
Student Employment

Each semester, the Computer Science Department employs students as Learning Assistants (LAs) and graders.

Historically, LAs and graders have been hired for the following courses:

  • 1101: Intro to Computer Science (LA)
  • 1103: Programming with Data / Accelerated Intro (LA)
  • 2101: Data Structures (LA, grader)
  • 2200: Algorithms (LA, grader)
  • 2210: Theory of Computation (LA, grader)
  • 2330: Foundations of Computer Systems (LA)
  • 2400: Artificial Intelligence (LA)
  • 3210: Computational Game Theory (LA, grader)
  • 3250: Computational Geometry (LA, grader)
  • 3420: Optimization and Uncertainty (LA, grader)

Application information is distributed to CS students by the department at the beginning of each semester.