The dorm has a well-outfitted kitchen, communal dining room, and an attached laboratory—one of two on the island. Both labs have AC/DC electricity provided by a photovoltaic system and a backup generator. Equipment available to visiting researchers includes electronic balances, dissection microscopes, binoculars, tripods, spotting scope, and observation blinds.
The workshop is equipped with a variety of battery-operated power tools and a table saw. A twenty-three-foot fiberglass workboat (the Ernest Joy), with a 115-HP motor, and a wooden skiff (the Susannah Kent), with a 20-HP motor, allow access to nearby islands, as coordinated with our caretaker and boat operator. For more extensive excursions, Russell Ingalls' fishing boat, Island Bound, might be available for charter, depending on timing and other commitments.
A system of trails allows convenient access to most habitats on Kent Island. The old fields in the center of the island are gridded into fifty-meter quadrats covering ten hectares. About four hectares of spruce-fir forest are similarly gridded.