Past Honors Projects
Students pursuing honors are expected to take Multivariate Calculus (or placement above MATH 1800), Introductory Physics I (or placement above PHYS 1130), Introductory Physics II, Electric Fields and Circuits, Quantum Physics and Relativity, Statistical Physics, Methods of Theoretical Physics, PHYS 4050 and four additional courses above PHYS 1140, three of which must be above PHYS 3000 and one of which can be the second semester of honors, PHYS 4051.
Past Honors Projects
Brady Nichols, '24, "Fall forward, spring back: Drivers of synchrony in the sea star crawl-bounce gait transition"
Athis Osathapan, '24, "Group-theory constraints on color-ordered four-point amplitudes in SO(N) gauge theories"
Nur Schettino, '24, "An AGN as a Counterpart for Neutrino Event IceCube-220303A"
Lorenzo Hess, '23, "Modeling UV Light Through N95 Filters"
Sean E. Li, '23, "Properties of Slicing Conditions for Charged Black Holes"
Angela McKenzie, '23, "Design, Fabrication, and Evaluation of Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators on ST-X Quartz"
Nhi Nguyen, '23, "Electrical Transport Properties of Graphene"
Kieran Enzian, '22, "Finite Element Modeling of Piezoelectric Surface Wave Focusing"
Sophia Schnauck, '22, "Accretion Onto a Black Hole at the Center of a Neutron Star: Nuclear Equations of State"
Shane Smolenski, '22, "Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Unidirectional Interdigital Transducers"
Theodore Wecker, '22, "Relations between four-point amplitudes in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and N=8 supergravity at one, two, and three loops"
Maria Perez Mendoza, '21, "Critical Phenomena in the Gravitational Collapse of Electromagnetic Dipole and Quadrupole Waves"
Chloe Richards, '21, "Accretion onto Endoparasitic Black Holes at the Center of a Neutron Star"
David Zhou, '21, "Cosmological Gravitational Waves: Refining a General Rule of Thumb for Reheating"
Diana Grandas, '20, "Calculating the Local Biotic Exchange Ratio of O2 and CO2 at Harvard Forest: Using Flux Measurements to Improve Past Estimates"
Elizabeth Bennewitz, '19, "Bondi Accretion in the Presence of Heating"
Dana Peirce, '19, "Designing Interdigital Transducers that Launch Strongly Focused Acoustic Waves on Anisotropic Surfaces"
Derek Sederman, '19, "Calculating the Propagator Matrix for All-quark Tree-level Scattering Amplitudes"
Margaret Conley, '18, "Using atmospheric O2 and CO2 measurements to determine the stoichiometry of photosynthesis and respiration in a temperate forest"
Thomas Haig, '18, "Probing Deep Energy States of High Density Polyethylene in Al-PE Stacks under Compression"
Joseph Seibert, '17, "Applying a BCFW Recursive Approach to the Calculation of Biadjoint Scalar Theory Scattering Amplitudes"
Boyang Zhang, '17, "High Frequency Ultrasound Propagation Patterns in Crystalline Silicon"
August Miller, '16, "Bondi Accretion in Trumpet Geometries"
Davis Unruh, '16, "Phonon Mode Conversion at Twist-Bonded Interfaces"
Jacob Forsyth, '15, "East-West Gradients in Atmospheric Potential Oxygen Across the Equatorial Pacific: Observations and Models"
Soichi Hirokawa, '14, "Yes, Photovoltaics are Effective in Maine: Measuring Power Production Along the Coast"
Daniel Palken, '14, "Modeling Phonons in Physical Detectors"
Alexander Edison, '13, "Group-theory constraints on color-ordered amplitudes in non-abelian gauge theories"
Melissa Haskell, '13, "Localization of an OFDI tethered capsule for unsedated gastrointestinal 3D imaging"
William Page, '13, "Computational Modeling of Phonons at Crystal Interfaces: An Application to the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search"
William Scott Perry, '13, "A Method for the Numerical Calculation of Surface Acoustic Waves on Piezoelectrically Active Crystals"
Helen White, '13, "Gravity Darkening and Brightening in Binary Stars"
Michelle Burns, '12, "Design, Construction and Calibration of a System to Precisely Measure Mechanical Properties of Mutable Collagenous Tissue and Connecting to Models of Viscoelastic Materials"
Noah Kent, '12, "Experimentally Observing the Onset of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect as a Function of Temperature"
Michael Mitchell, '11, "Computer Modeling of Surface Acoustic Waves on Water Loaded Surfaces"
Alexa Staley, '11, "The Oppenheimer-Snyder Dust Cloud Collapse in Moving-Puncture Coordinates"
John Wendell, '11, "Modeling the Evolution of a Schwarzchild Black Hole in Five Spacetime Dimensions"
Michael Eldridge, '10, "Maximal Slices of Slowly Rotating Black Holes"
Jason Immerman, '10, "A Novel Approach to Constructing Black Hole Puncture Initial Data"
Matthew Kwan, '10, "Observing Surface Acoustic Waves in Crystals"
Morgan MacLeod '09, "The Merger of White Dwarf-neutron Star Binaries"
Andrew DeBenedictus '08, "Superstring Tension in the Presence of an Orientfold Plane"
Keith Matera '08, "Shells around Black Holes: The Effect of Freely-specifiable Variables on the Constraint Equations of General Relativity"
Benjamin Ripman '07, "Level-Rank Duality of twisted D-branes of the SO(2n)2k Wess-Zumino-Witten Model"
Eric Sofen '07, "A Study of Gases in Arctic and Antarctic Firn"
Ian Alexander Morrison '05 , "Black Hole - Neutron Star Binaries in General Relativity: Effects of Black Hole Rotation"
Riccardo Schmid '05 , "Phonon Propagation in GaN"
Jonelle Walsh '05 , "A Chandra Study of Abell 85"
William Lathrop Klemm '04 , "A Matrix Model Approach to the Calculation of Wilson Loops in SU(2) Gauge Theory"
Aaron Lee Donohoe '03 , "Biases in Inferred Inter-annual Variability of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide due to Selective Sampling of Transport Models"
George Taylor Hubbard, Jr. '03 , "Inferring Temperature Records from Phenology Data by means of Time Series Analysis"
Andrew Morris Knapp '03 , "The Quasi-Equilibrium Approximation for Binary Inspiral: Analytical and Numerical Model Calculations in Scalar Gravity"
Monica Lynn Skoge '03 , "Numerical Models of Black Hole-Neutron Star Binaries"
Nicholas David Lyford '02 , "The Effect of Differential Rotation on the Maximum Mass of Rotating Neutron Stars"
John Karl Thorndike '02 , "The Calculation of Wilson Loops Using the Abelian and Non-Abelian Stokes's Theorems"
Brian N. Mohr '01 , "Bolometric Phonon Detectors"
Patrick R. Thompson '01 , "AC Resistance and Thermal Relaxation Times in Nickel Wires"
Sean N. Raymond '99 , "Investigations of the Cosmological Constant"
Lauren G. Bernheim '98 , "Structural Analysis of a Rotating Spherical Truss"
Matthew M. Engler '98 , "Angular Correlation of Gamma Rays from the Nucleus 178Hf"
Jennifer Frese '98 , "Tidally Driven Internal Solitary Waves over Georges Bank"
Ellen O'Shaughnessy '98 , "Applying physical models to explore the mechanical behavior of mutable collagenous tissues"
John R. Pavan '98 , "Trajectories of Dilatons and Axions in a Brans-Dicke Background"
Tim Aron '96 , "Monte Carlo Modeling of Phonon Imaging Experiments"
Paul Lewis '96 , "Phonon Imaging Experiments"
Dave Stegman '96 , "An Investigation of Anomalously Low Backscatter from Certain Geometries of the Sea Floor"
Jonathan Dugan '95 , "Frequency Dependent Critical Field Properties of Superconducting Indium in a Restricted Geometry"
Shion Kono '95 , "Stability of Electroweak Strings with Fermions"
Masatoshi Hirono '94 , "Orbits in Celestial Mechanics"
Jason T. Breitweg '94 , "Angular Correlations of Scattered Annihilation Radiation from Positronium"
David Gatchell '93 , "Measurement of Multiple Mixing Ratios [(E2/M1) in the Determination of (gK-gR)/Qo] for the K[pi]=8-Rotational Band in Hf178m2"
Kevin Slep '93 , "An Investigation of Quasi one-dimensional Gallium Arsenide Circuits through the Analysis of an Optical analog"
MacKenzie Stetzer '93 , "A Determination of the Emissivity of Nickel Wire as a Function of Temperature"
Zema Chowdhuri '93 , "On the Magnetic Hysteresis of the Supercoductor NbTi"