Studying Habits for Success Students
Successful students have good study habits, such as:
- Try not to do too much studying at one time.
- Separate study topics.
- Plan specific times for studying.
- Try to study at the same times each day.
- Set specific goals for study times.
- Work on the most difficult assignment first.
- Say, “I will start something” instead of “I need to finish this”.
- Reward yourself after achieving a goal (dance and sing, listen to a podcast, call a friend).
- Plan the upcoming week on Thursday or Friday and include the weekend.
- Make sure you do some homework for each class at least every other day.
- Review, revise, and summarize class notes within 24 hrs.
- Take short breaks to restore mental energy (Pomodoro Technique).
- Find a space on campus where you can study best.
Study Spaces on Campus
Social Areas: Smith Union, Quad, Common Rooms in Dorms
Semi Social: 1st floor library, Druck Atrium
Semi Quiet: Baldwin Center in HL, Adams, Ladd, Gibson
Music Library, and Hubbard Reading Room (1st floor)
Quiet: 2nd & 3rd floor Kanbar, 6th floor Hubbard, Shannon Rm Hubbard, 3rd floor VAC, 6th floor Pickard Memorial Hall, Druckenmiller Hall, and Hatch Science Library
Adapted from Study Skills on .
- 5 Study Habits of Successful Students (PDF)
- Study Space on Campus (PDF)
- Self-Rewards (PDF)