Burke O. Long
William R. Kenan Professor of the Humanities and Religion, Emeritus
Burke Long, A.B (Randolph-Macon), B.D., M.A., and Ph.D. (Yale) has taught courses in Judaism, Christianity, and Bible. Now retired, he is continuing his studies of ways in which the Bible is appropriated in American culture. Among his recent publications are: (Penn State, 1997); Imagining the Holy Land. Maps, Models and Fantasy Travels (Indiana University Press, 2003). In 2000, colleagues honored him with a collection of essays in 2000: A Wise and Discerning Mind: Essays in Honor of Burke O. Long (, 2000). Long is at work now on a new book, Performing the Bible and Enacting America.

- PhD, Yale University
- MA, Yale University
- BD, Yale University
- AB, Randolph-Macon College