*Denotes student co-author
D.S. Page and J. Widdows. Temporal and Spatial Variation in Levels of Alkyltins in Mussel Tissues: A Toxicological Interpretation of Field Data. Marine Environmental Research 32, 113-129, 1991.
W.X. Wang, J. Widdows, and D. S. Page. Effects of organic toxicants on the anoxic energy metabolism of the mussel Mytilus edulis. Marine Environmental Research34, 327-331, 1992.
J. Widdows and D. S. Page. Effects of tributyltin and dibutyltin on the physiological energetics of the mussel, Mytilus edulis. Marine Environmental Research. 35, 233-249, 1993.
Page, D. S., Gilfillan, E. S., Boehm, P. D. & Harner, E. J. (1995). Shoreline Ecology Program for Prince William Sound, Alaska, Following the EXXON VALDEZ Oil Spill. Part I: Methodology. In Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and Effects in Alaskan Waters , ASTM Special Technical Publication # 1219 (P. G. Wells, J. N. Butler and J. S. Hughes, ed.), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA. pp. 263-295.
Page, D. S., Boehm, P. D., Douglas, G. S. & Bence, A. E. (1995). Identification of Hydrocarbon Sources in the Benthic Sediments of Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska Following the EXXON VALDEZ Oil Spill. In Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Fate and Ef fects in Alaskan Waters , ASTM Special Technical Publication # 1219(P. G. Wells, J. N. Butler and J. S. Hughes, ed.), American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA. pp. 41-83.
Page, D. S., Dassanayake, T. M.* & Gilfillan, E. S. (1995). Tissue distribution and depuration of tributyltin for field exposed Mytilus edulis. Marine Environmental Research. 40, 409-421.
Gilfillan, E. S., Maher, N. P.*, Kresja, C. M., Lanphear, M. E.*, Ball, C. D.*, Meltzer, J. B.* and Page, D. S. (1995). Use of remote sensing to document changes in marsh vegetation following the AMOCO CADIZ oil spill (Brittany, France, 1978). Marine Pollution Bulletin 30, 780-787.
Page, D. S. (1995). A six-year monitoring study of tributyltin and dibutyltin in mussel tissues from the Lynher River, Tamar Estuary, UK. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 30, 746-749
Page, D. S., Ozbal, C. C.*, and Lanphear, M. E.* (1996). Concentration of butyltin species in sediments associated with shipyard activity. Environmental Pollution. 91, 237-243.
Page, D. S., Dassanayake*, T. M. & Gilfillan, E. S. (1996). The Relationship Between Tissue Concentrations of Tributyltin and Shell Morphology in Field Populations of Mytilus edulis. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 56, 500-504.
Page, D. S., Boehm, P. D., Douglas, G. S., Bence, A. E. Burns, W. A. and Mankiewicz, P. J. (1996). The Natural Petroleum Hydrocarbon Background in Subtidal Sediments of Prince William Sound, Alaska. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 15(8), 1266-1281.
Page, D. S., Boehm, P. D., Douglas, G. S., Bence, A. E. Burns, W. A. and Mankiewicz, P. J. (1997). An estimate of the annual input of natural petroleum hydrocarbons to seafloor sediments in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Marine Pollution Bulletin 34(9), 744-749.
Phelps, H.L. and Page, D.S. (1997) Tributyltin biomonitoring in Portuguese estuaries with the Portuguese oyster (Crassostrea angulata). Environmental Technology 18, 1269-1276.
Lee, R. F. and D. S. Page. (1997) Petroleum hydrocarbons and their effects in subtidal regions after major oil spills. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 34(11), 928-940.
Page, D. S., Boehm, P. D., Douglas, G. S., Bence, A. E., Burns, W. A. & Mankiewicz, P. J. (1998). Pyrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments record past human activity: A case study in Prince William Sound Alaska. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 38(4), 247-260
Page, D. S., Widdows, J., and Staff, F. J. (1998). Effects of Thermal Stress and Tri(n)Butyl Tin on Anaerobic Energy Metabolism in Mytilus Edulis. Marine Environmental Research, 46, 433-437.
Boehm, P. D., Page, D. S., Gilfillan, E. S., Bence, A. E., Burns, W. A. & Mankiewicz, P. J. (1998). Study of the fates and effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on benthic sediments in two bays in Prince William Sound, Alaska. I: Study design, chemistry and source fingerprinting. Environmental Science and Technology 32(5) 567-576.
Page, D. S., Boehm, P. D., Douglas, G. S., Bence, A. E. Burns, W. A. and Mankiewicz, P. J. (1998). Petroleum Sources in the Western Gulf of Alaska/Shelikoff Strait Area. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 36(12), 1004-1012.
Page, D. S., Boehm, P. D., Douglas, G. S., Bence, A. E., Burns, W. A. & Mankiewicz, P. J. (1998) Source of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA, Subtidal Sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17(9), 1651-1652.
Page, D. S., Boehm, P. D., Douglas, G. S., Bence, A. E., Burns, W. A. & Mankiewicz, P. J. (1999). Pyrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments record past human activity: A case study in Prince William Sound Alaska. Marine Pollution Bulletin 38(4), 247-260.
Page, D. S., Gilfillan, E. S., Neff, J.M., Stoker, S. W. and Boehm, P. D., (1999). 1998 Shoreline Conditions in the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Zone in Prince William Sound. In: Proceedings of the 1999 Oil Spill Conference March 8-11, 1999, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 119-126.
Olagbende, O. T., Ede, G. O., Inyang, L. E. D., Gundlach, E. R., Gilfillan, E. S. and Page, D. S. (1999). Scientific and Cleanup Response to the Idoho-QIT Oil Spill, Nigeria. Environmental Technology, 20. 1213-1222.
Abasiekong, E.M., Akpan, A.W., Alo, B., Antiah, E.E., Dandy, D., Ewa-Oboho, I., Gilfillan, E.S., Gundlach, E.R., Imevbore, V., Itah, A.Y., Kusemiju, K., Moses, B.S., Nwanko, D.I., Oladimeji, O., Olookudejo, D.J., Onwudiegwu, U., Onwuteaka, J., Osain, K.K., Owoola, T., Page, D.S. "January, 1998 Idoho-QIT 24" Pipeline Oil Spill Post Impact Assessment Final Report," Mobil Producing Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria, July 1999, 400 pp. & appendices.
Gilfillan, E.S., Harner, E.J., O'Reilly, J.E., Page, D.S., Burns, W.A. (1999) A Comparison of Shoreline Assessment Study Designs Used for the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 38(5): 380-388
Wang, Zhendi; Fingas, Merv; Page, David S. (1999) Oil Spill Identification. Journal of Chromatography , A. 843(1-2), 369-411.
Boehm, P. D., Douglas, G.S., Brown, J.S., Page, D. S., Bence, A. E., Burns, W. A. & Mankiewicz, P. J. (2000). Comment on "Natural Hydrocarbon Background in Benthic Sediments of Prince William Sound, Alaska: Oil vs Coal." Environmental Science and Technology, 34(10), 2064-2065.
Bence, A.E., W.A. Burns, P.J. Mankiewicz, D.S. Page and P.D. Boehm, (2000) Comment on ''PAH refractory index as a source discriminant of hydrocarbon input from crude oil and coal in Prince William Sound, Alaska'' by F.D. Hostettler, R.J. Rosenbauer, K.A. Kvenvolden. Organic Geochemistry 31(9), 931-938.
Page, D.S., Gilfillan, E.S., Boehm, P.D., Stubblefield, W., Parker, K.R., Maki, A.W. (2000) Sediment Toxicity Values for a Field Study Compared with Sediment Quality Criteria for Total PAH. SETAC, 21st Annual Meeting Proceedings, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12-16 November, 2000 Nashville, TN.
Page, D.S., Gilfillan, E.S., Boehm, P.D., Stubblefield , W.A., Parker, K.R. and Maki, A.W. (2001) Oil weathering and sediment toxicity in shorelines affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. In: Proceedings of the2001 Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 551-557
E. S. Gilfillan, D.S. Page, .J.M. Neff, K.R. Parker, P.D. Boehm and A.W. Maki. A Ten Year Study of Shoreline Conditions in the EXXON VALDEZ Spill Zone, prince William Sound, Alaska. In: Proceedings of the2001 Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 559-567
Boehm, P.D., Page, D.S., Burns, W.A,. Bence, A.E., Mankiewicz, P. J. and Brown, J.S. (2001) Resolving the Origin of the Petrogenic Hydrocarbon Background in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Environmental Science and Technology 35(3), 471-479.
Chapman, P.M., Birge, W.J., Adams, W.J., Barrick, R., Bott, T.L., Burton, A., Collier, T.K., Cumberland, H.L., Douglas, W.S., Johnson, L.L., Luther, G.W., OConnor, T., Page, D.S., Sibley, P., Standley, L.J., Wenning, R.J. (2001) Sediment Quality Values (SQVs) Challenges and Recommendations. SETAC Globe 2(2), 24-26.
Page DS*, Boehm PD, Douglas GS, Bence AE, Burns WA, Mankiewicz PJ (2002) The Application of Chemistry to Defining the Fate, Effects and Sources of Hydrocarbons in the Exxon Valdez Spill Zone in Prince William Sound, Alaska. SETAC, 22nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11-15 November, 2001 Baltimore, MD. p . 123
Page DS*, Boehm PD, Neff JM, Douglas GS, Bence AE, Burns WA, Mankiewicz PJ (2002) Bioavailability of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Residues of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill at Worst-Case Locations in Prince William Sound, Alaska. SETAC, 22nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11-15 November, 2001 Baltimore, MD. p .
Neff JM*, Boehm PD, Page DS. (2001) Relationship Between Molecular Weight and Bioavailability of PAHs in Sediments of Prince William Sound, Alaska, Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. SETAC, 22nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11-15 November, 2001 Baltimore, MD. p . 123
Neff JM*. Page DS, Pearson W, Brannon, E, (2001) The Value of Chemical Analysis in Assessing the Risks to Herring and Salmon Populations from the Exxon Valdez Crude Oil Spill. SETAC, 22nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11-15 November, 2001 Baltimore, MD. p . 78
Boehm PD*, Page DS, Douglas GS, Brown JS, Bence AE, Burns WA, Mankiewicz PJ, Maki AW. (2001) The importance of characterizing the chemical baseline in oil spill and ecological risk assessments - Use and misuse of "pristine" SETAC, 22nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11-15 November, 2001 Baltimore, MD. p . 124
Gilfillan ES*, Page DS, Boehm PD, Parker KR. (2001) The importance of considering physical factors other than oiling in oil spill natural resource damage assessment. The case of the 1989 Exxon Valdez. SETAC, 22nd Annual Meeting Proceedings, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 11-15 November, 2001 Baltimore, MD. p . 267
Page DS, Boehm PD, Stubblefield WA, Parker KR, Gilfillan ES, Neff JM, Maki AW. (2002) Hydrocarbon Composition and Toxicity of Sediments Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 21(7), 1438-1450.
Page, DS, Gilfillan ES, Boehm PD, Neff JM, Stubblefield WA, Parker KR, A.W. Maki AW. (2002) Sediment toxicity measurements in oil spill injury assessment: A study of shorelines affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. In: M. Pellei, A. Porta and R.E. Hinchee (eds.) Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, October 10-11, 2001, Battelle Press, Columbus OH. 137-146.
Gilfillan ES, Harner EJ, Page DS. (2002) Comment on Peterson et al. Sampling design begets conclusions Marine Ecology progress Series 231, 303-308.
Page, D.S., A.E. Bence, W.A. Burns, P.D. Boehm, J.S. Brown and G.S. Douglas. (2002) A Holistic Approach to Hydrocarbon Source Allocation in the Subtidal Sediments of Prince William Sound, Alaska, Embayments. In: Proceedings of the 25th Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, Environment Canada. Calgary, AB, Canada June 11-13, 2002, 547-563.
Boehm PD, Burns WA, Page DS, Bence AE, Mankiewicz, Brown JS and Douglas GS. (2002) Total Organic Carbon, an Important Tool in a Holistic Approach to Hydrocarbon Source Fingerprinting. In: Proceedings of the 25th Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, Environment Canada. Calgary, AB, Canada June 11-13, 2002, 413-427.
Inyang, L.E.D., Essien, G.E., Moses, B.S., Gundlach, E.R., Gilfillan, E.S. and Page, D.S. (2002) Analysis of Potential Effects of the Idoho-QIT Oil Spill on River-Estuarine Fisheries in Nigeria. In: Proceedings of the 25th Arctic and Marine Oil Spill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, Environment Canada. Calgary, AB, Canada June 11-13, 2002, 941-957.
Page, D.S., A.E. Bence, W.A. Burns, P.D. Boehm, J.S. Brown and G.S. Douglas. (2002) A Holistic Approach to Hydrocarbon Source Allocation in the Subtidal Sediments of Prince William Sound, Alaska, Embayments. Environmental Forensics(3-4), 331-340.
Boehm PD, Burns WA, Page DS, Bence AE, Mankiewicz, Brown JS and Douglas GS.(2002) Total Organic Carbon, an Important Tool in a Holistic Approach to Hydrocarbon Source Fingerprinting. Environmental Forensics(3-4), 243--250.
Boehm, P.D., D. S. Page , G. S. Douglas , W. A. Burns , A. E. Bence , P.J. Mankiewicz. 2002. Environmental geochemical approaches to defining the fate, effects, and sources of hydrocarbons in the Exxon Valdez spill zone: Prince William Sound. Abstract Book: 224th ACS National Meeting (Boston, August 18-22, 2002)/GEOC /Biogeochemistry of Marine Organic Matter in the Contemporary Environment and Ancient Sediments. In Honor of Professor James G. Quinn.
Gilfillan, E. S., D.S. Page and C. Perry. (2002) Use of remote sensing to determine the effect of an in situ burn of jet fuel on emergent aquatic vegetation. In: C.A. Brebbia (ed.) Oil and Hydrocarbon Spills III: Modelling, Analysis and Control . WIT Press, Southampton, UK. pp. 405-413
Burns, W. A., A. E. Bence, P. D. Boehm, J. S. Brown, D. S. Page, G. S. Douglas and K. R. Parker (2002). Source allocation by least-squares hydrocarbon fingerprint matching,. SETAC, 23rd Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16-20 November, 2002., Salt lake City, UT. 33.
Huggett, R. J., D. S. Page, K. R. Parker, J. R. Brown and A. E. Bence (2002). Biomarker studies of fish in Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska: 1999-2000. SETAC, 23rd Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16-20 November, 2002.Salt lake City, UT., Salt lake City, UT. 226.
Page, D., P. Boehm, J. Brown, A. Bence, W. Burns and G. Douglas (2002). Historical Analysis as a Tool in Identifying PAH Sources in Prince William Sound, Alaska Sediments. SETAC, 23rd Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16-20 November, 2002 . Salt lake City, UT. 33.
Page, D. S., P. D. Boehm, J. S. Brown, A. E. Bence, W. A. Burns, G. S. Douglas and J. M. Neff (2002). Baseline Studies on the Bioavailable Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Prince William Sound, Alaska. SETAC, 23rd Annual Meeting Abstract Book, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16-20 November, 2002., Salt lake City, UT. 125.
Page, D. S., A. E. Bence, W. A. Burns, P. D. Boehm, G. S. Douglas and J. S. Brown (2003). The role of petroleum geochemistry in defining oil spill recovery: examples from the Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Proceedings of the 2003 Oil Spill Conference, Washington, D.C., American Petroleum Institute. (in press)
Boehm, P. D., J. M. Neff, J. S. Brown, D. S. Page, W. A. Burns, A. W. Maki and A. E. Bence (2003). The chemical baseline as a key to defining continuing injury and recovery of Prince William Sound. Proceedings of the 2003 Oil Spill Conference, Washington, D.C., American Petroleum Institute: (in press).
Neff, J. M., P. D. Boehm, R. Kropp, W. A. Stubblefield and D. S. Page (2003). Monitoring recovery of Prince William Sound, Alaska, following the Exxon Valdez oil spill: bioavailability of PAH in offshore sediments. Proceedings of the 2003 Oil Spill Conference, Washington, D.C., American Petroleum Institute: (in press).
Gilfillan, E.S., D.S. Page and K.R. Parker (2003) Multivariate analysis of community structure over ten years following the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Proceedings of the 2003 Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 285-289
Boehm, P. D., J. M. Neff and D. S. Page. (2003) Letter to the editor. Marine Environmental Research, Volume 55, pp. 459-461
Lytle, T.F., Manning, C.S., Walker, W.W., Lytle, J.S., Page, D.S. (2003) Life-cycle toxicity of dibutyltin to the sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) and implications of the ubiquitous tributyltin impurity in test material. Appl. Organometal. Chem. 2003; 17: 653-661
Huggett, RJ, Stegeman, JJ, Page, DS, Parker, KR, Woodin, B and Brown, JS (2003). Biomarkers in Fish from Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska: 1999-2000. Environmental Science and Technology: 37, 4043-4051.
Page D.S., Boehm P.D., Stubblefield W.A., Parker K.R., Gilfillan E.S., Neff J.M., Maki A.W. (2003) Reply to: Rice SD, Carls MG, Heintz RA, Short JW. Comment on ‘‘Hydrocarbon composition and toxicity of sediments following the Exxon Valdez oil spill in PrinceWilliam Sound, Alaska, USA’’ by Page et al. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vol 22 (11) 2539-2540.
Page, D.S., Huggett, RJ, Stegeman, JJ, Parker, KR, Woodin, B, Brown, JS and Bence, AE. (2004). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Sources Related to Biomarker Levels in Fish from Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. Environmental Science and Technology, 38(19), 4928 – 4936.
Page, D.S., Huggett, R.J, Stegeman, J.J, Parker, K.R., Woodin, B., Brown, J.S., Bence, A.E. (2004) Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Related to Biomarker Levels in Fish from Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Environmental Research 58 (2004) 313–314
Douglas, G.S., Burns, W.A., Bence, A.E., Page D. S. and Boehm, P.D. (2004) Optimizing Detection Limits for the Analysis of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Complex Environmental Samples. Environmental Science and Technology. 38, 3958-3964
Boehm, PD, Page, DS, Brown, JS, Neff, JM and Burns, WA. (2004) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Levels in Mussels From Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA, Document the Return to Baseline Conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 23(12), 2916–2929.
Inyang, L.E.D. Essien, G.E., Ndiomu, C.B. Page, D.S., V. Imevbore, V. (2005). Containment, Clean-Up and Scientific Assessment of Mobil Producing Nigeria November 22, 2003 Liquid Release Incident. Proceedings of the 2005 Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 323-328.
Page, D.S., Boehm, P.D., Brown, J.S., Neff, J.M., Burns, W.A., Bence, A.E. (2005) Mussels Document Loss of Bioavailable Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and the Return to Baseline Conditions for Oiled Shorelines in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Marine Environmental Research 60(4), 422-436.
Boehm, PD, Page, DS, Brown, JS, Neff, JM and Bence, AE. (2005) Comparison of Mussels and Semi-Permeable Membrane Devices as Intertidal Monitors of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Oil Spill Sites. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50, 740-750.
Neff, J.M., Brown, J.S., Boehm, P.D., Bence, A.E., Parker, K.R., and Page, D.S. (2006) Bioavailability of PAH from Buried Shoreline Oil Residues 13 Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: A Multispecies Assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25, 947-961.
Page, D.S., Brown, J.S., Boehm, P.D., Bence, A.E., Neff, J.M. (2006) A Hierarchical Approach Measures the Aerial Extent and Concentration Levels of PAH-Contaminated Shoreline Sediments at Historic Industrial Sites in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52(4), 367-379
A. Burns, W. A., S. M. Mudge, A. E. Bence, P. D. Boehm, |J. S. Brown, D. S. Page and K. R. Parker. 2006. Source Allocation by Least-Squares Hydrocarbon Fingerprint Matching. Environmental Science and Technology, 40 6561-6567.
Bence, A. E., Page, D. S. and Boehm, P. D. (2007). Advances in Forensic Techniques for Petroleum Hydrocarbons: The Exxon Valdez Experience. In: Zhendi Wang, Z. and Stout, S. A. eds. “Oil Spill Environmental Forensics: Fingerprinting and Source Identification.” Academic Press, Burlington, MA, USA. pp. 450-487.
Boehm, P. D., and Page, D. S. (2007) Exposure Elements in Oil Spill Risk and Natural Resource Damage Assessments: A Review. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 13: 418–448.
Boehm, P. D., Neff, J. M. and Page, D. S. (2007). Assessment of Hydrocarbon Exposure in the Waters of Prince William Sound After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: 1989–2005. Marine Pollution Bulletin 54, 339-356.
Boehm, P. D., Page, D. S., Neff, J. M. and Johnson, C. B. (2007) Potential for Sea Otter Exposure to Remnants of Buried Oil From the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Environmental Science and Technology 41: 6860-6867.
Page, D.S., P.D. Boehm and J.M. Neff. (2008) “Shoreline Type and Subsurface Oil Persistence in the Exxon Valdez Spill Zone of Prince William Sound, Alaska.” In: Proceedings of the 31st AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response, Environment Canada. Calgary, AB, Canada June 3-5, 2008, 545-564.
Boehm, P.D., Page, D.S., Brown, J.S., Neff, J.M., Bragg, J.R. and Atlas, R.M. (2008) Distribution and Weathering of Crude Oil Residues on Shorelines 18 Years After the Exxon Valdez Spill. Environmental Science and Technology 42: 9210-9216.
Boehm, P.D., Page, D.S. and Neff, J.M. (2009) Comments on the misuse of SPMDs in recent articles by Springman et al. (2008a,b) and Short et al. (2008). Marine Environmental Research 67, 262–267.
Page, D.S., Boehm, P.D. and Neff, J.M. (2010) Comment on “Unlike PAHs from Exxon Valdez Crude Oil, PAHs from Gulf of Alaska Coals are not Readily Bioavailable.” Environmental Science and Technology 44, 2210-2213.
J.M. Neff, D.S. Page, P.D. Boehm. (2011) Exposure of Sea Otters and Harlequin Ducks in Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA, to Shoreline Oil Residues 20 Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 659–672.
P.D. Boehm, D.S. Page, J.M. Neff, J.S. Brown. (2011) Are sea otters being exposed to subsurface intertidal oil residues from the Exxon Valdez oil spill? Marine Pollution Bulletin 62, 581-589.
Landrum PF, Chapman PM, Neff JM, Page DS. 2012. Evaluating the Aquatic Toxicity of Complex Organic Chemical Mixtures: Lessons Learned from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and Petroleum Hydrocarbon Case Studies. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 8, 217-230.
Page DS, Neff JM, Landrum PF, Chapman PM. 2012. Comment on “Sensitivity of fish embryos to weathered crude oil: Part II. Increased mortality of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) embryos incubating downstream from weathered Exxon Valdez crude oil” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31(3), 469-476.
Page, D. S., Chapman, P. M., Landrum, P. F., Neff, J. and Elston, R. (2012) A Perspective on the Toxicity of Low Concentrations of Petroleum-Derived Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Early Life Stages of Herring and Salmon. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 18:2, 229-260
Neff JM, Page DS, Landrum PF, Chapman PM. 2013. The Importance of Both Potency and Mechanism in Dose-Response Analysis: An Example from Exposure of Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasi) Embryos to Low Concentrations of Weathered Crude Oil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 67, 7-15.
Landrum PF, Chapman PM, Neff JM, Page DS. 2013. Implications of Changing Exposure Concentrations in Water on Toxicokinetics of Organic Contaminants in Aquatic Organisms: Theoretical and Case Studies. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 9 (2) 196–210.
Boehm, PD., ER. Gundlach and DS. Page. (2013) Chapter 2: The phases of an oil spill and scientific studies of spill effects. In: J. A. Wiens (ed) "Oil in the Environment: Legacies and Lessons of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill." Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. pp. 37-52.
Boehm, PD., JM. Neff and DS. Page. (2013) Chapter 3: Oil in the water column. In: J. A. Wiens (ed) "Oil in the Environment: Legacies and Lessons of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill." Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. pp. 57-77.
Page, DS., PD. Boehm, JS. Brown, ER. Gundlach and JM. Neff. (2013) Chapter 6: Fate of oil on shorelines. In: J. A. Wiens (ed) "Oil in the Environment: Legacies and Lessons of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill." Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. pp. 116-143.
Gundlach, ER., DS. Page, JM. Neff and PD. Boehm (2013) Chapter 10: Shoreline biota. In: J. A. Wiens (ed) "Oil in the Environment: Legacies and Lessons of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill." Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. pp. 241-262.
Page, D. S., Chapman, P. M., Landrum, P. F., Neff, J. and Elston, R. (2014) It’s the Dose, Not the Hypothesis: Reply to Heintz et al . (2014). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 20(3): 603–606.
Boehm, P.D., D.S. Page, J. S. Brown, Jerry M. Neff and E.R. Gundlach. (2014). Long-Term Fate and Persistence of Oil from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Lessons Learned or History Repeated? Proceedings of the 2014 Oil Spill Conference, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 63-79.
Adria A. Elskus, Lawrence A. LeBlanc, James S. Latimer, David Page, Gareth Harding and Peter G. Wells. 2020. Monitoring Chemical Contaminants in the Gulf of Maine, using Sediments and Mussels (Mytilus edulis): An Evaluation. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Volume 153, April 2020, 110956
Adria A. Elskus, Lawrence A. LeBlanc, James S. Latimer, David Page, Gareth Harding and Peter G. Wells. 2020. Monitoring Chemical Contaminants in the Gulf of Maine, using Sediments and Mussels (Mytilus edulis): An Evaluation. Marine Pollution Bulletin James Quinn Special Issue. (in Press)