- Assigning and overseeing Data Stewards
- Remaining aware of the legal and regulatory requirements for data in their areas
- Ensuring that data policies are established, and kept up to date, in their areas and if appropriate, delegating such responsibility
- Promoting appropriate use and data quality
The responsibilities and operations of the Data Governance Committee are outlined in its charter, adopted in spring 2018. Additional policy on guiding principles for data access is also available.
Roles and Responsibilities
Data Trustees
Data Trustees are senior college officials or their designees who have planning, policy-level and management responsibility for data within their functional areas.
Data Stewards
Data Stewards are college officials having direct operational-level responsibility for the management of one or more types of data. Data Stewards are assigned by the Data Trustee and are generally associate deans, associate vice presidents, directors or managers.
Data Managers
Data Managers are college officials who are responsible for day-to-day operational data collection and management, overseeing the life cycle of a particular set of institutional data. They have the authority from the Data Steward and/or Data Trustee to grant internal access to data for their functional area. Data Managers are generally managers of data systems or senior data analysts within business departments.
Data Consumers
Data Consumers are the individual college community members who have been granted access to college data in order to perform assigned duties or in fulfillment of assigned roles or functions at the college. This access is granted solely for the conduct of college business.
Data Classification
All College data is classified into levels of sensitivity to provide a basis for understanding and managing college data. Data is classified as public (low level of sensitivity), sensitive (moderate level of sensitivity), and restricted (highest level of sensitivity). More information about the College's is available in Information Technology's .