Zuckert Seminar Room
With her Rooftop photographs, Portland-based artist Ling-Wen Tsai delivers the most recent installment in our summer Maine landscape series.
Selected Works

"Rooftop-X" by Ling-Wen Tsai, 2007, digital c-print, Courtesy of the Artist

"Rooftop-VI" by Ling-Wen Tsai, 2007, digital c-print, Courtesy of the Artist

"Rooftop-VII" by Ling-Wen Tsai, 2007, digital c-print, Courtesy of the Artist
With her Rooftop photographs, Portland-based artist Ling-Wen Tsai delivers the most recent installment in our summer Maine landscape series. Tsai’s photographs reveal microcosmic rooftop ecosystems at the thresholds between the built world and the sky above. The photographs not only focus attention on these liminal urban spaces, but, in their optical ambiguities, they also disorient. For this exhibition, Tsai is also producing a site-specific installation that further expands the experiential possibilities of landscape.