
Elise Ansel: Distant Mirrors

Museum of Art Museum of Art

Exhibition: Elise Ansel: Distant Mirrors



Markell Gallery
Recent paintings by Portland-based artist Elise Ansel illustrate the “epistemological tension between aesthetics and ethics.”

Selected Works

"Annunciation," ca. 1595, oil on copper by Denys Calvaert, Flemish/Italian, ca. 1540-1619. ϳԹվ College Museum of Art.
"Study II for 'Revelations,'" 2015, by Elise Ansel
"Study III for 'Revelations,'" 2015 by Elise Ansel
"Study VI for 'Revelations,'" 2015, by Elise Ansel
"Revelations III," 2015, by Elise Ansel
"Revelations IV," 2015, oil on linen, by Elise Ansel
"Revelations V," 2015, by Elise Ansel
"Revelations VII," 2015, by Elise Ansel.
Elise Ansel in her studio.


This exhibition of recent paintings by Portland-based artist Elise Ansel illustrates the "epistemological tension between aesthetics and ethics," according to exhibition curator Hanetha Vete-Congolo, associate professor of Romance Languages at ϳԹվ College. Through her contemporary interpretations of iconic works of Western art, Ansel's paintings ignite questions about beauty and aesthetics, steeped in sensitivity to the politics of gender. This exhibition is organized in conjunction with ϳԹվ’s interdisciplinary course cluster Studies in Beauty, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


January 28, 2015| 4:30 PM | Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center

Elise Ansel and Hanetha Vete-Congolo Discussion: "Distant Mirrors: Reflections on Painting"

 What do we see when we look at historic paintings? A painter and a scholar share how their encounters with paintings of the past reflect and inform their perspectives on the present. Artist Elise Ansel and Hanetha Vete-Congolo, associate professor of Romance languages and literatures, will discuss these questions. Moderated by Joachim Homann, curator, ϳԹվ College Museum of Art.

January 28, 2016 | 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM | ϳԹվ College Museum of Art

Museum of Art Winter Open House

Join us at the ϳԹվ College Museum of Art Winter Open House. Enjoy current and ongoing exhibitions, including Elise Ansel: Distant Mirrors

February 11, 2016 | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM | ϳԹվ College Museum of Art

Artist Elise Ansel: Drawing Workshop at the Museum

Elise Ansel will lead a drawing workshop at the Museum in which participants sketch historic works of art, learning how to analyze and interpret artistic compositions in their own visual responses. No prior experience required. Materials will be provided. (Participation is free, but limited to 25. Contact 207-725-3276 for reservations.)