Harrigan, CO, Trevino SF, Schmitz, MD, Tikoff, B (in review). Determining the initiation of shear zone deformation using titanite petrochronology.
Viskupic, K, Wenner, JA, Harrigan, CO, Shafer, G, 2022. A mixed methods study of the challenges for geoscience majors in identifying potential careers and the benefits of a career awareness and planning course. Journal of Geoscience Education.
Harrigan, CO, Schmitz, MD, Trayler, RB, Over, JD., 2022. Recalibrating the Devonian time scale: A new method for integrating radioisotopic and astrochronologic ages in a Bayesian framework. GSA Bulletin. 134(7-8): 1931-1948.
Kenny, GG, Harrigan, CO, Schmitz, MD, Crowley, JL, Wall, CJ, Andreoli, MAG, Gibson, RL, Maier, WD., 2021. Timescales of impact melt sheet crystallization and the precise age of the Morokweng impact structure, South Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 567: 117013.
Drewicz, AE, Trayler, RB, Hollaway, M, Harrigan, CO, Kohn, MJ., 2020. The interpretability of stable hydrogen isotopes in modern herbivore tooth enamel. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 270: 84-94.
Claire Harrigan
Visiting Assistant Professor of Earth and Oceanographic Science
As a geochronologist, I date rocks to understand how Earth systems evolve with time. I use the minerals zircon and titanite to date granites from shear zones to understand the rate of mountain-building processes at continental margins. I have also worked on refining the geologic time scale, modeling the rate at which the crust cools after being hit by a meteorite, and understanding student awareness of Earth science careers. If you are interested in doing research with me, please reach out!