Research Professor of Biology and Biochemistry Emeritus
Immunology, Microbiology, Biochemical Endocrinology, Science of Nutrition
Research: My students and I have been interested in early biochemical processes associated with the activation of B-lymphocytes. In particular, we have been examining early message systems involving changes in intracellular ions, in particular magnesium and calcium, and how these changes may influence the early transcription factor, Nf- k B. I also have an interest in developing applied genetic tools for use in animal agriculture for the purpose of improved production and increased profitability. In particular, I have several projects working with the sheep industry to improve meat and wool production.
Other Interests: Border Collies, Fly Fishing, Gardening.
Elizabeth McCain, "The Immunology of Parasite Resistance in Sheep" 2003 Honors Biochemistry.
John Meyers, "The Immunology of Natural Parasite Resistance in Sheep" 2002 Honors Biochemistry.
Sara M. Lenherr, "Potential Regulatory Role for Magnesium in B Lymphocyte Activation" 2000 Honors Biology.
Jennifer Ryan, "NF- kB Mobilization in Human B-cell Activation: the Influence of Immunosuppressant Drugs" 1999 Honors Biochemistry.
Sarah Bael, "Expression Patterns of TDAG51 and Fas mRNA in Murine Lymphocytes" 1999 Honors Biology.
Sean Lynch, "NF-kB Mobilization in Human B Lymphocytes: The Influence of Multiple Stimulatory Inhibitory Compounds" 1999 Honors Biochemistry.
Tanya Freedman, "Changes in Intracellular Free Magnesium in the Early Stages of B-cell Activation" 1999 Honors Biochemistry.
Bjorn Armitage Lee, "The possible role of Potassium in the activation of B Lymphocytes" 1998 Honors Biology.
Benjamin Patrick Westley, "Transcription factor mobilization in human B lymphocytes activated through sIg, CD40, and IL-4 receptors" 1998 Honors Biochemistry.
Muneer Hasham, "Changes in Intracellular Calcium in the Activation of B Lymphocytes" 1997 Honors Biology.
Stephen Edward Spurgeon, "Intracellular Calcium in B-cell Activation and Development" 1996 Honors Biology.
David Kehas, "Changes in Intracellular Free Magnesium Concentrations in Mitogen-Activated B-lymphocytes" 1996 Honors Biochemistry.
Settlemire, T. There is more than beauty than meets the eye, National Lamb and Wool Grower, April, 1995. Page 13.
*Kehas, D.J., *S. Spurgeon, * O. Silbert and C. T. Settlemire. Changes in intracellular free magnesium concentrations in mitogen- activated B-lymphocytes. ME Biol. & Medical Sci Sym. May 20, 1996. Orono, ME. Abstract. NOTE: David Kehas received the award for the best research paper presented by an undergraduate at the symposium
Settlemire, T. Understanding and using genetic analysis tools to improve your sheep flock. The Shepherd, 43 (1): 8. Jan., 1998
*Lee, Bjorn A., *B.P. Westley and T. Settlemire. An investigation of transmembrane signaling via sIg, CD40 and lymphokine receptors on Ramos B lymphocytes. Maine Biological Medical Sciences Symposium, May 14, 1998. University of New England, Biddeford, ME.
* denotes student co-authors
Invited speaker: "A probe into the immunology and cell biology in animals resistant to infection by the parasite, Haemonchus contortus". Symposium International de Ovinocultura. Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Queretaro, Mexico. December 10-13, 2002.
Invited speaker: "Resistance to infection by Haemonchus contortus: what is the role of antibodies?" University of Georgia. June 46, 2003.
Grant: Co-director (along with Dr. Richard Brzozowski, University of Maine Cooperative Extension). Northeast Katahdin Hair Sheep Project, USDA-SARE, $155,167.00. June 1, 2001 - June 30, 2004.
Grant: Co-director (along with Dr. Richard Brzozowski, University of Maine Cooperative Extension). The Katahdin Hair Sheep: genetics and biology of parasite resistance, USDA-SARE. $136,000. June 1, 2003 - June 30, 2005.