Most funding agencies permit changes in budgets up to a certain level without prior approval. PD/PIs are expected to understand the budget limitations of their grants prior to overspending in any budget category.
Funds moved from a non-salary budget line to a salary budget line must take into account the resulting change in fringe and indirect costs. Likewise, funds moved from a salary line to a non-salary line will release fringe and indirect amounts that may also be applied to a non-salary line. The associate director of academic budgets and financial planning must approve in advance any budget modifications that will extend the appointment of a staff member.
To initiate any budget modifications, please complete a Prior Approval Request Form. Completed forms should be submitted to the senior financial analyst for post-award grants & contracts.
If a granting agency requires notification of a budget change, the principal investigator should contact Sponsored Research Programs who will coordinate the preparation of materials for the request.