
Experiential Opportunities

A number of experiential fellowship opportunities are open to students, both those requiring institutional endorsement and direct-apply options. Explore the tables below to learn more.

Opportunities that Require Institutional Endorsement

Who can Apply?









Fulbright Grants for English Teaching Assistantships

A year abroad teaching English



Fulbright Grants for Study/Research

A year abroad engaged in study/research



Gaither Junior Fellows Program (previously the Carnegie Endowment Junior Fellowship)

One year full-time position as a research assistant in international affairs, globalization, nonproliferation and security affairs




 Watson Fellowships

One year of independent travel and study outside of the US 

A Sampling of Direct-Apply Options (learn about more options using databases)

Who can Apply?

Fellowship Description
Soph Jr Sr Alum



Places successful applicants in secondary schools throughout Austria as English as teaching assistants for one full academic year.


Boren Awards provide unique funding opportunities for graduate students to study in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East, where they can add important international and language components to their educations.

Boren Scholarship

Provide unique funding opportunities for US undergraduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to US interests and underrepresented in study abroad


CLS institutes provide fully funded, group-based, intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment experiences for seven to ten weeks for US citizen undergraduate and graduate students.


Offers a wide range of highly selective scholarships, grants, and fellowships in Germany for US and Canadian citizens.

Merit-based fellowships. Covers the full cost of language study from beginner to graduate in Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian at the Middlebury College Language Schools.

Offers the chance to spend seven to nine months teaching English to either elementary or secondary school children. 

Provides $15,000 to a graduating senior to support a year of meaningful public service anywhere in the world before going on to a career or graduate school. 


Programs for college graduates with an interest in Japan and a desire to learn more about the nation's culture to serve as an English teaching assistant in a Japanese public school.

Places graduating seniors and young alumni in a year-long service fellowship in Africa.

Provides a service and teaching assistant fellowship to countries such as Cambodia, China, Timor-Leste, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.


Places recent graduates with various NGOs in Latin America for a full-year fellowship.

Places graduating seniors and graduates in one of more than two dozen leading think tanks and advocacy groups in Washington, DC, for six to nine months to work on issues of arms control and nonproliferation, conflict prevention and resolution, defense budget, diplomacy, environmental and energy security, terrorism prevention, and other international security issues.


TaLK Scholars teach conversational English for one semester in rural Korean elementary schools. Program provides one-month orientation. No Korean language skills required. 

Provides internships in Washington, DC, to students interested in government.