
Classroom Requests

So that Faculty are able to take course enrollments into account when requesting classrooms, instructors are not asked their preferences regarding teaching spaces until after students participate in the first few rounds of registration. Classroom requests are made via the electronic Classroom Request Form sent to departments at the end of the Spring semester for Fall courses and at the end of the Fall semester for Spring courses.
  • Classroom Request Forms (see the Registrar calendar for form availability)
  • Please check in with your department/program coordinator or chair as to how classroom request forms are handled for your department. In some departments, individual faculty members submit their own forms. In other departments, preferences are collected centrally and the forms are submitted by the Academic Department Coordinator.
  • Instructors who are off campus, e.g. on sabbatical, should work with their department/program chair or coordinator to have their form(s) submitted on their behalf.
  • Please be sure to submit forms for your course and any associated scheduled meetings, e.g. labs, film viewings, discussion sections.

Each Classroom Request Form allows an instructor to specify:

  • specific room(s) preferred;
  • alternate room(s);
  • equipment and other room resources required.

Rooms not available:

  • Searles 315 is not available for class meetings on Tuesday evenings.
  • The Beam Classroom is not available for class meetings on Wednesday evenings. 
  • Smith Auditorium is not available for class meetings on Thursday evenings.
  • Kresge Auditorium is also unavailable after 5 pm during the week.
  • Buck 211 is only available 9:00 am - 1:05 pm.
  • Conference rooms generally require permission of the department/program to schedule.

Additional information:

  • The Office of the Registrar assigns classrooms in accordance with the Classroom Assignment Policy. The policy explains the relative priority that different considerations have during the classroom assignment process. Classroom assignments are reviewed with representatives from Information Technology and the Office of the Dean for Academic Affairs before they are finalized.
  • If an instructor has a disability documented with the College, Human Resources will let the Office of the Registrar know the room accommodations we need to address on their behalf. Faculty should contact Cindy Bessmer in Human Resources with questions about documenting a disability.
  • Address questions about classroom scheduling to courses@bowdoin.edu.