

You and any covered family members at the time of your termination are eligible to elect continuation coverage through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).

Health, Dental and Vision Plans

Coverage for these plans ends as of the 1st of the month following your termination date or the date of a reduction in hours which results in a loss of benefits eligibility. COBRA allows you to continue your coverage uninterrupted for a period of up to 18 months by paying the full premium cost plus 2% in administrative fees. You have 60 days from the date your coverage ends to elect COBRA.

If the COBRA election form is completed and returned to the College's Cobra administrator within the 60 day window, your coverage is reinstated retroactively to the date it ended. If coverage is elected, billing information would then be sent to you by the College's Cobra administrator. The monthly 2024 COBRA costs are as follows:

Employee Only $1,094.50 $1,065.99 $914.05
Employee/Spouse $2,415.27  $2,352.35 $2,017.06
Employee/Child(ren) $1,754.88  $1,709.16  $1,465.55
Employee/Family $2,415.27 $2,352.35  $2,017.06
Employee Only $48.42 $7.61
Employee/One N/A $14.45
Employee/Spouse $94.82 N/A
Employee/Child(ren) $107.78 N/A
Employee/Family $161.17 $21.24

Special COBRA Election Period for Dependents

Covered dependents of employees can also elect COBRA continuation coverage for a period of up to 36 months if the loss of insurance is caused by death of the employee; divorce; or loss of dependent child status (child’s 26th birthday).

Medical and/or Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts

You can also elect to continue your Health Care Reimbursement Account through COBRA for the remainder of the calendar year. Eligible expenses must be incurred prior to or on your termination date. It is important to understand that should you elect COBRA, your monthly contributions will be made on an after-tax basis. With this in mind, if you have enough receipts to allow you to claim the funds already deducted from your pay prior to your termination date, you may decide not to elect COBRA continuation coverage. If, however, you anticipate difficulty in claiming funds already withdrawn from your pay and you anticipate future expenses within that same calendar year, this may be a way to extend the period of time during which you may incur eligible expenses.

Please Note: An eligible employee can rollover up to $610 of an unused Health Care Reimbursement Account into the following plan year. If an employee terminates employment any time during the plan year they will not be eligible for the rollover unless they elect COBRA for the remainder of the year and pay the COBRA contributions through the end of the year.

You have up to 60 days from your termination date to elect COBRA for your Health Care Reimbursement Account. If the election form is completed and returned to Human Resources within the 60 day window, your coverage is reinstated retroactively to the date it ended. If elected, monthly billing information will be sent to you by the College.

COBRA applies only to "health plans" (including medical, dental, vision, and medical reimbursement account plans). It does not apply to your Dependent Care Reimbursement Account. For a Dependent Care Reimbursement Account, however, you can continue to submit daycare expenses incurred during the remainder of the calendar year.