Honors Guidelines

The process of completing a major research project that culminates in an analytical essay involves many steps, although the order in which a student accomplishes these tasks will depend on the subject, sources, and methodology.
Students will design a focused research project, articulating a problem or question(s) about a particular subject. They will locate their study in the historiographical literature of the field, broadly defined, in order to show that their problem is worth exploring in relation to the secondary literature and that it will advance the understanding of the subject.
In order to work toward a thesis, they will propose a preliminary hypothesis (a potential answer to their problem). They will design a research methodology that enables them to explore the subject in depth through the extensive analysis of available sources, both primary and secondary. Students will present their thesis and analysis in a technically proficient persuasive essay.
Getting Started
- The Department of History expects that honors projects will be two-semester projects.
- The history department recommends that students design a project that will culminate in an essay of approximately 50-75 pages. Essays may not exceed 100 pages. Although the early, exploratory drafts of some sections of the project might be quite lengthy, students should expect to tighten their writing as their analysis gains clarity and focus.
- Students should come to the first semester of the project with a focused subject and a preliminary articulation of a problem or question(s) about the subject. Based on the student’s chosen subject, and on recommendations from the advisor, the departmental honors director will assign committees for each of the honors projects. Along with the advisor as first reader, each student will have a second and a third reader whose geographic and thematic interests complement those of the advisor. The subcommittees will meet with the student each time the student submits new work. Advisors or subcommittees may tailor some components of the honors process individually.
- Students must meet all deadlines for submitted work. Individual honors project advisors and advisory committees reserve the right to terminate projects at any time if they determine that students are making insufficient progress or have failed to meet established deadlines.
- The advisory committee will be responsible for providing ongoing feedback to students on their project. Students are responsible for submitting copies of each of their drafts to all three readers, who will prepare comments on them for scheduled committee meetings. The student and main advisor will meet more frequently to discuss the research and writing.
- A fourth reader will be assigned to the committee prior to the student handing in a complete draft of the project (due after spring break). This reader will read only the completed draft of the honors project and will participate in the evaluation of the project.
Honors projects in history must:
- present a clearly articulated thesis that advances the understanding of the subject in the context of the secondary literature;
- demonstrate a careful analysis of primary sources or a critical reading of secondary sources (for topics in fields where primary sources are especially elusive);
- demonstrate a clear methodology and theoretical framework that the student has used to analyze the evidence that the essay presents;
- meet scholarly standards of presentation (includes table of contents, proper footnoting, bibliography; no typographical errors); and
- satisfy all guidelines and met all deadlines as established by the history department and the advisory subcommittee.
- In early May, the committee will read the final project, prepare questions and a preliminary evaluation of the essay for the student, and then engage in a discussion with the student, commonly referred to as the “Honors Defense.” After the discussion, the committee will complete the evaluation for the student, submit the evaluation to the department and recommend grades. The committees will also recommend essays for prizes. The department awards one level of honors for successful projects. Based on the committee recommendations, the department will award grades as well as prizes in history. When more than one essay is recommended for a prize, the department will decide whether to award the prize to one or more students.
- After committee discussions are completed, and after grades and prizes have been determined, students will present their research and analysis to the entire department, other honors students, and invited guests.