Student Government
The BSG’s powers and responsibilities are provided by the student-ratified constitution and bylaws. The Assembly is composed of the president, the vice president of BSG Affairs, the chair of academic affairs, the chair of student affairs, the chair of diversity and inclusion, the chair of facilities, the chair of the treasury, and the chair of the SOOC, all of whom are elected at-large by the student body.
It will be composed of four development representatives, the counseling and health services representative, the sexuality, gender, and relationships representative, the curriculum and educational oplicy committee representative, the curriculum and implementation policy representative, the faculty committee representative, the dining services representative, the sustainability representative, the safety and security representative, the NESGOV representative, the athletics representative, a residential life representative, and McKeen Center for the Common Good representative, all of whom will be ultimately selected by the executive committee. It will also be composed of the multicultural coalition representative, who will be elected by the multicultural coalition, and the four class presidents, each elected by their respective classes.
The constitution is available on the BSG website at: