Riley, Nancy E and Nilanjana Chatterjee. 2023. Controlling Reproduction: Women, Society, and State Power. Polity Press.
Riley, Nancy E. and Jan Brunson, editors. 2018. International Handbook on Gender and Demographic Processes. Springer.
Riley, Nancy E. 2017. . Polity Press.
Riley, Nancy E. 2012. . Springer Press.
Riley, Nancy E. and Krista Van Vleet. 2011. . Pine Forge/ Sage Press.
Riley, Nancy E. and James McCarthy. 2003. . Cambridge University Press.
Articles and Chapters
Riley, Nancy E. 2019. "The Demography of Gender." The Handbook of Population. Dudley Poston, editor. Springer.
Riley, Nancy E. and Deborah DeGraff. 2018. “Measuring gender in the context of demographic change.” In NE Riley and J Brunson, eds. International Handbook on Gender and Demographic Processes. Springer, pp. 15-36.
Chatterjee, Nilanjana and Nancy E. Riley. 2018. “Women, Biopower and the Making of Demographic Knowledge: India's Demographic and Health Survey.” In NE Riley and J Brunson, eds. International Handbook on Gender and Demographic Processes. Springer, pp. 37-54.
Riley, Nancy E. 2018. “Stratified reproduction.” In NE Riley and J Brunson, eds. International Handbook on Gender and Demographic Processes. Springer, pp. 117-138.
Riley, Nancy E. 2017. "Good mothering in China: Effects of Migration, Low Fertility, and Birth Constraints," in D. Poston, ed. Low Fertility Regimes and Demographic and Societal Changes. Springer Press, (pp. 115-132).
Riley, Nancy E. forthcoming. "Patriarchies Old and New in Chinese Society." in Handbook of Chinese Culture and Society. Kevin Latham, editor. Routledge.
Riley, Nancy E. 2008. "Gender and Modernity in a Chinese Economic Zone." in K. Ferguson and M. Mironesco, eds. Gender and Globalization in Asia and the Pacific, pp. 213-229. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press.
Chatterjee, Nilanjana and Nancy E. Riley. 2001. "Planning an Indian modernity: The gendered politics of fertility control.” Signs 26 (3): 811-845 (spring).
Riley, Nancy E. 1999. “Challenging Demography: Contributions from Feminist Theory.” Sociological Forum 14 (3): 369-397 (Sept).
Riley, Nancy E. 1998. "Research on Gender in Demography: Limitations and Constraints." Population Research and Policy Review 17: 521-538 (Dec).
Riley, Nancy E. 1997. "American Adoptions of Chinese Girls: the socio-political matrices of individual decisions" Women's Studies International Forum 20 (1): 87-102.
Riley, Nancy E. 1995. Chinese Women's Lives: Rhetoric and Reality. East-West Center, Honolulu: AsiaPacific Issues No. 25 (September).
Riley, Nancy E. 1994. "Interwoven Lives: Parents, Marriage and Guanxi in China," Journal of Marriage and the Family 56 (4): 791-803 (Nov).
Bauer, John, Wang Feng, Nancy E. Riley and Zhao Xiaohua. 1992. "Gender inequality in urban China: education and employment," Modern China 18 (3): 333-370 (July).
Coale, Ansley, Wang Feng, Nancy E. Riley and Lin Fude. 1991. "Recent trends in fertility and nuptiality in China," Science 251 (4992): 389-393.