
Event Technology Services

Event Technology Services (ETS) supports all event technology and is available to Faculty, Staff, Students.

All inquires for service should be submitted through CampusGroups when you reserve your event space.

Deadlines for ETS are as follows:

  • For all technology service requests in spaces where the equipment is already native to the room being booked we need to be notified no later than the Thursday before the week of your event;
  • For all technology services requests that require a tech to be present or for equipment to be set up we ask that you submit your request no later than two weeks before your event.

Note: Please take into account electrical needs and contact the electric shop to provide power for outside events.

A menu of available Event Tech Services equipment is below. You may add any of this equipment to any event space. Not all of this equipment is suitable for every space. ETS staff will make every effort to consult and make this equipment available to you. 

