
Medical Leave of Absence

The Office of the Dean of Students, in collaboration with Counseling and Wellness and/or Health Services, facilitates and approves Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) requests. These offices can help students decide whether a medical leave of absence is appropriate for them. Below you will find information about the MLOA process and important considerations for MLOA. 

Students can request a medical leave of absence (MLOA) to address health concerns. A student is encouraged to request a voluntary medical leave in the following circumstances:  

  • A student is unable to complete their academic work and fully participate in the life of the College due to a mental or physical health challenge. 
  • A student determines that taking time to get more intensive treatment is the best course of action for easing or resolving an ongoing mental health or medical issue that has been pervasive and life disrupting.
  • A student has been hospitalized for a major mental health or medical diagnosis and will need time to stabilize and adjust to a medical regimen for long term regulation. 

In limited circumstances, the College may deem it necessary to require a student to take a medical leave of absence (MLOA). The medical leave status will continue until the student is prepared to return to the College and qualifies for re-enrollment as determined by the Re-enrollment Committee.