Q: Will next year’s budget be decreased if we underspend or increased if we overspend this year?
A: No.
Q: Where can I find budget information?
A: The budget is sent to chairs and coordinators as an Excel spreadsheet, normally during the summer. It is also available through the college’s accounting tool; your coordinator will know how to find current information. Saari Greylock will also have that information.
Q: How do I find out how much is left in the budget?
A: Check with your coordinator or use the accounting tool.
Q: How can I increase our departmental budget for next year?
A: If increases are allowed, that information will be on the budget worksheet. You must justify the need for any increase requested on the submitted budget.
Q: How do I make sure that the budget is spent at an appropriate rate?
A: Many departments have developed mechanisms for tracking their budgets on an ongoing basis, keeping track of expenditures for different courses, speakers, etc. Comparing expenditures by categories with spending at similar times in past years is a useful way of gauging rates of expenditure.
Q: Can I spend funds allocated for one item on another?
A: Within the Operating Budget, funds can be shifted between categories (eg, from supplies to travel). Funds in other budget lines cannot be shifted from the original request without approval of the Dean’s Office (contact Saari Greylock.)