
Mountain Biking

Want to do some biking off the beaten path? The Mountain Biking Orientation trip will explore old logging roads and trails around the Harpswell Area.

Participants should have a sense of adventure, be prepared to get a bit muddy, should know how to ride a bike on uneven terrain and expect to bike an average of 10-15 miles per day (uphill and down!).  At night students will set up camp near the cabin and will be able to socialize with other students on nearby trips. The Outing Club will provide fat tire bikes and helmets for folks on this trip. Participants should feel comfortable riding on uneven terrain. 

If there is anything in the trip description or equipment list that you have questions about, please do not hesitate to contactus at (207) 725-4292 or bocOtrips@bowdoin.edu.

See Mountain Biking Packing List