Important Honors Deadlines
Your adherence to the deadlines for the assignments below is expected. (Note: A few deadlines for Chemistry and Biochemistry majors may be different. Students working with Chemistry faculty are expected to adhere to the Chemistry deadlines.)
You will iterate several drafts of your oral and written presentations with your advisors. Keep in mind that your advisors have several commitments in addition to their courses and research students. Collaborate with your advisors to develop timelines that are workable for both of you. Make sure one of your peers has given you feedback on your written and oral work before you submit these to your advisors.

Important Honors Deadlines
- September 13 - Submit project title to advisor and academic department coordinator
- October 11 - Submit annotated bibliography to advisor
- October 18 - (If applicable) Present a poster of summer research at the Presidential Summer Research Symposium
- October 25 - Schedule thesis timeline and organization meeting with advisor
- November 15 - Submit completed draft to advisor
- December 9 - Submit polished midyear report to the Chemistry Department or Biochemistry Program
- December 13 - Give an oral presentation of research project and progress to the Chemistry Department or Biochemistry Program
- March 27 - Submit thesis draft to peer
- March 31 - Submit a critique of your peer's thesis draft to your peer
- April 7 - Submit 1st thesis draft to advisor
- April 21 - Submit final thesis draft to advisor
- May 1 - Submit final thesis to readers
- May 18 - Submit formatted thesis to the library by 5pm
You are solely responsible for contacting the Department Chair to petition for an extension. To request an extension, you must submit a written petition justifying the need for an extension to the Chemistry Department Chair (Danielle Dube) or the Biochemistry Program Director (Benjamin C. Gorske) who will circulate the petition to the faculty for a vote. The need for a petition may be waived by the Chair, in consultation with the research advisor and the Office of Student Affairs, if extreme circumstances (family or medical emergency) exist.