
Unallowable Expenses

The below expenses are unallowable unless specifically included in the grant budget and approved/allowed by the sponsor:

  • Alcohol
  • Meal or hotel expenses for employees not on travel status
  • Optional airline fees including seat selection or travel insurance
  • Entertainment expenses
  • General supply items
    • Including computer equipment* or software that would benefit multiple projects or day to day use
    • Annual membership fees for professional associations**
    • Office supplies, supplies that are offered by the department for general and shared use

On most grants, an indirect rate of 53.9% on all grant wages is charged that supports hard to define operational costs. If expenses could be viewed as a part of operational costs, the expense cannot be directly charged to the grant.  Please reference individual sponsor requirements for full details.

*Charges for computers or monitors are only allowable as direct charges to the grant if the functionality of the item is above and beyond what the College provides, and the additional functionality is required to complete grant work.

**Membership fees/dues can only be charged to a federal grant IF the purchase of a membership is required for abstract submission or conference attendance and the conference attendance or presentation solely benefits the individual grant project.