Hubbard Hall foyer
This exhibit presents a selection of Donald B. MacMillan’s gorgeous hand-tinted glass lantern slides, recently digitized with support from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.
Selected Works

Donald B. MacMillan, Makkovik from the Air, Labrador, 1931. Hand-tinted glass lantern slide. Gift of Donald and Miriam MacMillan

Donald B. MacMillan, Walrus Hunting at Edge of Ice, northwest Greenland, 1908-1919. Hand-colored by Scott and Van Altena. Gift of Donald and Miriam MacMillan. [image: 3000.32.863]

Donald B. MacMillan, Ahl-ning-wah, northwest Greenland, 1908-1919. Hand-colored by Scott and Van Altena. Gift of Donald and Miriam MacMillan. [image: 3000.32.967]

Donald B. MacMillan, Ook-took-e and Cake of Ice for Window, Baffin Island, 1921-1922. Hand-colored by John Duer Scott. Gift of Donald and Miriam MacMillan. [image: 3000.32.462]

Elisha Kent Kane, Crossing the Ice Belt at Coffee Gorge, 1856. From Arctic Explorations, volume 1, opposite page 92. Hand-colored by Eldredge Studios. Gift of Donald and Miriam MacMillan. [image: 3000.32.1942]

Donald B. MacMillan, Children Photographing, Baffin Island. Hand-colored by unidentified artist. Gift of Donald and Miriam MacMillan. [image: 3000.32.412]

Donald B. MacMillan, The Uminak, northwest Greenland. Hand-colored by Scott Studios. Gift of Donald and Miriam MacMillan. [image: 3000.32.1406]
Donald B. MacMillan first went to the Arctic as a member of Robert Peary’s 1908-09 North Pole Expedition and continued traveling to, working in, and photographing the region until 1954. Between trips, he raised funds for his expeditions by lecturing throughout the country. He illustrated these lectures with glass lantern slides made, mostly, from a selection of his photographic images. Donald and his wife Miriam donated this entire collection of over 2,000 slides to the museum when it was founded in 1967. Now, this incredible resource is available to the public at .