarship |
Graham, William T., Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Greenacres Scholarship Fund |
Greenspun Family Scholarship Fund |
Grossman, Edward, Scholarship Fund |
Grossman, Peter H, and Lawrence W Timmins Scholarship Fund |
Grua, Peter J. and Mary G. O'Connell, Scholarship Fund |
Gumbel, Joseph and Lester, Scholarship Fund |
Gutmann, Timothy, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Hadley, Robert A., Scholarship Fund |
Hague Family Scholarship Fund |
Haldane, Andrew A. '41 Scholarship Fund |
Hale, Henry W. and Anna E., Scholarship Fund |
Hale, John P., Scholarship |
Hale, William W., Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Halligan Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Hall-Mercer Scholarship Fund |
Halperin, John, Scholarship Fund |
Hancock County Scholarship Fund |
Hancock Family Scholarship Fund |
Hansen, Kyle M., Scholarship Fund |
Hardee, James D., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Harris, Carol, Scholarship Fund |
Hartley, John F., Scholarship |
Hastings, Moses Mason, Fund |
Hasty Scholarship Fund |
Hawes, Edward C. and Harriet C., Scholarship Fund |
Hawes-George Scholarship Fund |
Hazen, William H. Scholarship Fund |
HCZ Promise Scholarship Fund |
Hearst, William Randolph, Fund for Maine |
Heffernan Family Scholarship Fund |
Henry, Richard S. and Marion D., Scholarship Fund |
Herbert, Pamela E., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Herlihy, James F., Fund |
Herter Family Scholarship Fund for Enhanced Diversity |
Herter, David and Lauren, Scholarship Fund |
Higgins, Edna L., Fund |
Higgins, John W. and Florence S., Scholarship Fund |
Higgins, Martha Robinson, Family Scholarship Fund |
Hill, Ernest Laurence, Scholarship Fund |
Hill, Francis B. (Fat), Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Hill, Johanna, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Hills, Linnie P., Fund |
Holbrook, Luther G., Scholarship Fund |
Holman, Currier C. & Joseph F. Fund |
Homer, Chester E., Scholarship Fund |
Hovey, Leland W., Scholarship Fund |
Hovey, Leland W., Scholarship Fund 2 |
Howe Scholarship |
Howe, Leland B., Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Hughes, William T., Scholarship Fund |
Humphrey, David Bowden, Scholarship Fund |
Huntress, Caroline, Scholarship Fund |
Hupper, Roscoe Henderson, Scholarship Fund |
Hutchins, Guy H., Scholarship |
Hutchinson, Winfield S., Scholarships |
Hyde, William DeWitt, Family Scholarship Fund |
Ingalls, Albert L. & M. Florence, Scholarship Fund |
Ingalls, Roscoe C., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Ingalls, Roscoe C., Scholarship Fund |
Ireland, Charles T., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Ireland, William Dunning and Mary Elliott, Scholarship Fund |
Ireson-Pickard Scholarship |
Irving, Alan, Memorial Fund |
Ives, Howard Rollin, Memorial Scholarship |
Jaques, Parker and Edwin D., Fund |
Jarvis, Henry Whiting, Scholarship Fund |
Jenkisson, John F., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Johnson, Alfred, Scholarships |
Johnson, Henry Lincoln, Scholarship Fund |
Johnston, Dr. R. Fulton and Margaret Hartley, Scholarship Fd |
Johnston, John, Fund |
Josselyn-Rose Fund |
Kamerling Family Scholarship Fund |
Kamerling, Samuel E., Scholarship Fund |
Kappa Scholarship Fund |
Karsokas, Benjamin A. Sr., Scholarship Fund |
Kateon, Frederick L., Scholarship Fund |
Kelnberger, J. Scott, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Kendrick, Dean Nathaniel C., Scholarship Fund |
Key Bancshares of Maine Scholarship Fund |
Keylor, Arthur W., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Kibbe, Lucy H. Kibbe and Frank W., Scholarship Fund |
Kidder, Frank H., Scholarship |
Killam Canadian Fund |
Kimball, Monte, Scholarship Fund |
King, ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Martin Luther, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
King, Taryn L., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Kingfield Scholarship Fund |
Kingsbury, Mary Dana, Scholarship Fund |
Kingsbury, Ruth Sanderson, Scholarship Fund |
Kirby, Paul G. & Claire G., Scholarship Fund |
Klima, Slava, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Kling, Charles Potter, Fund |
Knox, George and Mary, Scholarship Fund |
Knox, George B., Fund |
Kohler, J. W. A., Scholarship Fund |
Kolod Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Koughan Family Fund |
Koughan, Donald Nash, Scholarship Fund |
Kountze, Mallory, Scholarship Fund |
Kusmierczak, Stephen and Elizabeth Ann, Scholarship Fund |
Ladd, Samuel Appleton and Estelle Hamilton, Scholarship Fund |
Ladd, Samuel Appleton, III Scholarship Fund |
Lally, Frederic Evans, Scholarship |
Lamarche, F. Morgan, Scholarship Fund |
Lambert, Joseph, Fund |
Lane, John V., Scholarship |
Langman, Louis, Scholarship Fund |
Lanphear, Jane Dean, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Larrabee, Donald Cole, Scholarship Fund |
Larsen, The Laurence Putnam, Memorial Scholarship |
Lavender, David G., Scholarship Fund |
Lawrence Foundation |
Lawrence Scholarship |
Le Beau, Bernard A., Scholarship Fund |
Leadbetter, Guy W., Scholarship Fund |
Lee, Richard Almy, Scholarship |
Lehmberg, William M., Scholarship Fund |
Leighton, Edward K. Fund |
Leighton, Leon, and Margaret B. Leighton Scholarship Fund |
Leroyer, Maxime, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Leslie, Frank E. and Nellie V., Scholarship Fund |
Lewis, Weston, Scholarship |
Leydon, John W., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Libby, Charles F., Scholarship |
Libby, George Franklin, Scholarship Fund |
Libby, Lucien P., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Lil, Gene, Scholarship Fund |
Linhart Family Scholarship Fund |
Linke, Gordon F., Family Scholarship Fund |
Litchfield, Earle V. and Anne E., Scholarship Fund |
Little Round Top Scholarship Fund |
Liversidge, Herbert, Scholarship Fund |
Logan, Virgil H., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Longley, Governor James B., Scholarship Fund |
Lord, Fred R. Scholarship Fund |
Lord, Kenneth and Helen, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Lovell, George C., Scholarship |
Lowell, Lauriette G., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Lubec Scholarship Fund |
Ludwig, Moses R., and Albert F. Thomas Scholarships |
Lund, Anton M. and Helga C., Scholarship Fund |
Lund, Diane Theis, Scholarship Fund |
Lunder, Peter, Family Scholarship Fund |
Lyford, Earle Howard, Scholarship |
Lynch, Frederick J. and Hope M., Fund |
MacAllen, James W, and Patricia A. MacAllen Scholarship Fund |
MacDermid III, Robert G., Scholarship Fund |
MacFayden, Daniel K., Scholarship Fund |
MacKinnon, Max V., Scholarship Fund |
MacMorran, Olive Folsom Scholarship Fund |
Madden, John F. Jr. '77 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Magee Family Scholarship Fund |
Magee, Granville D. and Suzanne K., Family Scholarship |
Mahoney, George Clifton, Fund |
Maillet, Dr. William Alfred, '49 Scholarship Fund |
Mann, William N., Scholarship Fund |
Marcotte M.D., Andre P, Scholarship Fund |
Markell Scholarship Fund |
Marler, Michael K., Scholarship Fund |
Marr, Patrick John, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Marston, Dr. Paul C. Marston and Dr. Clarence H., Mem Schol |
Martel, Richard P., Jr. Memorial Fund |
Martin, Sylvio C. (Zeke) & Pauline Hayes, Scholarship Fund |
Mattocks, Charles P., Scholarship |
Mayhew, Francis Lebaron, Scholarship Fund |
Maynard, Robert Edward, Scholarship Fund |
McCarthy, Louis Blalock, Scholarship Fund |
McCoy, John H., Scholarship Fund |
McCrum, Dr. Philip H. and Doris Dyer, Scholarship Fund |
McCune, Scott S., Scholarship Fund |
McDevitt Family Scholarship Fund |
McDonald, Bruce '57 Scholarship Fund |
McFadden Family Scholarship Fund |
McGarry Jr., S. Forbush, Scholarship Fund |
McGoldrick Family Scholarship Fund |
McGoldrick, Paul J., Scholarship Fund |
McGuire Jr., Harvey A., Scholarship |
McKay, Greenwood H., Fund |
McKee Scholarship Fund |
McLoon, John H., Scholarship Fund |
McManus, Reginald P. and Kathleen F., Scholarship Fund |
McNamara, Patricia Forys, and Billy Burchard Scholarship Fd |
Means, James, Scholarship |
Meddiebempster Scholarship Fund |
Melville Family Scholarship |
Mendelson, Martin, Memorial Scholarship Fund (Class of 1922) |
Merriam, Robert C., Scholarship Fund |
Mersereau, Bernice and Ralph, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Metz, Frank A. and Judith M., Scholarship Fund |
Micciche III, Michael F., Memorial Fund |
Millar Family Scholarship Fund |
Miller, Alvin H., '51 Scholarship Fund |
Miller, Jacques, Scholarship Fund |
Miller, Jefferson L. Jr. Family Scholarship |
Miller, Robert B, Memorial Scholarship |
Mills, Albert and Rena, Scholarship Fund |
Mills, Barry and Karen Gordon, Scholarship Fund |
Minnesota Scholarship Fund, The |
Mitchell, Allan W. and Constance L., Scholarship Fund |
Mitchell, Byron L., Scholarship Fund |
Moll, Richard W., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Moniz, Henry T. A. '86 and Holy W. Moniz, Scholarship Fund |
Montag, Anthony G. and Katherine L. Family Fund |
Moody, Edward F., Scholarship |
Moody, Jennie L., Fund |
Moore, Gwen Scholarship Fund |
Moore, Hoyt A., Scholarship Fund |
Morrell, Allen E., /Downeast Energy Scholarship Fund |
Morrell, Malcolm E., Scholarship Fund |
Morse, Dutch and Betty, Scholarship Fund |
Moulton, Freedom, Scholarship Fund |
Moulton, John K., Scholarship Fund |
Moulton, Walter H. and Mary I., Scholarship Fund |
Moulton, Walter H., Scholarship Fund |
Mungai, Arthur Wagithuku, Scholarship Fund |
Nagel, Ruth B. and Albert E., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Nels Corey Scholarship Fund |
Nelson, Harold P., and Mildred A. Nelson Scholarship Fund |
New Century Scholarship Fund |
New Hampshire Charitable Fund Scholarship |
Newbegin, Parker Cleaveland, Scholarship Fund |
Newcomb, Guilford S., Scholarship |
Newman, Caroline Gibson, Scholarship Fund |
Newman, The Frederic S., Family Scholarship Fund |
Newton Family Scholarship Fund |
Nichols Jr., Jane A. and John H., Scholarship Fund |
Nicholson Family Scholarship Fund |
Niven Jr., Paul K., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Niven, Campbell B., Scholarship Fund |
North, Bertie K. and David D., Scholarship Fund |
Norton, Donald C., Scholarship Fund |
Nowak Family Scholarship Fund |
Noyes, Crosby Stuart, Scholarships |
O'Brien Scholarship |
Odiorne, Joseph M. Cl of 1925 & Joseph E. Cl of 1898, Mem Sc |
Olsen, David and Roberta Common Good Scholarship |
Olsson, Carl A., MD. '60 Scholarship Fund |
O'Neill, Edward Lynch, Scholarship Fund |
Ormerod, Frank H. and Vivi Johnson, Scholarship Fund |
Orr Family Foundation Scholarship Fund |
Osborne-Fawcett Scholarship Fund |
Osher, The Bernard, Foundation Scholarship Fund |
Oshry, Harry, Scholarship Fund |
Owen, Col. William Henry, Premium |
Packard Scholarship, The |
Packard, Frederick L., Fund |
Page, R. A., M.D. Scholarship Fund |
Papacosma,The Solon and Kate, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Pardoe, Prescott H., Scholarship Fund |
Paris Family Scholarship Fund |
Parker, Toby, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Parsons, George Winfield, Scholarship |
Parsons, Lindley F. and Mabelle Foss, Scholarship Fund |
Patterson, The Robert B., Jr. '68 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Payne, John H. and Ernestine A., Scholarship Fund |
Payne, The John H., Scholarship |
Payson, Charles Henry, Scholarship Fund (1935) |
Payson, Margaret, Scholarship Fund |
Pearson, Leslie W., Scholarship Fund |
Peck, Roland Marcy, Memorial |
Peckham, John S., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Peirez, Woolf, Scholarship Fund |
Pendexter Family Scholarship Fund |
Perkins, Samuel H. and Sarah Allen, Scholarship Fund |
Perper Family Scholarship Fund |
Perry, Arthur Lincoln, Scholarship |
Perry, Trueman S., Scholarship |
Peter Buck Scholarship Fund |
Peters, Dr. Clinton Noyes & Alice F. Medical Education Fund |
Peters, Mary C. and John A., Scholarship Fund |
Petitjean Family Scholarship Fund |
Phi Delta Psi-Alpha Tau Omega Scholarship Fund |
Phillips, Henry B., Scholarship Fund |
Pickard, Margaret M., Scholarship Fund |
Pierce '28, William Curtis, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Pierce Scholarship, The |
Pierce Sr., Jotham Donnell, Scholarship Fund |
Pierce, Clarence, Scholarship Fund |
Pinette, Laurent (Larry) C., Scholarship Fund |
Piper, Horace Lord, Prize |
Pitcher, Ira B. and Patricia F., Scholarship Fund |
Plummer, Stanley, Prize |
Plummer, Stanley, Scholarship |
Pols, Edward and Eileen, Scholarship Fund |
Poole Family Scholarship Fund |
Pope Scholarship Fund |
Pope, Alton S., Scholarship Fund |
Porteous Jr., Elizabeth D. & L. Robert, Scholarship Fund |
Porter, Robert C., ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾-Penn Charter Scholarship Fund |
Potter Scholarship |
Powers, Walter Averill, 1906 Scholarship Fund |
Presnell, John Finzer, Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Preston, C. Hamilton, Class of 1902 Scholarship Fund |
Price, Charles Baird, III Scholarship Fund |
Pullen, George W. Scholarship Fund |
Pulsifer, Richard S. and Stephen M., Fund |
Purinton, Annie E., Scholarship |
Putnam, Albert P., Scholarship |
Quinby, Henry Brewer, Scholarship Fund |
Quinby, Henry Cole, Scholarship |
Rablin, Richard L., Scholarship Fund |
Ramler Family Scholarship Fund |
Rankowitz, Louis J. and Arlene M., Scholarship Fund |
Rath, Gerald F., '65 Scholarship Fund |
Reed, Stephen A., Trust Fund |
Returned Scholarships |
Revelos, C. Nicholas Scholarship Fund |
Reverend Canon Albert Weatherbee Tarbell Scholarship Fund |
Rich Jr., John H, John H. Rich III & Whitney Rich Art Sch Fd |
Richardson, C. Earle, and Ethel M. Richardson Fund |
Richmond, Albert Francis, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Ricker, E. William, Scholarship Fund |
Rizoulis Family Scholarship Fund |
Robinson, Reginald, Scholarship Fund |
Robinson, Richard E., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Rogers, Edward W., Scholarship Fund |
Rosen, Lawrence, Scholarship Fund |
Rosenfeld Family Scholarship Fund |
Ross, Dr. Maurice, Scholarship Fund |
Ross, Rodney E., 1910 Scholarship Fund |
Roth Family Scholarship Fund |
Rouillard, Clarence Dana, 1924 Fund |
Rowe, Frank D., Scholarship Fund |
Rowe, William, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Rowse, David, Scholarship Fund |
Rubinstein, Max and Martha G., Scholarship Fund |
Rundlett, Carl W., Class of 1905 Scholarship Fund |
Russell, Clifford L., Scholarship Fund |
Sabasteanski, Frank F., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Saillant, Roger and Mary Lourdes Pinckney Scholarship Fund |
Sampson, Jean Byers, Memorial Fund |
Sanborn Scholarship Fund |
Sanborn, Talbot, Scholarship Fund |
Sanborn, Walter L., Oxford County Scholarship Fund |
Sands, Douglas M. and Anne L., Scholarship Fund |
Santagata, Kenneth V., Memorial Fund |
Sarrouf, Camille F., Family Scholarship Fund |
Savage, Mary L., Memorial Scholarship |
Sawyer, Alden H., Sr. Scholarship Fund |
Sawyer, Herbert and Eugenie, Scholarship Fund |
Sayao, Bidu, Scholarship Fund |
Scalera, Frank J., Scholarship Fund |
Sciolla, Stonestreet and Uhrig Family Scholarship Fund |
Seaver, Peter '64 and Elizabeth, Family Scholarship Fund |
Sewall, Stephen, Scholarship |
Sewall, William B., Scholarship |
Sgroi Family Scholarship Fund |
Shackford, Charles Burnham. Scholarship Fund |
Shaw '36, Hubert S. (Bill), and Eleanor F. Shaw Schol Fund |
Shaw, Charles Wells, Scholarship |
Sheehy, The Thomas J., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Shepley Scholarship |
Sherman Family Scholarship Fund |
Shorey Family Scholarship Fund |
Shortell, Joseph H., Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Shumway Scholarship |
Shute, Benjamin R., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Sibley, Wayne, Scholarship |
Siegel, Steven and Judith, Family Scholarship Fund |
Siket, Michael and Irene, Scholarship |
Simon Family Scholarship Fund |
Sipkin, Sidney Wish and Bertha Wish, Scholarship Fund |
Sistare, Mary Anne & Sanford R. Scholarship Fund |
Small, Alan F., Scholarship Fund |
Small, Peter Metcalf, Scholarship Fund |
Small, Wilfred T. and Muriel G., Scholarship Fund |
Smiley, Edward E., Scholarship Fund |
Smith Family Scholarship Fund |
Smith, Davie Saul and Frieda Mikels, Scholarship Fund |
Smith, Dr. Joseph I., Scholarship Fund |
Smith, Freeman H. and Anne E., Scholarships |
Smith, Harry deForest, and Adela Wood Smith Scholarship Fund |
Smith, Henry Oliver, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Smith, Wil '00 Scholarship Fund |
Snow Family Fund |
Society of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Women Foundation, The |
Soule, June G. and William H., Scholarship Fund |
Spaulding, Joseph W., Fund |
Spear, Ellis, Scholarship |
Spear, William E., Scholarship Fund |
Sprague Family Scholarship |
Springer, William F, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Stanwood, Geoffrey R., Scholarship Fund |
Stearns, Reverend Edward R. Scholarship Fund |
Stearns, William Child, Scholarship Fund |
Steele, Gregor M. and Blanche I., Scholarship Fund |
Steele, Richard E., Scholarship Fund |
Steinberg Family Scholarship Fund |
Sterio, The Thomas K., Scholarship Fund |
Stetson, Joan Cassidy, Scholarship Fund |
Stetson, John G., 1854 Fund |
Stevens, Abbot and Dorothy H., Scholarship Fund |
Stevens, Dr. Pliny F., and Louise Siebert Stevens Fund |
Stone Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Stone, Ellsworth A., Scholarship Fund |
Strawbridge Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Stuart, James R. and Virginia E., Scholarship Fund |
Sullivan, Paul E. and Grace H., Fund |
Swales, Janice M., Scholarship Fund |
Swaye, Joseph, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Swenson, Jack W., Scholarship Fund |
Sylvan, The Loyola and Tage '52, Scholarship Fund |
Symonds, William Law, Scholarship |
Talbot, The Harold D., Jr. '40 Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Tappan, Jane, Scholarship Fund |
Tarmy, Etta and Jack, Scholarship Fund |
TD Banknorth Scholarship Fund |
Thatcher, Florence Dolby and Hester, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
The Foundation for Maryland's Future Scholarship Fund |
The income to be used for the purpose of stimulating course and curriculum improvement, faculty renewal and development, and academic program innovation. The Fund is to be used at the discretion of the President within the general purposes as stated. The donors may suggest activities for support, subject to the President's approval, and retain the right to redefine the purposes of the Fund subject to the approval of any changes by the Governing Board of the College |
Theta Delta Chi Fund |
Theta Fund |
Thomas, Lavon W. and Annie G., Scholarship Fund |
Thomas, W. W., Scholarship |
Thomas, Wolfgang R., Family Scholarship Fund |
Thompson, Earle S., Scholarship Fund |
Thompson, Earle S., Student Fund |
Thompson, George Rudolph, Fund |
Thompson, Porter and Fanny M., Fund |
Thurston, Robert N., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Tillotson, Frederic Erle Thornlay, Scholarship Fund |
Titus, The Alice G. and Frederick W., Scholarship Fund |
Todd, Frank H., Scholarship Fund |
Toomey, Paul M., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Tornquist, Bruce S. Scholarship Fund |
Tower, Dorothy Moore, Scholarship Fund |
Towle, Lawrence and Dorothy, Fund |
Towle, The David and Shirley, Scholarship Fund |
Tracey, Marvin, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Tripaldi, Louis S., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Troubh, Jean and Raymond, Scholarship Fund |
Truesdell, C. Clark, "Quiet Leader" Memorial Scholarship |
Trull, Wyman, Scholarship Fund |
Tufts, Elmer E., Jr. Scholarship Fund |
Tuveson, Roger O., Scholarship Fund |
Twenty-One Appleton Hall Scholarship, The |
Uehlein, Edward C., Scholarship Fund |
Valente, Francis L. and Aurelia C. Scholarship Fund |
Vallimarescu Family Scholarship Fund |
Varian/Zuklie Family Scholarship Fund |
Verrill and Dana Scholarship Fund |
Villari, Mary Politi, Scholarship Fund |
Volpe, Joseph and Sara Scholarship Fund |
Walker Scholarships |
Walker, Leon V., Scholarship Fund |
Walsh, Adam J., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Walter, John C., Scholarship Fund |
Ward, Bernard J., Scholarship Fund |
Wardynski, Paula M., Scholarship Fund |
Ware, Roland G. & Iva M., Scholarship Fund |
Warren, Genevieve, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Watterson, William C., Scholarship Fund |
Webber, John Prescott, Jr. Scholarship |
Webster, George, Scholarship |
Weeks, George H., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Weil, Sadye Gordon, Scholarship Fund |
Welch, Arthur D. and Francis J., Scholarship Fund |
Welch, Vincent B. and Barbara G., Scholarship Fund |
Wentworth Scholarship Fund |
Wescott, Dr. Clement P., Fund |
Wesley, Sam, Scholarship Fund |
Weston, Phyllis, Mathematics Scholarship Fund |
Weymouth, Clinton George and Rebecca Eberlein, Schol Fund |
Where There's a Will There's a Way |
White, Henry Kirke, and Jane Donnell White Fund |
White, Robert F., Scholarship Fund |
Whitmore, Ellen J., Scholarship |
Whitmore, Huldah, Scholarships |
Whitmore, Nathaniel McLellan, and George Sidney Whitmore Sch |
Whittelsey, Frank C., III Flexible Aid Fund |
Whittier, Luther Gordon, Scholarship Fund |
Whittier, Walter F., Scholarship Fund |
Wiener, Robert R., Scholarship Fund |
Wiggin, Ralph L., Scholarship Fund |
Wight Fund, The |
Wight Jr., Russell B., Scholarship Fund |
Wight, Deborah W., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Wilder, Philip S. and Elisabeth Clark, Scholarship Fund |
Wiley, Richard A., Scholarship Fund |
Willey, Frederick W. and Elizabeth M., Scholarship Fund |
Willey, James A., Scholarship Fund |
Willey, Lloyd E., Scholarship Fund |
Williams Scholarship Fund |
Willkomm Family Scholarship Fund |
Wilson, Dr. Clement S., and Elizabeth D. Wilson Scholarship |
Wilson, Shari Michelson, Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Winchell, Thomas R. and Louise M., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Wish, Barry N., Scholarship Fund |
Wood, Samuel J. and Evelyn L., Scholarship Fund |
Woodall, Kevin H., Memorial Fund |
Woodard, William E. and Rosette M., Scholarship Fund |
Woodbury, Roliston G., Scholarship Fund |
Woodcock Family Scholarship Fund, The |
Woodhouse, Amy H. '80 Scholarship Fund |
Woodhull, Richard, Scholarship |
Woodman, Cyrus, Scholarships |
Woodman, Karl A., Scholarship Fund |
Woodworth, Paul L., Scholarship Fund |
Wyer Family Scholarship |
Yan, Shengyi and Xuejuan Scholarship Fund |
Yeaton, Chester H., Scholarship Fund |
Yochum Family Scholarship Fund |
York, Gerald '37 and Mary, Scholarship Fund |
Young, Bracebridge H., Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Young, Fountain Livingston & Martha Higgins, Scholarship Fd |
Young, John Garnett, and Paul Campbell Young Scholarship Fd |
Young, Philip C., Scholarship Fund |
Zamanis, Louis J., Scholarship Fund |
Zamcheck, Irving L. , Memorial Scholarship Fund |
Ziegler, Hilda Brown & Benjamin Munn Ziegler Scholarship Fnd |
Zolov, Dr. Benjamin and Edith J., Scholarship Fund |
Zolov, Eleanor & David Scholarship Fund |
Your generous support for internships and fellowships provides life-changing opportunities for ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ students across the country and around the world. Watch these students describe the power and impact of their experiences in their own words.
Endowed Internship and Fellowship Funds
Alan M. Christenfeld Fellowship Fund |
Allen Wells Latin American Studies Fund |
Arts and Nonprofit Opportunities Fund |
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Museum of Art Internship Fund |
Burke Albers Family Internship Fund |
Charlotte C. Billingsley '24 Memorial Fellowship Fund |
Clayton S. Rose Internship Fund |
Cornelius and Vickie Lynn Love Student Research Fund |
Craig A. McEwen Student Research Fellowship in the Social Sciences |
David Nectow '83 Fund |
Donald M. Bloch '60 Student Research Fellowship Fund |
Dr. Cheryl M. Coffin '75 Internship Fund |
Ellen M. P'78 and Herbert M. Patterson '42 Research Fellowship |
Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Coastal/Environmental Studies |
Freedman Summer Research Fellowship in Computer Science |
Fritz C.A. Koelln Research Fellowship |
George T. Davidson, Jr. '38 Fellowship for the Commond Good |
Gibbons Summer Research Internship Fund |
Haas-Fisher Summer Fellowship Fund |
Hanley G. Denning '92 Fellowship for the Common Good |
Herman Dreer Class of 1910 Visiting Fellows Fund |
Hughes Family Summer Research Fellowship in Environmental Studies |
Irma Cheatham Research Fellowship in Africana Studies Fund |
James Stacy Coles Undergraduate Research Fellowship Fund |
Jordan Busch '82 and Nancy Corliss Internship Fund |
Kappa Psi Upsilon Environmental Studies Fund |
Kate Roche Hope '93 Family Internship Fund |
Kufe Family Student Research Support Fund |
Lawrence E. Lifson '63, P'95 Family Summer Research Fellowhip Fund |
Lubin Family Foundation Internship Fund |
Mark E. Patterson '97 Internship Fund |
Martha Reed Coles Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities |
Matthew Greitzer '98 & Kimberly Driessen '98 Career Exploration Fund |
Matthew R. Kaufman '72, P'02 and Marcia A. Kaufman P'02 Family Fund |
Matthew R. Patterson '93 Internship Fund |
Micoleau Family Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts |
Nellie C. Watterson Summer Fellowship in the Creative and Performing Arts |
Nikuradse-Matthews Public Interest Summer Fellowship Fund |
Patterson Baird Family Research Fellowship Fund |
Peter Buck Student Internship Fund |
Peter J. Grua and Mary G. O'Connell Faculty/Student Research |
Poppy Environmental Studies Fellowship Fund |
Preston Public Interest Career Fund |
Preusse Family Internship Fund |
Richard G. D'Auteuil '82 and Kimberly A. Labbe '82 Internship Fund |
Rizzieri Family Internship Fund |
Robert Freedman and Anne Cirillo Student Fellowship Fund |
Robert S. Goodfriend Summer Internship |
Sarah A. Gessner '96 Memorial Fellowship Fund |
Scott and Anne Perper Internship Fund |
Shelley A.Hearne '83 Internship Fund |
Stephen H. and Joanne R. Burns Student Research Fund |
Steven P. Heinrich '67 Internship Fund |
Student Internship Fund |
Sullivan Family Internship Fund |
Sustainable Future Fund |
The Chester W. Cooke III Student Research Fund |
The Dr. and Mrs. James Chan and Mr. and Mrs.The Tran Internship Fund |
The Goldsmith Adams Fund |
The Sabra and Richard B. Ladd '62 Government Internship Fund |
The Surdna Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellowship Fund |
The Susan and Jeffrey Goldenberg '77 Internship Fund |
Theodore Samuel Danzig '22 Memorial Fellowship Fund |
Toll Arctic Museum Summer Intern Fund |
William B. Sorabella '97 Global Health Fellowship Fund |
Williams Family Internship Fund |
Wolfe Family Nonprofit and Education Internship Fund |
John Warren Achorn Lectureship
The Achorn gift is to be used to fund lectures or courses in the field of ornithology (the study of birds) or by the Department of Biology.
Contact: Department of Biology, 207-725-3582.
Charles F. Adams Lectureship
Fund is used to support lectures and courses in the fields of government and education.
Contact: Lectures and Concerts Committee.
Beecher-Stowe Family Memorial Fund
Established as a memorial to Harriet Beecher Stowe, the fund is used to support lecturers or courses in the field of religion or human rights.
Contact: Department of Religion, 207-725-3465.
Brodie Family Lecture
The Brodie Family Lecture fund brings to campus a speaker of note in the field of education to deliver a message on the subjects of problems and practices of teaching and learning.
Contact: Department of Education, 207-725-3465.
Tom Cassidy Lectureship
This fund is used to support a lectureship in the field of journalism.
Contact: Office of Stewardship, 207-725-3928.
Harold and Iris Chandler Lectureship Fund
The Chandler fund is used to sponsor regular lectures on any topic with a preference for the use of the arts and technology to enhance teaching and learning in the humanities, by faculty or staff members of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ or other colleges, universities, and cultural organizations; to sponsor other events including but not limited to art exhibitions, seminars, and presentations in the library's Chandler Room; and to the extent that the income is in excess of that required to support the above, for other purposes as the librarian may determine are in the best interest of the library.
Contact: ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College Library, 207-725-3155.
Dan E. Christie Mathematics Lecture Fund
This fund is used to support lectures, courses, or research in the field of mathematics.
Contact: Department of Mathematics, 207-725-3567.
Annie Talbot Cole Lectureship
This fund is used to sponsor a lectureship that contributes to the ennoblement and enrichment of life by standing for the idea that life is a glad opportunity. The purpose of the lectureship is to make attractive the highest ideals of character and conduct, and also, insofar as possible, foster an appreciation of the beautiful as revealed through nature, poetry, music, and the fine arts.
Contact: Lectures and Concerts Committee.
John C. Donovan Lecture Fund
This fund is used to support a lecture in the field of political science.
Contact: Department of Government and Legal Studies, 207-725-3295.
Corydon Dunham Open Forum Fund
This fund is used to educate students to the First Amendment values of free press and free speech. The fund promotes the sense of community and learning at the College through special speakers, courses, open forums, panel discussions, lectures, receptions, and other events underscoring the First Amendment values so vital to maintaining and nurturing an informed citizenry in a democratic society.
Contact: Department of Government and Legal Studies, 207-725-3295.
Blythe Bickel Edwards Fund
This fund is used to support the creation, performance, and appreciation of all forms of art, music, and performance.
Contact: Lectures and Concerts Committee.
The Elliott Oceanographic Funds
This fund promotes oceanographic education, in its widest definition, for ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ students. Part of the fund may be used to support the Elliott Lectures in Oceanography, which were inaugurated in 1971.
Contact: Department of Earth & Oceanographic Science, 207-725-3628.
Gabry Family Fund
This fund is used in support of the promotion of the understanding and knowledge of the Holocaust through creative, innovative and interdisciplinary uses to enrich ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾'s curriculum through an annual lecture, seminar and/or symposium. Remaining annual incomes may be used to support students and faculty research, and library resources in all formats on Holocaust studies.
Contact: Dean for Academic Affairs, 207-725-3578.
Alfred E. Golz Lecture Fund
This fund is used to support a lecture by an eminent historian or humanitarian to be scheduled close to the November 21 birthday of Alfred E. Golz.
Contact: Department of History, 207-725-3291.
Cecil T. and Marion C. Holmes Mathematics Lecture Fund
This fund is used to support lectures, courses, or research in the field of mathematics.
Contact: Department of Mathematics, 207-725-3567.
Karofsky Family Fund
This fund supports the Sydney B. Karofsky Award for Junior Faculty and the Karofsky Faculty Encore Lectures. The Karofsky Faculty Encore Lectures feature one member of the ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ faculty each semester selected by members of the senior class to speak at Common Hour.
Contact: Dean for Academic Affairs, 207-725-3578.
Arnold D. Kates Lecture Fund
This fund supports periodic lectures, seminars or colloquia at ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ on scientific topics, with a preference for topics in the biological sciences or aspects related to the health sciences.
Contact: Dean for Academic Affairs, 207-725-3578.
Robert J. Kemp Lectureship Fund
This fund provides support for the Department of History to sponsor speakers and lecturers, including those in the field of geopolitics.
Contact: Department of History, 207-725-3291.
Kibbe Science Lecture Fund
This fund is used to support lectures by visiting scholars on topics deemed to be on the cutting edge of or associated with new developments or research findings in the fields of astronomy or geology. Any annual income remaining after sponsorship of the Kibbe Lecture in a single year supports faculty and student scientific research.
Contact: Department of Earth & Oceanographic Science, 207-725-3628.
Lesbian and Gay Lectureship
This fund is used to sponsor at least one lecture annually in the field of gay and lesbian studies.
Contact: Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, 207-725-3834.
Mayhew Lecture Fund
This fund is used in part to provide lectures or courses in the field of ornithology or by the Department of Biology.
Contact: Department of Biology, 207-725-3582.
Lindsey Fund for Guest Lecturers
This fund supports guest lecturers at the College who will bring a diversity of viewpoints, fresh perspectives, and novel approaches to the curriculum and the College community.
Contact: Office of the President, 207-725-3221.
F. Thomas O'Halloran '77, P'13 Family Fund
This fund supports speakers and lecturers in the Department of Economics and research activities of a ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ student majoring in economics as designated by the department chair.
Contact: Department of Economics, 207-725-3340.
Charles Weston Pickard Lecture
This fund supports lectures, courses, or research in the fields of journalism, communication or public relations.
Contact: Dean for Academic Affairs, 207-725-3578 or Lectures and Concerts Committee.
Kenneth V. Santagata Memorial Fund
This fund is used to provide one lecture each semester, rotating in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, with lecturers to be recognized authorities in their respective fields, to present new, novel, or nonconventional approaches to the designated topic in the specified category.
Contact: Office of Stewardship, 207-725-3928.
Edith Lansing Koon Sills Lecture Fund
This fund was established by the Society of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ Women to honor Mrs. Kenneth C. M. Sills, the wife of a former president of ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ College, and to sponsor lectures by outstanding women.
Contact: Office of Stewardship, 207-725-3928.
The Harry Spindel Memorial Lectureship
This fund is used to support annual lectures in Judaic studies or contemporary Jewish affairs.
Contact: Spindel Lecture co-chairs, Jennifer Taback and Jill Pearlman.
The Jasper Jacob Stahl Lectureship in the Humanities
this fund is used to support lectures or courses encompassing the art, life, letters, philosophy, or culture, in the broadest sense, of the ancient Hebraic world, or of the ancient Greek world or of the Roman world, or of the Renaissance in Italy and Europe, or of the Age of Elizabeth I in England, or that of Louis XIV and the Enlightenment in France, or of the era of Goethe in Germany.
Contact: Lectures and Concerts Committee.
Tallman Lecture Fund
This fund is used to support visiting lecturers and visiting professors.
Contact: Dean for Academic Affairs, 207-725-3578.
Phyllis Marshall Watson Fund
Income from the fund provides research support for honors candidates in the history department, and support periodic lectures, seminars, or colloquia at ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø±¬ÍøÕ¾ on selected topics in history.
Contact: Department of History, 207-725-3291.